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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

high blood pressure 240

1. What is your chief complaint (CC)? HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE going up recently to 240 even with medication. I get worried about it, and my pulse is very low around 43. At times I feel tired and weak, as I am usually very active and a brisk walker. I am in my seventies, but physically active and alert. Before I was feeling cold, but now its seems better.
What medications are you taking at present? Allopathic meds.
Motoprolo 50mg 2 times a day
Lisinopril 20mg. 3 times a day
Amlodipine Bes (generic Norvase) 10mg – once daily
Levothyroxine .1mg. once daily
Aspirin 20mg once daily

2. When did this problem begin? A few years back, but now it is very high as much as 240/ What happened in
your life around that time? My husband and I were planning on going on vacation to Mexico and then my husband decided to postpone it for a while. Afterwards, my BP went up What do you think
caused it? But, I do not think that was the reason…as I just been having a blood pressure for a long time….The allopathic Drs. Said they would control it to bring it down with meds…..I wound up in the hospital as my BP was over 200. They did an arteriogram, and found some blockage of around 40% around my heart.
3. What aggravates the CC and what brings it on? Whenever I am upset, with someone criticizing me or contradicting me, or telling me what to do, or butting in. What does it make you do to try to feel better? When I check my blood pressure and it is down…..When all people around me are happy….
4. At what time of the day or night is the CC the
worst? Specify an hour if you can. Different times….not specific
5. What symptoms can you identify that accompany
the CC Cannot notice symptoms that accompany

6. Environment:,Do not know why, but I did better in Mexico vacation, as I visit my daughter and her husband who live on the beach. and which ones cause discomfort and distress? Too hot weather.

7. What position is most uncomfortable for you? Lying down

8. a)Do you tend to be chilly or warm? warm Are there parts of your body that are colder or warmer than the rest of you? Not really
Is there a special time of day or night when they are colder or warmer?colder in early morning before getting out of bed.
b) Do you perspire a great deal? No
9. Describe what your tongue looks like. Cracked quite a bit, but deeper cracks towards the tip….color is a good dark pink

10. What do you worry about?My daughter in the hospital after an amputation, How do you deal with
worries? Pray
11. How do you keep your house/your desk/your room/your study/your bathroom? Average, but with clutter in overstuffed closets and drawers, and cabinets
12. How easily do you cry? Not enough In what situations? sad
13. When you are upset, what do you do to help yourself feel better?go out shopping even if I do not need anything
14. What makes you angry? People trying to run my life… What do you do when you're angry? Argue a bit and or get out
15. Do you have an emotion that predominates; such as anger, depression, irritability, anxiety, jealousy, joy...or possibly two emotions that tend to alternate predictably? Depression and anger.
16. What fears do you have? Losing a loved one, not being healthy
17. What have been the most difficult circumstances in your life? When my mother died, and having a mastectomy after cancer How did you cope? Cried, and talked about it.
18. What are the greatest joys you have had in
your life? When I got married and had my 5 children – becoming a grandmother -
19. What was your childhood like? Happy, lived in the country setting
20. What bothers you most in other people? When they make mistakes and reject God How,
if at all, do you express it?
21. What causes the most problems in your relationships? Lack of communication.
22. Do you have any recurring dreams? no
23. What would you need to feel happy? Good health and travel
24. What do you do for work? retired Ideally, what would
you like to do? travel
25. If you were made President for a day, what would you change?no war,help all the poor.
26. When people have criticized you, what were they complaining about? Decisions I make for myself. Similarly, when people have praised you, what did you receive praise for? Creativity, that I treat people good
27. What would you like to change most about
yourself? More Education, play an instrument well,

28. How do you feel before, during and after
meals?before meals, I feel pretty hungry ( I am not overweight)…during the meal, I am quiet and eat enjoying it. After the meal I feel more relaxed and full. How do you feel if you go without a
meal? I almost never go without a meal, and if one is late, I am weak and anxious to eat.
29. What would you most like to eat (if you did
not have to consider calories, fat, anything
you've read about the right way to eat)? Fish and Steak
30. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat? Liver, chocolate
What foods do you react badly to, and in what
way? I get some gas from beans.
31. How much do you drink in a day? Include
sodas, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and 6 glasses
alcoholic beverages as well as water. How
thirsty do you tend to get? not muchWhat temperature would you like your drinks to be? Medium cold

32. How is your sleep? Not good at all since for years….esp. waking up very early.
33. Do you do anything during sleep? (speak,
laugh, shriek, toss about, grind your teeth, drool, snore, walk, talk, etc.) NO
34. Do you have trouble falling asleep?sometimes
What keeps you awake? don’t know.
Do you wake always at a certain time? Different times…sometimes 2 am or 4 am or 5 am….just too early.
What causes you to wake up ? do not know….no reason. What position do you sleep in? right side.

35. 5 pregnancies, 5 live births
number of miscarriages, number of abortions none
36. At what age did your menses begin? 15 yrs. If you
have gone through menopause, at what age? 58
37. How frequently do they (or did they) come? Every 30 days
38. What about their duration, abundance, colour,
time of day when flow is greatest; any odour
or clots? 3days…no clots till menapause
39. How do you (did you) feel before, during and
after menses? Bloated, some cramps

40. What medications are you taking at present?
Motoprolo 50mg 2 times a day
Lisinopril 20mg. 3 times a day
Amlodipine Bes (generic Norvase) 10mg – once daily
Levothyroxine .1mg. once daily
Aspirin 20mg once daily
41. How frequently do you get colds and flus? Once or twice a yr.
42. Have you had any childhood illnesses twice,
or in a very severe form, or after puberty? Tonsilectomy and then right afterwards Rheumatic fever at 14 yrs. old
43. Have you had any vaccinations since the
standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an
adverse or unusual reaction to a vaccination?Tetanus, and yearly flu shot
44. Have you had any surgery? What and when? Foot surgery over 30 yrs ago, Mastectomy in 1990. Tonsils at age 14
45. Have you had at any time (mention year):
warts, cysts, Polyps, or tumors? Where were they located? How were they treated? No

46. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal,
vaginal, etc.)? What is the color, consistency? no

47. a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of
medications than most other people? Not sure
b) Do you need less anaesthesia than others,
or have a hard time coming out of it? average
c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs
and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins? no
d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhuast,
dry cleaning fluid, fragrances etc.? a little to paint, and exhaust

48. Family history: Mention diseases, causes
and ages of deaths of father, mother,
sisters, brothers and grandparents on both
sides. Mother died of hardening of the arteries at age of 65…, and father died of cancer of the liver at age 82.
Brothers and sister died of cancer of pancreas, heart attack and diabetes all over the age of 71

49. Construct a time line: Mention from birth
on to the present day, all IMPORTANT events
(emotional and physical traumas,
heartbreaks, divorces, work-related events,
diseases or traumas your mother had while
being pregnant with you, family stress,
death in the family or of friends,
disappointment, etc.) Mention the symptoms
experienced at those moments or which you
can date to those traumas.
My sister died at the age of one year old

50. When you stand in line at the bank or supermarket, how do you feel? fine
51. When your family member was last sick, what did you do? Visited her, prayed for her, baked cookies for the nurses.
52. How is your sexual energy? FINE.
53. How do you react to consolation .fine, I accept it.
54. What part of your life do you have the most difficulty coping with. When my husband was in the hospital and they took his tonsils out when he was 32 yrs. Old.
55. What are your hobbies? All kinds of crafts, like sewing, crochet, embroidery.
  San Blas Bird on 2008-11-15
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