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Symphytum Officinale: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Symphytum for dogs

I have a 50 kg schnauzzer with a broken toe. He has been splinted for almost 8 wks but last xray showing very slow healing, and they think it may not heal fully.
A friend suggested i start giving symphytum immediately to help the repair speed up.
I cant find any dosage ideas and dont want to add problems to an already complicated situation.
To make matters worse, i am on an extended business trip in the middle east, and my big guy is staying on a ranch and being lovingly cared for. They can't keep him as quiet as the vet wants, so hence the slow heal problem.
Does anyone have ideas? They are warning me his toe may need to be amputed somewhere down the line if this doesnt heal well!
  bigdoglover on 2009-10-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Symphytum 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 15 days.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

After that 4 tablets of Calc Phos 6x four times a day at a gap of 4 hours for one month.
kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa
Thanks for your help with the Symphytum dosage for my schnauzzer. I finally found the meds in a pill form and sent to his caretaker right now. But while the pills are in a 200c dosage, the bottle says to take 5 pills 3x a day. (That would mean 1000c 3 times a day) That's a big difference.

Could you offer a little more guidance on this? I really want to get this right.
Many many thanks in advance!
bigdoglover last decade
symphytum 200, im wont do good

you need it in physiological doses...like mother tincture.10 drops 3 times a day

also calcaria phos 3x ..4 tablets 4 times a day
drlkumar last decade
But while the pills are in a 200c dosage, the bottle says to take 5 pills 3x a day. (That would mean 1000c 3 times a day) That's a big difference.

If 2 pills of Symphytum 200c are administered or 20 pills are administered, the potency of dose remains 200c. It is not dose size multipled by potency as you thought. Homeo Remedy stimulates vital force and it does not contain pathologically significant amount when administered in potentized form.

So please go ahead as has been suggested earlier and give 4 pills as one dose.
kadwa last decade

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