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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Return of Old Symptoms with Sepia, Herpes

Over four years ago I contracted herpes from a person who I was dating and had a pretty serious initial outbreak. In the following year I had a few brief outbreaks, but I went without any for three years until just a few days ago. I thought the virus had gone away or been suppressed, but something seems to have brought it back.

A few nights ago I took a dose of Sepia 30c to treat some irritability/hot flashes that I was experiencing. The next day I began to develop a herpes sore in the same spot that the initial outbreak occurred. I know that Sepia is the main remedy for female genital herpes outbreaks. Could this outbreak be the return of old symptoms? If so, why would I be experiencing this now if I have taken Sepia in the past with no outbreaks?

Also, if it is the return of old symptoms sparked by my vital force releasing the virus, should I not take anything for to reduce or suppress the outbreak? I usually take high doses of Super Lysine and apply diluted tea tree oil to the ulcer.

I am really interested in studying homeopathy and I am trying to make sense of it all. I can see that the contraction of this STD and the emotional situation I was experiencing during and after left me with a pretty big wound to heal. I have been working on recognizing and ceasing to spin out my traumas and wounds. Perhaps this recent outbreak is a part of that healing process?

Thanks in advance for any input.
  BugArtemis on 2011-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is a good chance that Sepia may have created a return of old symptoms in this way. If so, this would be an excellent sign.

Each time you take a remedy it does something different. Homoeopathic medicines, when used correctly, are not like drugs in that they are creating a specific effect. They are instead, triggering the Vital Force into healing you, which means that anything can happen from any dose if it is needed.

Many times people will go through various traumatic events while under treatment.Each time it can be something new - physical, emotional, mental. Throughout this process the person becomes stronger and more healthy, and shouldn't need to re-experience those old symptoms again (unless they get suppressed instead of being allowed to come out.)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Brisbanehomoepath: Thanks for your reply and your explanation of what happens when old symptoms return. I will stop taking Lysine and treating it topically and let it come out without suppressing it. Thanks again.
BugArtemis last decade
In this case, do you continue taking the sepia until symptoms are gone or stop taking the sepia now that the outbreak has occurred?
Jen1980 6 years ago
Herpes is a viral infection and caused by a virus called herpes simplex. Herpes is of two types: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 causes cold sores and type 2 causes genital herpes. It is possible that a person may be suffering from either of the two types or both types simultaneously. The virus can lie dormant in the body for many years without producing any physical symptoms. Very few people know that they are suffering from the virus. The best way to deal with this virus is to boost up the immune system. You can try the natural products that have been provided by the nature. The natural products include the homeopathic nosodes, traditional herbs like hypericum mysorense, and nutritional supplements that help in boosting up the immune system.
james12hardly 5 years ago

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