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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sameer, I need your opinion and guidance to handle my daughter's eczema case Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Sameer
I'm posting today because her rashes has flared up today and the nature of rashes appear to be same when they increased after we gave her ARS ALB. Can non-veg contribute to her rashes?

ursraj last decade
Please keep waiting, it might be the remedy aggravating before curing.

We must wait for 1 more week, to be sure.

Slowly and surely is the way to proceed.
sameervermani last decade
Ok Sameer
I will update you in a week. If I observe any sudden changes in between then I will post it here.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
Her rashes are almost as they were one week ago with a slight improvement. Her dryness and itchiness are also same.

ursraj last decade
Dear ursraj,

Please give her 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 30c at 1 hour gap.

Dissolve 2 pellets in 250 ml water, and 1 teaspoon from here is 1 dose.

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Do the previous restrictions and rules apply? Like, she should eat nothing 40 mnts before the medicine and after taking the medicine.

ursraj last decade
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Her rashes increased next day after giving her Calcarea Carb.Rest of the days, her rashes kept on coming and going. This morning her rashes increased drastically. The rashes on her face appears to be persistent this time. Also, when we gave her Ars Alb, her rashes aggravated in her left arm. Now, whenever her rashes aggravate, they always re-appear.

Since last week, we have also noticed her coughing during night while sleeping.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
What should we do next? Her rashes have not improved and it appears to be increasing only. Also, here cold is increasing and probably that aggravating her rashes as well.

Also, now a days she almost cries for no reason. Earlier she used to be scared of animals/birds which had improved but she is again getting frightened of those things even when she sees them in TV.

ursraj last decade
Dear ursraj,

Please give her 3 doses of PHOSPHORUS 30c at 30 mins gap.

The dosing procedure is same as Calcarea.

Report in 1 week.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
We gave her the dosage as suggested by you. Like previous medicines, her rashes increased the next day and after that it reduced. Her rashes on her cheeks are not going away. The skin color on the back of neck has become darker. Her skins are dry on neck, shoulders and wrists. Now a days she scratches her heads a lot specially during night. Also, the cold has increased here now a days.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
She has rashes on the back of her ears as well.

ursraj last decade
How about her fear of animals and birds ?

How about her causeless crying ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Her causeless crying is the same. Her fear of animals and birds is slightly less.
ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
Yesterday, the rashes flared up on her face and it has happened after a very long time. Last night, she was scratching her head very badly. What should we do, please suggest.

ursraj last decade
Hi ursraj,

I will respond to this by the weekend.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I am still waiting for your response.

ursraj last decade
Dear ursraj,

Will analyze this soon.

I somehow forgot to respond to this in the flurry of posts.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
I really appreciate your time and effort that you are putting in my daughter's case. I do understand that you are helping so many people on this forum in addition to your personal responsibilities and things might get delayed. I am prepared to wait. Please do let me know if you need any more information to further analyze her case.

Thanks and regards
ursraj last decade
Dear Ursraj,

Please give her 3 doses of SILICEA 30c equally spaced by 30 mins.

Dosing procedure is same as before.

Report in 10 days.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Yesterday, we gave her the dosage as per your suggestion. We will update you in 10 days on her response to it.

ursraj last decade
Okay, good luck
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer
Her scalp has got more drier and itchy. We can see white flaky skin on her head. Her skin is dry and itchy behind the neck. Her forehead, cheek, neck and chin area also is same. It seems that during daytime or when she is awake and busy playing then she is fine. Her dryness and itchiness increases during night and mostly while sleeping. For the past few weeks its been pretty cold here. I am not sure whether the dryness is more because of the weather or effect of the medicines. Also, we are noticing her dry scalp since last few months only.

ursraj last decade
Hi Sameer
I forget to mention one change in her behaviour in the last few weeks. Whenever she is asked to do certain things, rather than saying no, she simply says that her particular body part is hurting (that will be used to do that work) like, if we ask her to walk and she does not want to walk then she simply says that her legs are hurting.

ursraj last decade
I will get back to this soon. I am out of town and have not had the chance to analyze this yet.
sameervermani last decade
Okay so, I think there is some thing we are ignoring here completely.

Tell me what all homeopathic medicines has she had, before starting treatment with me, and how many doses, what potency.. etc..

I suspect there is some proving that she is carrying from a remedy.
sameervermani last decade

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