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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son has bad stomach flu Sameer, help

Hi Sameer, as I mentioned in my other post I wanted to get your thoughts on what to give my son for his stomach flu.

He is 15 years old. The same night we returned from vacation he threw up at about 2 in the morning. That was Saturday night. Sunday he had a fever of about 100 degrees F. The fever broke later that day and Monday he seemed to be doing a little better, still just very nauseous and with a headache. Today his headache is better, but his stomach is still nauseous and he had been having diarrhea. He's able to drink liquids, but even small amounts of food are hard to take.

Any thoughts of what to give to get rid of this thing? Or at least speed it along?

Thanks so much for your help :)
  plken on 2009-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please describe the modalities, his normal behaviour, behaviour during this episode, what makes him better, what makes him worse, time of the day when the condition improves/aggravates.

e.g. What is the effect of heat or cold ? What is the effect of open air ? What is the effect of sleeping ?
sameervermani last decade
Well, I would say that normally he is very calm,quiet, of a mild nature. He prefers reading books to watching TV. He eats regularly, but I would say that he's more of a grazer, rather than one of those teenagers who eats a whole pizza at one sitting. He loves fruits and cheeses.

Since getting this flu he has slept a lot, maybe 12-14 hours a day. Very lethargic and desiring company a little more than he usually does when he gets sick. He feels worse when standing up, better in the morning after sleeping and worse as the day goes on. He is preferring cooler air. We're not sure about the effect of open air since he pretty much hasn't left the couch or his room since Saturday.

He has a desire to eat, but doesn't feel like he can handle it. His mood is pretty good and there are times in the early evening when you would think he's gotten over it and doesn't appear to be sick, only for the nauseua and/or headache to return later in the evening.

Hope that's enough info. Perhaps he will be feeling better on his own by tomorrow, but so far we've just had ups and downs with it, so I don't have my hopes up.
plken last decade
I am a bit confused by

'He feels... better in the morning after sleeping and worse as the day goes on.'

'His mood is pretty good and there are times in the early evening when you would think he's gotten over it and doesn't appear to be sick, only for the nauseua and/or headache to return later in the evening. '

So, is he worse in the evenings or is he better ? Please give exact time ranges if possible
sameervermani last decade
Also, talk about his drinking pattern during the sickness. How much water does he drink and how often ?

Also, is he decidedly worse from motion and better from rest ?
sameervermani last decade
Sorry, that is a bit confusing. He feels better in the morning upon rising , then worse midday, better around supper time (between the hours of 5-8 perhaps), then worse before bed.

He is definitely worse from motion. And he is drinking quite a bit of water-several glasses a day, plus small amounts of juice.

Hope that clarifies it. He is in bed now so I'll do my best to answer any other questions on my own.
plken last decade
Can you please describe his general temperament a bit more, especially any fears, odd habits, his level of affection, and emotional level.
sameervermani last decade
He has a very hard time expressing emotion,or admitting mistakes. He will hold things in to the point where it causes him physical discomfort through tension. He is easygoing and hates confrontation. Anything out of his ordinary routine makes him very uncomfortable. He is very generous with money and typically nurturing to others, as well as enjoying being nurtured himself.He has general twitches and is relatively stiff in his movements. I can't say as I know any fears that he has, although he has been having dreams of dying lately.
plken last decade
And, is he by nature very honest, sincere and ethical ?

Does he prefer to follow a set of rules ?
sameervermani last decade
That is somewhat of a difficult question. He is not typically very honest especially when it comes to owning up to mistakes. I think he is generally sincere. And I'm not sure how to answer the ethics question. He is quick to point out what is ethical and to make a show of being so, but when he thinks no one is around will pretty much do what he feels like doing regardless of the ethics of the situation. And he does follow a set of rules, but they are always his own. He has always been that way. If you want him to do something you have to convince him that it's what he wants to do. He is very set to his own way of thinking and doing things.
plken last decade
And, can you explain more about the confrontation issue ?

