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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Deep and Chronic Depression & Anxity , Headache and Impotance

Dear Doctors,

I am Kamesh, 31 yrs old,married.
I have the problem of depression and Anxiety. And also got some other issues. Simptom are as follows

1.Deep Depression and lack of attention, thinking about past, and lack of energy, easily get moody. I am feeling this for the past 17 yrs. Good energitic Music, or Alchohal will give some relief for me. Also can't get sleep, daily it will take 1 to 3 hours to get sleep.

2. Slightly headache, always there will be a feeling like hangover. (hangover means, after too much alchohal and sleep there will be headache right, that kind of feeling).
And feeling uneasy at face and lack of sharpness in thinking or lack of clarity in thinking or speaking.

3 Speach also will have breaks as not able to form words some times because of anxity.

4. Thirsty, always feels to take 1/4 th glass of water for every 1 hour. espicially in the night. ( I am not diabatic as of now. But my father & mother both dia batics)

5. I have very poor erection for sex. I am not able to do sex properly, and I am easily getting tired in sex, and not able to get ejaculation. But masturbation is giving satisfaction for me with ejaculation. I have habbit of masurbation for the last 15 yrs.

6. From my chilhood, my hands,or legs, or fingers or lips or head or thighs use to get shiver when ever pressure gets or while taking glass hands get shiver or while eating mouth also gets shivering slightly. But It will be known to others only when they observes me closely.

Kindly suggest me a good medicine.

Thanks You.
  kamesh9k on 2009-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
And also I have a habbit of eating food quickly. 3 to 5 minutes for lunch or dinner.
I am having this habbit from my child hood. I am not able to control it. This is for your Information please.
kamesh9k last decade
staphysagaria 30 twice daily for 7 days white chest nut bach flower twice daily for one month come back after 7 days
akshaymohl last decade

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