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DepressionObsessive Compulsive Disorder



Posts about Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hepatitis C, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

My daughter was diagnosed with Hep C at 8 yrs old. I have it and drs think maybe rare case of Hep C contracted in pregnancy. The doctors want to start Intereron for 1 yr, which I'm very concerned about but her liver tests aren't good. Fibrosis also suspected. She also suffers from OCD after a violent and sexual assault last year. She checks the doors and windows 10 times a night (same times ea night) if she's alone in the house with her daughter. So she sleeps little at night, and sleeps during the day. If she doesn't get up and check the windows and doors she'll have a panic attack. Okay if another adult is there. She's also depressed and on anti-depressants since the OCD started- doesn't go out much, cries a lot, stays in bed. She's overweight, with flabby skin, lots of stretch marks, hypermobility of joints eg thumb can bend right back. She's always been emotional and scared of dark, strangers, spiders, snakes, forests, startles easily. She doesn't feel the cold but hates the heat. She's an excellent mother and money manager. She can get nauseous easily, coughs sometimes and retches. She really doesn't like being touched on the neck. Gets viruses > Gels, often. She's tall 6ft, fair. At the moment she takes St Mary's Thistle in herb form, and a homeopathic low dose complex for the liver occiasionally. Bowels are irritable and can tend to diarrhea. She had a large cyst on her ovary this year removed by surgery. She has a large abdomen with cellulite also on her thighs. She's always, even as a child, been emotional, easily scared, and prone to swollen glands, fevers and earaches.
  Lovelee on 2009-11-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi ...first i need to tell u that u have described the symptoms clearly and that has helped a lot to analyse. though i require a few more details about the anti-depressent she is taking now.how often?whats the dosage? let her continue the stMary's thistle and the other homoeopathic complex for the liver. along with that i would like to suggest LACHESIS 1M 4pills once every week for 4 weeks. report me after that. notice her sleep, appetite, bowels, and her behaviour ,fears, her skin conditions etc during the medication. thank you
drpriyadarshini last decade
Thankyou. Yes I had thought of Lachesis with the neck/snake symptoms. I will try that, and get back to you with the name/dosage of the anti-depressant.
Lovelee last decade
You aksed what anti-depressant my daughter was on. It's Cymbalta 60mg.
Lovelee last decade
You're correct, it is Lachesis 1M.
Lovelee last decade
Sorry to be so long replying. Things have been hectic here, and it's been hard to pin my daughter down.
There is a definite improvement! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! She agrees her anxiety and OCD is much less. She still wakes and checks the doors and windows but only couple times a night instead of 10 times. She's now irritable, critical of others, and angry, whereas before she was anxious and depressed. Her energy levels are a bit better. She's able to go outside by herself.
She starts her 1 year of weekly chemo and Ribovarin for her Hep C next Monday.

Not sure where to go from here. She is still overweight and putting on weight. General health seems fine except few headaches and tiredness.

Thanks so much for your help.
Lovelee last decade
is hepatitis C curable in homeopathy?

Zafar Iqbal
zaffar_consfela last decade

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