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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear Dr. Mahfooz
May Allah accept your Umrah.
As you suggested earlier I was taking Silicia30. I stopped it. I am again suffering from pain, having small bag of puss and blood coming to it. pls reply. I was waiting for your return from Umrah.
  mateen on 2009-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take five doses of SILICEA 200C each dose after every 12 hours in empty stomach.

take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. no food or water one hour before and after.

if SILCEA 30C has helped you earlier,the recurrance will will taken care by SILICEA 200C and will give you a long term relief.

after taking 5 doses of SILICEA200C, you will have to wait for a week to know the improvements. please dont be impatient.
rishimba last decade
Thank you rishimba for your intime help.
mateen last decade
Dear Rishimba
As you suggested 5 doses of SILICIA 200C every 12 hours, should I take it 3 drop without water?? while taking Silicia30 I was feeling pain in my right brain. Now after stopping medicine No pain!! Kindly reply.
mateen last decade
Please give me the reply as questioned in other thread. In the mean time do not take any medicine. Though dr. rishimba is quite right but let us decided after getting our replies.and also close this thread please come up on original.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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