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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

is there cure for fistula in homeopathy?

hi all drs
i have multipal fistula i have it for long time its get fill with puss and then puss discharge .most of the time puss discharge inside but it discharge out side too i dont get any fever or any thig elese.i also have bad stomach.like in the morning i have to go the bathroom 3 to 4 time and i get lose motin .please help me with these problems .i am 44 year old
  imran655 on 2008-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i want to add some thing this fistula i have is anal fistula
imran655 last decade
Try nux vomica 30c once daily for 14 days.
Zahid)2 last decade
thank you mr zahid i have try this medison while ago for about two monts with other homeo madison but it did not work.only
imran655 last decade
please state the current position
1. Is puss is draining?
2. Is pus is stopped?
3. Is there any blood in it?
4. Where is the origin of the fistula, whether inside rectum or outside?
5. Waht medicine you have used before this.
6. Is pus is coming with pain, itching etc.?

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
right now i am taking silicia 200 tree drops in the monrning and paeonia off 200 in the eveningand myristica seb 1m once a week
dr told me to ge 10 m but i culd not find so i am using 1m
before this i was taking silicia 30 nexvomica 30 acidum netricu 30 graphit 30 every medison once a day
with both medison i felt better upeer medison i have been still taking bottom one i took for more then two months i do not get as much puss because of these medison but if i quit taking i will get puss .i get little i beleve and some time its come out from out side some time i bleave from in side out side located on the left butt use to be on the left hand side now its is in the lettle back side .if i get too much puss then blood come after puss .puss does not come with pain feel better after puss gone .when puss still inside then its pain full
imran655 last decade
Since you are already under treatment of a homopath therefore, it is not possible for me to interfere. Please contact your dr. and discussed your situation with him from time to time.

wish you good health.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
hello dr mahfooz
one of the dr was from pakistan and other was from this site but i never get asnser from any of them
imran655 last decade
I think It is better for you to stop all the medicine for atleast for a month and then come up with latest position for treatment. The medicine you have taken are in high potencies and these works for long time.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
wouldn't know if u are interested, but in ayurveda they have a very effective form of surgery for fistula
zombie last decade
first of all i dont know ayurveda and i am not intrested eather
imran655 last decade
dr mahfooz please tell me what is your opinion
imran655 last decade
need solid answer
imran655 last decade
dear imran,

I have already given you my opinion in he above post.
Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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