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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sameer, I need your opinion and guidance to handle my daughter's eczema case

Hi Sameer
I need your help in guiding us to treat my daughter's eczema. Rishimba is handling her case on the other post and it will be great to have your opinion too. Looking forward to hear from you.
  ursraj on 2008-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following questions:

1./) How sensitive is the child ? Does she cry very easily ?

2./) How affectionate is she ? Does she crave for affection and physical contact like hugs/kisses ?
Does she return affection in any way ?

3./) How independent or dependent is the child ?

4./) Please describe the nature of the cradle cap suffered as an infant in terms of colour/texture.

5./) Please mention about any food cravings or aversions. Also mention about any food items that aggravate her.

6./) How about her weather preferences ?

7./) Does she perspire readily ? If yes, what body part , and when does she perspire the most ?

8./) How is her thirst and drinking pattern ?

9./) You mention, she is posessive about you, is it in general that she is posessive about everything ? Does she act selfishly as well ?

10./) What are her primary fears ?
sameervermani last decade
1./) How sensitive is the child ? Does she cry very easily ?
--She is very sensitive and relatively cries very easily. When she is in naughty/playful mood, she doesn't cry easily and at that time everything is fun for her even when she is pinched very hard.

2./) How affectionate is she ? Does she crave for affection and physical contact like hugs/kisses ?
Does she return affection in any way ?
--She is very affectionate and she likes physical affection. She reciprocates hugs and kisses with the same.

3./) How independent or dependent is the child ?
--Depends upon her mood.

4./) Please describe the nature of the cradle cap suffered as an infant in terms of colour/texture.
-- The cradle cap was of yellowish patches which used to turn dark brown. We used to comb her hairs and eventually she lost almost all her hairs because of cradle cap.

5./) Please mention about any food cravings or aversions. Also mention about any food items that aggravate her.
--She doesn't have any food allergy. As per her pediatrician's reccomendation, she did unergo a allergey test and she did fine there. She rarely eats green vegetables, ladyfingure is the only exception. Doesn't like lentils. In India we gave her some tonic to increase her appetite and during that time she was eating almost anything. She likes non-vegeterian specially egg-whites, chicken and fish.

6./) How about her weather preferences ?
--She behaves normally in all kind of weather but her eczema flares up if it is either too hot or cold.

7./) Does she perspire readily ? If yes, what body part , and when does she perspire the most ?
--She doesn't perspire. One of the possible reasons could be the life style here.

8./) How is her thirst and drinking pattern ?
--She drinks more water during the evening hours or night. On an average she drinks 16-18 oz of water and roughly 4oz of juice.

9./) You mention, she is posessive about you, is it in general that she is posessive about everything ? Does she act selfishly as well ?
--She is not possessive about everthing. She is not selfish as well. She is somewhat possessive about things that she likes and also she doesn't want interference when she plays with some things.

10./) What are her primary fears ?
--She is afraid of animals, birds and insects. Even a mention of lion/dog/cat scares her and man a times when she sees animals on TV she is scared.

Also, in my other post, I have mentioned all the medications that we have provided to her. Please go through it.

ursraj last decade
Okay, so is she difficult to distract from her desires?

Is she strong willed or is she mild/yielding ?

Can she keep playing independently with something for long ?

How much consolation/affection does she need when she is not feeling well ? Does it make her feel better?
sameervermani last decade
Also mention if the child is very emotional ? If possible give examples

Is she sympathetic to your pain or problems ? Is yes, give examples
sameervermani last decade
Also, tell me if she is ever-mindful of where the parent is, and that she the, child, is getting the attention and acknowledgement--the love ?
Is it so that as long as she can be perfectly content basking in the security of parental affection, she will be joyful and charming ?

Does she like to please people ?

And, can we describe her as gentle, yielding, affectionate, eager to please, dependent, emotional and very needy ?
sameervermani last decade
Okay, so is she difficult to distract from her desires?
-- It was easy to distract her earlier but with age its becoming difficult.

Is she strong willed or is she mild/yielding ?
-- She is not very strong willed.

Can she keep playing independently with something for long ?
-- She can keep playing alone for a long time specially when she is with either of us around. When we both are present then also she play alone long enough but her tendency is come back to us.

How much consolation/affection does she need when she is not feeling well ? Does it make her feel better?
-- When she is not feeling well then she mostly likes to be in our lap or in our arms for quiet a while. During night time when the rashes are too itchy for her and she looses sleep, then she wakes us up and ask her to scratch and after applying oil/moisturizers she generally comes back to me after crying for a while to sleep.

She is very emotional. If her doll falls down she starts crying. She used to go to park and slide. Now a days when she goes to park but doesn't slide. If someone else is using that slide then she complains about it to her mom.

She is not very sympathetic to pains. Whenever her mom she says that she has hurt her hand or legs and asks her to kiss, she will kiss her there. If my wife complains about her problems then she also starts complaining the same.

Well it depends upon where she is. Is she is amongst the people she regularly meets with and there are kids around, then she plays with them and not very mindful of us being present around her but one of us should be visible to her. Yes, this is generally true that she feels more comfortable when her parents are around. When she is uncomfortable, then it really doesn't matter much when we are around, even then she cries a lot.

She doesn't do anything as such to please people.

