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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son has bad stomach flu Sameer, help Page 3 of 3

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sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

We gave my son his Kali LM1 dose about a month and a half ago. It's been a very busy month, but I should have updated sooner. Anyway, I can't say that we have seen any results from it. He still is very tense, and is not expressing his emotion very much. The past few days he seems very aggravated and easily annoyed. He even appears to be withdrawing from his friends a little. He is also being very independent, not wanting others to interfere with whatever he is doing.
He is still getting his heart flip flops. He checked out fine with the cardiologist after an EKG and an ultrasound.
We also found that his good cholesterol was way down and so was his vitamin D levels.

Overall he seems to be internalizing everything and withdrawing and also be very melancholy.

Hoping for your direction on what to do next.Thanks
plken last decade
Just single LM1 dose cannot tell the results.

Please form a current list of symptoms.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
I'm finally getting back to you with that list of symptoms.

This is the list my son composed himself:

-irritability. Gets annoyed very easily.

-sensitive stomach. Has nausea especially with strong foods like pesto and the like. Eats a lot of fruit smoothies.

-Heart palpitations. Randomly come and go. Sometimes he notices an increase with even minor confrontational issues like answering the phone

-Headaches. Mostly near the nape of his neck

-not gaining weight. He is not hungry a lot of the time.

Added to that list are my observations:

-very tense muscles, often twitching.

-melancholy, even around his friends.

-procrastination. This has sort of always been an issue, but I noticed it more recently . He seems to just want to put everything off and just veg out. He mentioned the other day that he is a little scared that this is his senior year of school and he doesn't know how his life will be after school. i.e. will he get a job, a car, move away in a couple of years. I'm wondering if it's this fear that is bringing out his procrastination even more.

I think that is all for now. I will update you if I can think of anything else. Thanks for your hard work :)
plken last decade
I just thought of something else. He is constantly fidgeting. Usually it's his knee bouncing up and down, but if it's not that it's always something else. Biting his nails, cracking his knuckles etc.
plken last decade
Will respond in a few days. Remind me if I forget.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer, just a reminder as requested :)
plken last decade
What is the cause of this --> 'melancholy, even around his friends. ', is he dwelling over some past events ? If so, what is it ?
sameervermani last decade
I think it really started when he put an end to relationship with a girl that he started to have mixed feelings about. I'm not really sure...I know he was acting that way a few weeks before that had happened, so maybe it was brewing in him.

He is also definitely avoiding subjects that are at all deep. If you ask him a question about what is going on, or his feelings about something he will answer it, but change the subject quickly.
plken last decade
Where does the twitching occur ? When does it occur ?

Also, in general is he a very introverted person, who dwells and broods over past disagreeable occurrences ?
sameervermani last decade
The twitching is all over his body, and is constant. It is not visible, but if he touch him, hold his hand etc you can feel his muscles involuntarily moving.

Yes, he is a very introverted person. And I think he does brood, mostly silently. In general he tries not to think of the past, but I think he more or less just shoves his feelings about it deep down. When you catch him in an emotional moment he may bring up a past event that has been bothering him.
plken last decade
Have you ever given him Natrum Mur ?
sameervermani last decade
I'm not totally sure. We may have years ago, but I'm not positive.
plken last decade
Please give him another dose of Kali-c LM1 before we decide to move on.

Give 8 HARD thumps to Kali-c LM1 bottle on your palm, then take 3 drops out from the Kali-c LM1 bottle in 120 ml spring water,stir with a spoon and give him a teaspoon from there ONCE.Throw the rest of the 120 ml away. Preferably use a disposable cup and spoon for this process.

Report whenever you see a change or in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
It has been almost 2 weeks since the Lm1 dose. We have definitely seen some results. I should have updated you sooner but things have been crazy here.

He took the dose on a Wednesday morning and by that evening he was being very aggressive and temperamental. He got very upset when being told what to do when he was driving. During the next day he said he was still feeling temperamental but by the evening you couldn't have any kind of conversation with him without it turning into some kind of joke and he would just laugh and kid around.

He stayed pretty steady for about a week and then he went through another angry stage. He said he feels like he's been trying to control his anger all his life because he doesn't like it when people lose their temper. But now he is feeling all that rage and he can't keep it down anymore. He's never liked any strong show of emotion, positive or negative and now he feels an internal force to let it out.

We talked for quite some time and he said he felt better, but that his anger was just at the surface.

Physically he says his stomach is still sensitive but he is trying to ignore it so that he can eat something. His weight remains pretty much the same. He also mentioned a feeling in the middle of his spine, deep down that feels like a bee sting.

I think we've made some major strides emotionally with this remedy. What do you think?
plken last decade
You can give another dose now.

Give 8 HARD thumps to Kali-c LM1 bottle on your palm, then take 3 drops out from the Kali-c LM1 bottle in 120 ml spring water,stir with a spoon and give him a teaspoon from there ONCE.Throw the rest of the 120 ml away. Preferably use a disposable cup and spoon for this process.
sameervermani last decade
Also, if you do not have it , please have Kali-C LM2 and LM3 at hand.

30 ml teat dropper bottles.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer

It has been 5 days since my son's last dose. As usual, that evening he became very temperamental. He was expressing a lot of anger over even minor occurrences. He says he is feeling frustrated at feeling like he's always doing something wrong. He is getting very angry when corrected and slamming things around. He says he feels like he just can't hold it in any longer.

He calmed down over the next couple of days but now he is mostly just keeping to himself even around his friends. He has been getting a lot of aggression out with exercise.

Friday night around 12:30 he said he felt this overwhelming sense of adrenaline and self awareness like he could feel every movement in his body and his vision went dim.

This expression of anger seems to be good because we have always felt that he has had it inside but has bottled up.
plken last decade
Hi plken,

Let us wait and watch for 1 more week.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

It has been a while, but here is an update.

His muscle twitches and tensity seems to be better. He has also been exercising a lot which seems to help. He continues to be very expressive with his emotions, although mostly just in private. He is having trouble with an abundance of anger though. He has been having difficulties with a couple of his friends and his attitude is 'screw them-I don't need them'. But in reality he does and he doesn't want to confront the situation with them. He talks very openly about it with us though, which I feel is a great improvement. He tends to get mad at people instead of situations and he gives up easily on them.

No negative physical conditions to report other than the occasional aversion to rich foods(it can make him nauseous.)
plken last decade
When someone offends him, does he continue being on talking terms with that person, or he cuts off contact ?
sameervermani last decade
He has the tendency to cut them off. It's only with our guidance that he maintains the friendship.
plken last decade
Please shed light on the following topics:

1) How do he feel for the 30 mins after he wakes up in the morning ? Any irritability or anger on waking ?

2) Is he a chilly person or a warm blooded one ?

3)Has he ever had any of these:

Mouth ulcers
Cracked skin at orifices like corners of the mouth
Swollen Gums
Any other complaints related to mouth (corners), nose and anus ?

4) His liking or disliking for fatty foods ?
sameervermani last decade
1. He is generally in a good mood when he wakes up. It takes him a half hour or so to acclimate to the day.

2. Warm blooded. He often forgets coats, hats, gloves even when it is extremely cold.

3. No complaints in any of those areas.

4. He has a strong aversion to fats of almost all kinds. They often make him nauseous.
plken last decade
Hi plken,

Time for 3 doses of Natrum Muriaticum 30c, and report back in 10 days.
sameervermani last decade

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