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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

psoriasis ( pls help)

Hello mazharmhm sir,
Sorry for the late reply. Here are the my details. I am an Design engineer(embedded). My food style normally rice, dal, wheat, vegaetables. As per forum format my details are

1. As I have patches on my scalp & face I usually get itching and during itch, skin comes out as dandruff. During bath skin comes out as a layer.
2. I got disease on Scalp, face and at groin place.now a days started on penis also.Scalp photo i have attache here.i want to upload more than one photo how to do it?
3. One year back during winter season it started at one place on the scalp. Later in one year it has spread entire scalp and started on face and groin.
4. If I don’t use the medicine (English/allopathic) suggested by the doctor it becomes more. More over there is no proper season to have a worst case. It is common at all the time.
5. During sleep there will be no itch.
6. I will sleep 11pm to 7 am usually. I will get dream but not recurring.
7. I am sensitive to heat and also criticism.
8. My state of mind will be almost relaxed and happy and some times attitude would be changed based on the environment.
9. My food style is , I like dal and I don’t like brijal& Ivy. No food makes me to feel better or worse.
10. 8 moths back I got knee pains and cured within one month by ayurvedic medicine.
Note : for this ( Knee pain) disease One of my professor suggested me like this “ Due to lack of D vitamin in the body knee pains started. So go for 25 hydraxy D vitamin test and based on the report take the proper medicine “. But I didn’t gone through that test till now. I have to under go that test.

a. I am rarely exposed to sunlight

11. Now my professor is telling that due to lack of D vitamin there will be auto immunity disorder is taken place and so that psoriasis is started.
12. Presently I am using allopathic medicine for the last 4 days. Now it looks good. Patches are disappearing.
13. My homeopathic history is like this, 5 years back I took rhustox and nuxvomica for nose allergy ( Heavy sneezes) worked fine. Till date no problem.
14. Kindly help by suggesting the proper homeopathic medicine. I am ready to give any furhter details aslo.

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  khaja4hmpathy on 2009-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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