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I accidentally applied a homeopathic ointment for sore muscles. It is called Inflamyar. I completely forgot it was homeopathic until after I applied it. Will this disrupt the Lachesis';s work?
khrios last decade
What are its constituents , but do not worry.
vikas_grower last decade
I checked on the net , should not be a problem but better avoid it for the time being
vikas_grower last decade
It has been three weeks since I took my remedy. I have been feeling good about my life, as if I am making progress. However, my mental and physical energy have been ebbing and flowing, fluctuating up and down.

I have been experiencing an aggravation of old symptoms such as:

1. Heartburn

2. Ears are very clogged up and crackling. It feels as if the Eustachian tubes are swollen.
3. Eyes are watery or sticky wet.
4. Uterine cramping during menstrual period was more intense.
khrios last decade
Lets take the test again

1. Your general state (sleep, appetite, physical energy, sexual energy etc) markedly improves even if your physical symptoms situated in specific parts of the body do not.

2. Your mental state markedly improves (mood, memory, happiness, ability to concentrate and understand, calmness and clarity) again even if the symptoms in specific body locations does not.

3. Symptoms affecting important organs (heart, lungs, stomach etc) markedly improve while symptoms on the outer part of the body (skin, mucous membranes, connective tissue) do not change.

4. Symptoms higher up in the hierarchy of the human 'body' improve while symptoms lower down stay the same (Mentals are higher than emotional symptoms, Emotional are higher than General ones, Generals are higher than specific local symptoms). This hierarchy is somewhat complex - there are levels of mentals, levels of generals - refer to a practitioner for guidance here.

5. Symptoms improve in reverse order of how they originally appeared, even if they break the previous guidelines. (the recent skin rash improves first, but the migraines you have had for years does not)

6. Aggravation occurs in the less important symptoms, in those lower down in the hierarchy, while the symptoms higher up experience marked improvement.

When experiencing the action of a truly curative remedy, the Simillimum as it is often referred to, there are a number of things the patient will say, that may differ from a remedy that is merely good for the patient.

1. I feel (x) years younger (people often say 10, sometimes 20!).

2. I feel more creative than I have in years.

3. I have so much energy I feel like I can do things I used to do as a young person

4. I feel more connected to people around me, more able to love and feel compassion

5.Patients often have dreams they had earlier in their life, often childhood ones, but they will have something different in them, there will be a twist or a change to them that makes them feel like the dream resolved itself.

6. All major symptoms lift in all levels of the person, often within a short space of time (a few weeks). If any remain they are usually on the outer part of the person's body (skin etc)

7. The person not only has no reason to complain, but they begin to forget the suffering, almost as if it had never happened.

8. The person makes important and healthy changes in their lifestyle, things they were unable to do before and suddenly seem quite keen and capable of doing now

9. The person feels better, in themselves, for no reason, almost joyous. Cares and worries in their life diminish in importance, but they do not appear to ignore them, but tackle them with an appropriate level of concern.

Clearly finding the Simillimum is the highest level of homoeopathy. It is the primary goal, but not always attainable. A more modest 'similar' remedy might be all that currently exists. However, while not expecting every homoeopathic treatment will result in the simillimum, it is still something you as a patient can look for. Who wouldn't want those kind of results?

There are also signs that you may no be on a curative remedy.

1. The symptoms higher up the hierarchy are worse, while those lower down are better (Mental state is worse but stomach symptoms are better, Sleep is worse but sinus symptoms are better, Arthritis is better but now your memory is bad, Anxiety is better but you lose joy in life)

2. Old symptoms vanish while the newer symptoms worsen, even if this follows the hierarchy of the body.

3. NEW SYMPTOMS APPEAR especially if these symptoms are as bad, if not worse than your original symptoms. If these symptoms join together with your old symptoms this is a particularly worrying result.

4. Slight improvement in your mood, with no change at all in the general and physical symptoms (mostly this is a placebo effect).

5. Symptoms disappear, but your level of suffering does not change.

6. New pathology appears - pathology is some kind of tissue change or medical condition (late onset Diabetes for instance, or Psoriasis or even mental pathology like Delusional states or serious Depression). This is the worst kind of reaction and must be attended to straight away!
vikas_grower last decade
Lachesis cures following conditions of eyes and ears .

Eyes: There are many inflammatory and congestive conditions of the eyes.