Does he brood over reprimands or rudeness shown to him ?
sameervermani last decade
If someone has a difference of opinion with him, even over something minor, like where to go to eat, he will not stand behind his opinion. He would rather sacrifice what he prefers than to stand up for it.

Yes, absolutely he broods over reprimands and rudeness shown to him. And even when reprimanded he will not change his way of thinking or what he has done. He will appear to accept the reprimand at the time, but it has not changed him and he is likely to do the same thing again because he feels he is right in doing so. He will just silently take the reprimand but you can tell he is seething about it and it takes an act of congress to get it out of him how he really feels.
plken last decade
Please give him 3 doses of Kali carb 30 in the exact same manner as your own doses.

Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that you were absolutely right on with the Kali Carb. He felt terrible about 10 minutes after taking the remedy with bad stomach pains. But the next morning he was up and feeling all better and in a great mood. Thanks so much!
plken last decade
Good to know :)

This would help him in the long run as well :)

Update me with his mental changes in about 2 weeks from now.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Here is an update on my son's mental changes.

He felt great, very cheerful and in an upbeat mood for several days after taking the remedy, but then slowly went back down hill.

Since then he has been very moody. Often depressed and still, even as he admits, having a very hard time expressing himself and his emotions. He has a lot of guilt and yet continues to be headstrong in his thinking, unwilling to change. If you ask him a question about why he did something it is almost as if there is a skip in his brain, like a broken record. He will respond 'because I ....because I....because I ....because I....'

The best way I can think of to describe it is like a merry go round spinning out of control in his mind. It's like he is trying to grab a thought as it goes flying by.

He also continues to have muscle twitches which concern me because of his having seizures when he was younger. It's like his body is desperately trying to find some way to release the tension.

Thanks for your ongoing support, Sameer. I'll be anxious to hear your thoughts.
plken last decade
It is time for the 200c dose of Kali Carb.

Dissolve 1 pellet in 120 ml water, and give just 1 tea=spoon from there ONCE.

Report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
Funny, I thought you might say that...

I just got the call that the store has received it so I will give it to him within the next couple of days and then update you in a week

In the meantime I have a question for my husband. I will start another post. Thanks again.
plken last decade
Well, now my son has the cold/flu that my husband has had. Should I go ahead and give him the 200c or is there something else you would suggest? So far his symptoms are stuffiness, but it is only the first day and it started the same way with my husband.

We seem to be just rotating illnesses here. Guess it's just that time of year. Your thoughts are much appreciated, Sameer.
plken last decade
I would need more symptoms than just 'stuffiness' to think of an acute remedy :)

Please give more information.
sameervermani last decade
So far, that's all I have because he has been at my mother's for the weekend. I'll update you when he comes home. Thanks
plken last decade
Well, this seems to be just a passing head cold with him, so we're content to let it pass. I was really just curious to know if you thought it would be better to let it pass completely or can I go ahead and give him his does of Kali 200?

By the way-my husband is all better. Thanks :)
plken last decade
I think you can go ahead with the dose then.

Good to know about your husband :)

You might want to update his thread. That way, the information is recorded at the correct place for future reference.
sameervermani last decade
Something you said, Sameer, in the other thread got me to thinking. You talked about the slow rewind of symptoms.

When my son was 8 and he had seizures he was cured with a single dose of Cuprum 30c. He had one awful seizure after the dose and then they slowly declined in frequency and severity after that.

Is is possible that a symptom cured by a remedy could later be induced once again by a remedy?

I am asking because he is about to taking driving lessons and so obviously seizures are a concern. If he were to have one now it could have profound consequences on the rest of his life.

What do you think?
plken last decade
I do not expect something that drastic to return.

And, the symptom was cured through a single dose of a homeopathic remedy and not suppressed.

It is normally the physical ailments especially at places where discharges can happen and the ones which were suppressed in some way which tend to return.
sameervermani last decade
Very good to know. Thanks!
plken last decade

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