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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Asthma - anyone please help me

I am a female, 50 years old.

1. Although I have not done an audiometry test, I feel that I do not always hear well. E.g. sometimes I may not hear the phone ring while the TV is on and will only hear it after someone tells me that the phone is ringing or I may even miss out hearing the doorbell.

2. Before I was diagnosed as asthmatic, I suffered from cold and cough every year which would last for several weeks and would end up with bronchitis. However, in the last 2 years before the asthmatic attack, I would have a daily bout of sneezing and running nose in the morning if on waking I walked on the floor with bare feet. Even putting my hands in running water made by nose run. The early morning cold air also make me sneeze or made my nose run. Subsequently, I was diagnosed as having asthma when about 10 years back I had a severe attack. Since then I have not had any attack though on a few rare occasions I have had to use the salbutamol inhaler when I felt that I was not getting enough oxygen in my lungs..generally when I had a cold. For the running nose and sneezing the doctor prescribed Betnesol and Cetrizine to be taken for a long time and I have not had these problems now for the last 5-6 years. I do not use perfumes as this is one of the triggers for the sneezing and running nose. Now, I feel due to asthma I get totally out of breath if I run for even 1 minute or climb more than 2-3 floors . My sense of smell also seems to have been somewhat affected.
  Attitude on 2008-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are there are practitioners of homeopathy out there who can help me? Appreciate a reply
Attitude last decade

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