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Symphytum Officinale: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Symphytum for dogs

I have a small Toy Poodle that broke her radius and ulna 5 months ago. She had an operation to put a plate and screws in to fix her broken leg that she then had it taken off after 3 months once the bone healed. After two weeks of taking the plate off the radius broke again through one of the screw holes. I have decided not to put her through another operation which this time would have involved bone graft from her hip and a bigger plate, and instead try to let her heal with a robert jones bandage similar to a cast. I want to help speed up the process of bone healing and I have been reading about the benefit of Symphytum (comfrey). The problem is that my clever toy poodle won't take any tablets, she just spits them out, so I need to give it to her in liquid form. I found COMFREY Extract Tincture but I want to make sure I give her the right dosage. Please help. She is one year old and weighs only 1.9kgs and she is about 10 inches.
  PoodleLover on 2010-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
5 drops in sweetened water.....3 times a day.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you!
PoodleLover last decade

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