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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


pus & pain near anus ,
discharg of pus with huge pain
near anu ,pain before stool
& after stool
  deepank on 2005-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Just to make a point NEVER have surgury on fistula.
Fistula is practically just a convenient term for a certain morbid state found at a given. part, and it cannot be regarded as a disease sui generies, though it is itself a generic term. which potentially includes quite a number o£ diseases of a more or less formidable nature.
Fistula is a condition that is sequential, to another condition, viz., to a gathering or abscess of some kind, and when we speak of a fistula-say a fistula-in-ano we mean that at the indicated part there is a variously shaped, often a pine-shaped, mattering portion of eroded or otherwise denuded tissue. Now it is commonly taught that this discharging pipe-like abscess is in itself the disease, and that its cure consists in cutting it open, cleaning it, and making it heal, and there the thing is supposed to end.
But is it so ? NO!. .
I know a lady who was abroad, and suffering from fistula, and the local family doctor ordered her home to London to be operated on for her fistula, he having previously tried divers local applications in vain. She came home to London, was operated on and cured-that is to say, the fistula with a good deal of trouble was got to heal up. After that the os uteri became gravely ulcerated, and patient spent nearly two years for the most part lying on her back and underwent an almost endless number of local manipulations and operations. At length the ulcerations in the region of the os were made to heal. Then came leucorrhoea without ulceration, and of a most distressing kind ; a very dapper gynecologist occupied several years in stemming this discharging tide, and when the unfortunate lady had been fairly rid of the leucorrhoea by the injections so long and so strong, she found herself cured surgically and completely of-lst. fistula-in-ano ; 2ndly, of ulceration;of the os uteri ; and 3rdly, and lastly, of this severe leucorrhoea. And then ? health ? Not at all, but a hard tumour in the region of bowel and womb, which has rendered her state simply awful ; for, apart from the of the tumour per se, the exit of the bowel being almost obliterated, the going to stool can be only characterized as awful, so distressing, so tedious, and so painful is it.
Now, what is the meaning of this all ? Just this : the lady was ill in herself, and her organism tried to rid itself of some of (at least) the product of her ill-being ; to this end it constructed a fistula in an out-of-the way district of the economy, through which it might drain off matter inimical to itself : the surgeons, in forcibly healing the fistula practically stopped the outlet pipe. Then the same process was repeated in regard to the said ulceration, and again with the surface outlet, which we call leucorrhoea ; and, finally, finding all direct outlets effectually blocked by the doctors, Nature was fairly compelled to deposit within the organism the before-mentioned inimical matter in the form of a tumour, and that at the next nearest available point to the seat of the fistula, ulcers, and leucorrhoea respectively Controvert his men of the knife, if you can.

I only quote this item from Dr Compton Burnett's book - On Fistula -And its cure by Homeiopathic Medicines. To point to the danger of ANY operative proceedure .
There are a number of remedies that will help
Hep Sul- Mercury-Sil- and Tuberculinum. Read up on these
passkey 2 decades ago
Hi Passkey,

I have been taking hep sul for my cyst but I don't know what to do next. I still have it, should I increase my dosage? I was taking 200C twice a day for a couple of weeks. I have had this for 8 years. I have just started trying homeopathy a few months ago. Would love some advice!

Kind regards


P.S I totally agree there is no way I want surgery!!!
VickyKane 2 decades ago
Silicea usually opens an old cyst of various descriptions and then I have found that Echinacea heals the pus causing conditions.

One dose of Silicea (around 200X) and wait a week. If nothing is happening take one more dose of Silicea. It forces unwanted "stuff" to the surface or outside. Although, sometimes it just heals and there is no action.

Then one dose of homeopathic Echinacea 200X each day for 3 days. If the cyst is serious: red, inflamed, etc, give doses 3 times a day for 2 days. (Echinacea good for blood poisoning)

This is for serious boils or inner cysts, Sebaceous cysts or Pilonidal.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra,

Thanks for your advice. I have ordered the Echinacea you suggested. My abcess at the moment keeps forming pus, then it heals and then it forms pus again. I have been putting calendula cream on it and have been taking hel sup but there has been no change. I will try Echinacea and report back to you. I notice on the site someone else has the same problem and suggested the same thing but I have had this abcess for 8 years should I increase the dosage?

Kind regards

VickyKane 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra,

I have taken the Echinacea 6c for 3 times a day for two days. I noticed I itched alot around my pilonidal cyst and it seems to have gone smaller but it is still there and I have a lump surrounding that area (Is it the build-up pus trying to get out?). What should the next course of action be? I have had this for 8 years do you think I should get a higher potency? I think my cyst is stubborn and it's going to take a while before it completely heals.

Kind regards

VickyKane 2 decades ago
One dose of Silicea 200X or 3C (near) and wait. Silicea only taken once per week.

Cyst may need draining and Silicea takes care of this. If not this week, take another dose in 7-10 days.

Let us know.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra, (thanks for your advice on my period pain)

At the moment I'm in the process of trying ot get rid off my pilonidal cyst.

After taking echinacea 6C, I waited a week and took 1 dose of hepa sulphur 30C.

I then waited for another week and I noticed now that my cyst (and the lump around it) had gotten very small. But I still have a small scab around the area and when I squeeze blood comes out.

So I took 1 dose of echinacea 200C today (ran out of the 6C.) Hoping it will cleanse the blood.

What should I do next? How do I know if it has completley healed??? It looks like it's healing. I hope it is because it sure looks at its best since I first got it 8 years ago!

Kind regards

VickyKane last decade
Can anyone help me in getting rid off my pilonodal cyst??? I have been battling this with homeopathic medicing for the past 6 months but to no avail!!!

Kind regrads,

VickyKane last decade
Excuse my spelling! Typed a bit too fast and forgot to check it!!!
VickyKane last decade
So what is the actual cure for it; how long does it take to heal using echinacea and sillicea?
jonboy last decade

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