The ABC Homeopathy Forum
A question to homeopaths only
I wandering and need your guidance please.Please tell me the name of that remedy which is not proved at all but very WIDELY used in homeopathy?
Challa on 2005-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I do not know of a named remedy that has not been "proved" as this is the way the remedies are presented to the public.
There may be numerous items available that are "homeopathic" in nature, but not actually a homeopathic remedy or sold as one.
Bach Flower remedies are homeopathic in nature (action), but are not actually (completely) homeopathic. They are made a little differently.
There are some new bioenergetic remedies being made right now that did not begin with a physical substance, but made with mind energy by several people. Not easily obtained as one does not know the name or who is doing it.
Your search only opened up more questions and inquiries.
If you know of a remedy that fits this discription, you might want to tell us so that we can answer your questions.
If you are really searching and do not know the name as you have implied, then I, personally, do not know.
Blessings, Sabra
There may be numerous items available that are "homeopathic" in nature, but not actually a homeopathic remedy or sold as one.
Bach Flower remedies are homeopathic in nature (action), but are not actually (completely) homeopathic. They are made a little differently.
There are some new bioenergetic remedies being made right now that did not begin with a physical substance, but made with mind energy by several people. Not easily obtained as one does not know the name or who is doing it.
Your search only opened up more questions and inquiries.
If you know of a remedy that fits this discription, you might want to tell us so that we can answer your questions.
If you are really searching and do not know the name as you have implied, then I, personally, do not know.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
You need not to wander any more. Buy Encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Drugs by Dr.Kashi Ram. U'll find your search there.
♡ arnadeem 2 decades ago
You need not to wander any more. Buy Encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Drugs by Dr.Kashi Ram. U'll find your search there.
A. R. Nadeem
A. R. Nadeem
♡ arnadeem 2 decades ago
There are a lot of remedies that have not been proved because the allopathic records of poisonings give us all the information we need. Such a remedy is Mercurius
passkey 2 decades ago
Dear Passkey
Mercurius was proved by none other than Hannemann and his colleagues.
Read materia medica pura.It gives the names of provers,along with the symptom in brackets.
No name indicates, the symtoms are of Hannemann,or his own observations.
These are the names of a few provers.
Lr,Fr-h-n,Stf,Gn,RI,Hbg etc..
Mercurius was proved by none other than Hannemann and his colleagues.
Read materia medica pura.It gives the names of provers,along with the symptom in brackets.
No name indicates, the symtoms are of Hannemann,or his own observations.
These are the names of a few provers.
Lr,Fr-h-n,Stf,Gn,RI,Hbg etc..
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Hahnemann proved Merc Sol (Mercurius Oxydulatus Niger) 2(NH2 Hg2) No3 H2O
Surprisingly the potency which most of the pharmacies are manufacturing is Merc Viv (Argentum Vivum) Hg (Atomic Weight 199.8)
Both are different things as for as the chemical composition is concerned. Merc Viv is not a proved remedy at all. Actually Hahnemann recommended that potency in lieu of Merc Sol. And we are using as our GURU said.
Surprisingly the potency which most of the pharmacies are manufacturing is Merc Viv (Argentum Vivum) Hg (Atomic Weight 199.8)
Both are different things as for as the chemical composition is concerned. Merc Viv is not a proved remedy at all. Actually Hahnemann recommended that potency in lieu of Merc Sol. And we are using as our GURU said.
Challa 2 decades ago
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