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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Protect from Swine Flu - Dr. Deoshlok Sharma Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dr. deoshlok sharma, i have a confussion about dose for over 15 years old,
i have two questions:
(1.) what will the counting of drop in one dose of influenzium-200 and thuja for more then 15 years old people?

(2.)and after one week,should i take one-one dose together early in the morning in every sunday of the dose of influenzium 200 and thuja?

and one more question:
i am a healthy and full fit man and scare to this disease, should i take this for safty?

chandan kr
chandankumar198885 last decade

Dr Deoshlok hardly ever answers any question on here. Mostly
he does information threads.

One takes a remedy when one is sick- the remedy is chosen based
on the symptoms of the patient. Each person could have a different
remedy that would work on them.

If people are ill, put your case on here and someone will help you.

At the first sign of any cold or flu- meaning the first 24 hours,
one can take Ferrum Phos 6x, cell salt. 4 tabs, 4 times a day.
It boosts the immune system and it works only when taken
at the start- it then kicks out the illness so it just does not

I would not take remedies in advance- if you are well you can
start to have symptoms from the remedy itself, if it is not needed.
simone717 last decade
sorry miss. simone717 ,thise is not my answer, you told about if people are ill,but i want answer of my three question,
please help me

chandan kr
chandankumar198885 last decade
Dear Chandan,

Sorry if I am not understanding you.

Question 1.

Dose for over 15 year old -15 year olds would get same amount
as an adult.

However, dosing is complicated. It depends on Sensitivity of the person,
and how strong they are and if they have any other diseases going on.

Homeopathic medicine and dose are to carefully match the condition
of the person- not a one size fits all.

If you have an over 15 year old who gets sick, put the case on here
and someone will go over it and find you the right remedy, the
right potency and the right amount of doses for that person.

Question 2.

Question 3.

Deoshlok has to answer you about that bc He is the one who
suggested this. Click his name and call his clinic bc he rarely
answers questions on this forum.

Other people suggest other similar things to take - before like
Deoshlok. I don't think this is a good idea at all, and one should
wait until they get symptoms and then have a qualified person
go over it and find what YOU specifically need.
simone717 last decade

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