The eye symptoms are worse after sleep, and the eyes are oversensitive to touch and light.
With the eye symptoms we have headaches, because the brain and eyes are so closely associated.
In the sore throats, when the spatula or tongue depressor happens to touch the wall of the throat, the tonsil, or the root of the tongue, there is a feeling as if the eyes would be pressed out. Violent pain in the eyes from touching the throat.

Lachesis is a great jaundice medicine, because it produces much disturbance in the liver. Yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes, and thickening of tissues about the eyes.

'Fistula lachrymalis,' which is accompanied by long standing eruptions about the face.

Ears- Oversensitiveness of the meatus auditorus externus. Anything introduced into the canal of the ear will cause violent, spasmodic coughing and tickling in the throat. So sensitive is the mucous membrane of the ear that a violent cough, like whooping cough, will come on from touching the mucous membrane of the ear. This only shows the oversensitiveness of reflexes, and the oversensitiveness in general. With the hearing there is the same oversensitiveness that we have spoken of elsewhere.

The Eustachian tube becomes closed with a catarrhal thickening, stricture of the Eustachian tube.
vikas_grower last decade
1. General State - I have had the energy to work on myself, doing things I want to do, and enjoy. However, often times I over do it and am exhausted. Also, energy is much better in the morning.

2. Mental State - I feel good about my life, but am anxious and worry often.

3. Symptoms afecting important organs - I don't see that any symptoms have markedly improved. I see modest improvement in #1 .

4. Hierarchy of symptoms improvement - I have experienced some improvement in mental and physical energy. I have experienced aggravations of old symptoms.

5. Symptoms improve in reverse order - I have not had any fevers or mouth ulcers...However, I am not certain if this is a true improvement yet, as sometimes two or three months go by and they don't happen.

6. Aggravation in less important symptoms - The aggravations that have occured include:
a) Very clogged, crackling ears with swollen eustachian tubes.
b) Swollen nasal passages
c) Eyes watery or sticky
d) Increase heartburn
e) Uterine cramping worse during period.

There are no new symptoms. The level of suffering has modestly improved, mostly because I feel more hopeful.
khrios last decade
ok ,

.What about sensitivity around Abdomen and throat area .

What are your chief worries and fear these days .

Are u jealous of someone .

Are u very religious
vikas_grower last decade
I continue to be sensitive around neck and abdomen. Do not like constricting clothing. I worry about my children and family, about their health and safety. I worry about not being physically able to do what I want to do. I worry about my hair...I used to have very thick hair and it has been thinning. To me it is a sign of lack of lack of health. I am not jealous of anyone. I am not very religious, but I am spiritual.
khrios last decade
I do not like constricting clothing around abdomen and neck. I worry about my family's health and safety. I fear losing I am losing my hair as a sign of ill health. I used to have very thick hair. Over the past few months, it has thinned considerably. I am not jealous of anyone. I think I am blessed. I am not very religious, but I am a person of faith and conviction.
khrios last decade
Before u begam taking lachesis , did u use to have headache on getting up in morning.

Did u feel sad on getting up in morning

Does your troubles begin/ affect the left side of your body first and then later affect the right part also.

How true is this in your case

'Women who have not recovered from the change of life, 'have never felt well since that time.'.
vikas_grower last decade
I don't recall having headaches upon waking.

I did not feel sad upon waking. I have always felt better in the morning.

Some of my troubles are left sided, such as my left sided ovarian pain, and menstrual cramping, which is worse on the left side. However, some of my troubles are right sided, such as upper right quadrant abdominal pain, and right shoulder/neck pain.

Regarding you last question, this statement does not apply to me. I have not gone through the change of life.
khrios last decade
I forgot to mention another old symptom which has returned. I am having night-sweats. It is happening fairly frequently. A few hours after falling asleep, I wake up soaked in sweat.

I reviewed my previous posts and believe that my emotional and mental state as described in my posts of 7/13/2009 hold true. If anything, they have intensified so that my fears, grief, anxieties are more on the surface, as well as, my sense of purpose and gratitude for life. In the end, hope, purpose and gratitude keep me going.
khrios last decade
1) Please list again all the old symptoms that have returned and also list when they first occurred , when did they disappear and how they vanished .

2. Grief - . I also feel grief about missing my native country. My native country has changed a lot since I left, 20 years ago. I feel sadness about it not being like it was when I left, and that people that I loved there, have died. So, even if I go back...there really is no home to go back to.

Women who have not recovered from the change of life, 'have never felt well since that time.'.

Can u relate this statement with the above mentioned fact

3)In the summer, I wake up early, with the sunrise. Usually, mornings are a good time. Afternoon are probably the worst time of day for me. Nights somewhere in between

What happens in afternoon .