She is not on the extreme side of any emotions or behaviour.

Most of the times she is gentle, yielding, affectionate. When she craves for affection and love, she will do all sorts of things to trouble us until she gets it.

Now a days, she cries a lot when we apply moisturizers. She is okay when we apply oil. But when we apply oil, her rashes gets reddish and more itchy.
ursraj last decade
Okay then, just 3 doses of Pulsatilla 6c, to be given for one day only as follows:

Dissolve 2 pellets of Pulsatilla 6c in a 250 ml spring water bottle. You can shake it gently after they have dissolved.

Give her a capful from this bottle 3 times in one day, spaced by 2 hours. This is to be done for one day ONLY.

Let me know in 5 days after these 3 doses.


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.
7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I've pulsatilla 9C with me. I had bought it as suggested by Rishimba. Is it okay to use it instead of 6C? Please suggest. Is mineral water ok or I should get spring water only?
ursraj last decade
Any normal bottled mineral water is ok as long as it is plain water and has no additives.

Go ahead with 9C. Do not repeat any more doses after 3.
sameervermani last decade
Thanks Sameer.
I will give her the doses tomorrow and let you in know in 5 days. Her rashes got aggravated after we gave her ARS ALB 12C but for last couple of weeks we have not given her any medicine. So I believe pulsatilla will have no negative impact on her already aggravated rashes.
ursraj last decade
That will not happen with the right dosage. There has been indiscriminate over dosage in your daughter's case, and by the way, Tuberculinum 1M (a remedy which is extremely deep acting) is not something I would even think of right now for the following reasons:

a) Miasmatic nosodes like Tuberculinum are only given after all the indicated remedies (of that miasm) have been tried and have failed, or there has been partial progress with every well chosen remedy, or the case seems to be stuck, where there is no totality pointing to a particular remedy. This is most certainly not the case here.

b) A 1M is an extremely high potency to be starting a case at and can result in horrible aggravations

Good luck,
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Happy Deepawali!
Here is the update on my daughter. Her dryness has improved but she has rashes on her joints, back of the neck and face. Her rashes tend to increase during evening hours going into the night. In the last 5 nights we couldn't sleep 3 nights because her rashes were itchy and she kept scratching.
ursraj last decade
Dear ursraj,

Let us wait for 2 more days and then, do the following:

Dissolve 1 pellet of Pulsatilla 30c in 500 ml mineral water, and give her just 1/2 teaspoon from there.

Restrictions above still hold.

Report in 1 week after this.

sameervermani last decade
I got the Pulsatilla 30C and will give it to her as you said. What should we do with the rest of the medicine(mineral water)? Also, we noticed she had dry scalps at some places.
ursraj last decade
Throw the rest away.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I just want to make sure that we have to give her 1/2 teaspoon and just once?

ursraj last decade
Yes, and shake it gently after the pill has dissolved.

Also, make sure about the restrictions above.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Yesterday, I gave medicine to my daughter as per your suggestion. I will report you back in a week.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
Just wanted to quickly update you on my daughter's rashes. Today the weather got little cold here and her rashes also increased. The rashes are mostly on joints and wrist area. I will update you more once one week period is over.

ursraj last decade
Okay let us wait for 3 more days, and then re-assess.

If it does not improve, we will go to the second remedy that I have in mind.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I know its a day early but I am updating you keeping in mind that if we need to give her a new medicine, it may take a day or more depending upon the availability at a local store.

Her rashes are coming back again. I don't know whether I mentioned to you, earlier she used to have mostly dry itchy skin but after adminstering Ars Alb, they are more granular in nature and they are itchy too. Sometimes we notice dryness too.

Most of the times, I've seen homeopaths recommending 2-3 pellets of some potency 2-3 times a day. How a dose of one pellet diluted in 500 ml mineral water work? I just want to know for my better understanding of homeopathy.

ursraj last decade
Medicines work better (as they come into contact with more nerve endings) and gentler in water. There is no amount of medicine which is small enough to not annihilate the disease to at least some extent. Homeopathic medicines are extremely dilute medicines. There is not even a single molecule of the original substance in potencies beyond 12c. e.g. A 30 c is a dilution of the order of 100^(30), and hence your normal intution about diluting something to make it weaker does not apply here.

In skin diseases one has to be very careful with dosage otherwise you will see aggravations like the one that happened with Arsenic.

Was there any mental changes or any other changes that you noticed with her after Pulsatilla ?
sameervermani last decade
Thank you Sameer for explaining it to me.

We have not noticed much change since we have given her pulsatilla. Since we have given her the last dose, the rashes have increased and she didn't have a continuous sleep during night. I am not sure whether it was because of medicine or because of changes in weather.

On mental side also, we didn't notice any change. She is as playful as she used to be. She will do anything to command attention and if she needs me to be with her, she will keep troubling me, no matter how I react, until I am with her mentally and physically.
ursraj last decade
Let us wait for 1 more week, then, and then we will take it from there.

Update me in 1 week. I think it is too soon to change medicine as the indications for the remedy in what you just wrote are very strong.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I'm posting today because her rashes has flared up today and the nature of rashes appear to be same when they increased after we gave her ARS ALB. Can non-veg contribute to her rashes?

ursraj last decade

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