4) Did u suffer from nose bleeds ever.

5) what makes u angry.
vikas_grower last decade
1) Please list again all the old symptoms that have returned and also list when they first occurred , when did they disappear and how they vanished .

a) Very clogged, crackling ears with swollen eustachian tubes. – I have had this problem since 2001. The symptoms improves and worsens but has never fully disappeared. I believe it is related to allergies. Upon taking the remedy, the ears worsened to worst condition they have ever been.

b) Swollen nasal passages - This is a symptom that occurs when I have allergies. I have suffered from allergies since childhood. They come and go. After taking the remedy, this symptom resurfaced.

c) Eyes watery or sticky wet, sometimes burning – This is a symptom related to allergies. I have had this symptom since childhood. It comes and goes with the allergies. Once, I took the remedy, this symptom appeared.

d) Increase heartburn – This is a symptom I first developed in my 20s. I treated it with a medication called carafate. If symptoms returned, I would use medication again. This is a symptom that appears sporadically, maybe a couple of times per year. The symptom resurfaced immediately after taking the remedy. I have not treated it.

f) Night-sweats – I began having this symptom in 2001. I do not know what caused them to occur. They disrupt my sleep because I wake up soaking in sweat. This symptom occurred very frequently for several years, and then, all on its own, decreased in frequency. Before the remedy, this symptom happened infrequently. After the remedy, the night-sweats are happening almost every night.
g) Menstrual cramping – I have had this symptom since the onset of menses. It moderately worsened after the remedy.

2. Grief - . I also feel grief about missing my native country. My native country has changed a lot since I left, 20 years ago. I feel sadness about it not being like it was when I left, and that people that I loved there, have died. So, even if I go back...there really is no home to go back to.

Do you have a specific question about the statement above?

Women who have not recovered from the change of life, 'have never felt well since that time.'.

Can u relate this statement with the above mentioned fact

I read the “change of life” mentioned in this statement to mean menopause. If this is the case, then I cannot relate to is, as I have not gone through menopause.

3)In the summer, I wake up early, with the sunrise. Usually, mornings are a good time. Afternoon are probably the worst time of day for me. Nights somewhere in between

What happens in afternoon .

In the afternoon, I get tired, mentally and physically.

4) Did u suffer from nose bleeds ever.

I never have suffered from nose bleeds.

5) what makes u angry.

Injustice and human suffering makes me angry.

I don’t know if this is important or not, but:

a) I have been on a calorie restricted diet since January, and have lost 26 lbs. Also, I began exercising two months ago and have considerably improved my stamina. Exercise was difficult for me to do because I had severe muscle soreness when I tried to exercise. Over the past few months, it has improved with slow and continued repetition.
b) My life has a lot of stress. One of my sons, only 19yrs old, is recovering from drug addiction, and has a number of health problems. My mother, who lives with me, is recovering from a severe accident. My husband is a diabetic, and I am concerned about his well-being. All of them depend on me, and are my responsibility. I want to be well enough to have the inner resources (physical and mental) to care for them, and myself.
c) My work is also stressful. Audit work itself is technical and analytical. That is ok. The difficult part is the political issues that arise.
khrios last decade
During menses is the flow more at night than in the day
vikas_grower last decade
No. It is more during the day than at night.
khrios last decade
Let me think over .

When did the throat and abdomen sensitivity develop.

can we conclude that Lachesis had no effect and has in fact worsened the case
vikas_grower last decade
The throat and abdomen sensitivity developed at least 10 years ago. I am not sure why.

I agree with you that Lachesis worsened the case.

Thank you for thinking about my case.
khrios last decade
Did u use to take remedies for controlling and suppressing allergies
vikas_grower last decade
I have used western herbs and medicine to treat my allergies. I have not used homeopathy to treat allergies.
khrios last decade
Do u crave open air .

What will be your reponse to sudden light touch on your body.
vikas_grower last decade
No, I don't crave open air. I like fresh air, but not crave it.

My response to a sudden light touch on my body is to startle.
khrios last decade
I think , lets wait till your next period and then reassess.
vikas_grower last decade
Sure. Will be in touch in three weeks or so.
khrios last decade

The sensitivity of throat and abdomen , uterine cramps suggest Lachesis

But the fact that u are better by sleep , not jealous , not loquacious,not suspicious, not faultfinding a calm and contented person seem against Lachesis .
vikas_grower last decade

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