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Phytolacca Decandra:


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Phytolacca for dandruff. Page 4 of 6

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Hello folks, Phytolacca berries are appearing on the plants but still green. In a month it would be the harvesting time.
girilal last decade
Phytolacca decandra or phytolacca americana. Juice of the berries is used.

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girilal last decade
I live in midwestern US and these are growing everywhere in my yard. Both me and my 1-year old daughter have danduff. I plan to eat a berry when it ripens and make a stir-fry with with leaves. Will this be safe to give to my daughter? She is breastfeeding. Will this be enough or should I give here a whole berry in a juice? Can she eat the cooked leaves? Can you overdose on the leaves?
evaball last decade
Few berries can be eaten safely, even by small children. Before cooking the leaves and stems please boil them and drain off that water.
girilal last decade
Hi Plz Help me!!!!!
I m 24yrs male from dhaka bangladesh suffering from dandruff and hair loss. i have searched the whole city but i didn't find phytolacca berry 30. instead one shop gave me only phytolacca 30 he said it will work on dandruff.
can anyone tell me if i can use only phytolacca 30 for dandruff.
plz help i m dying of itchy scalp!!!!
wasimboss last decade
Of-course 30 would work on dandruff.

Good luck.
girilal last decade
for the past 1 week i have been taking phytolacca 30 daily 3 times. but i have noticed that now i m feeling burning sensation inside my chest through the day.

plz help!

because i never had this burning problem before?
wasimboss last decade
Just to remind you all, few more day left to pick up ripe phytolacca berries.
kuldeep last decade

I am in michigan, U.S.A. Where can i pickup some fresh phytolacca berries or get some berry extract. Will the berry be available at a health food store? Thanks much

shawn_g2000 last decade
I believe I have see this plant in Michigan. It is a very distinct plant and can be found in wilderness, parks etc.
kuldeep last decade

There is a website

Search for keyword 'phytolacca" and it will give several results back. Please tell me which remedy i can take for dandruff. There are several mother tinctures and there is one which is phytolacca 30C - 30ml liquid. Will the phytolacca 30c - 30 ml liquid work for dandruff ? This phytolacca 30c is a remedy for other things and not for weight loss. but your posts have said that phytolacca which i should take is a remedy for weight loss. Please advise.
shawn_g2000 last decade
kuldeep last decade

I have bought phytolacca berry 30c. How much should i take daily and how many times ? And for how long ?

shawn_g2000 last decade
Hi Dr. Kuldeep

I also has this dandruff problem, dry scalp, itchy and scaly. I have tried numerous shampoos/oils etc. but it is still there. I also tends to get sore throats very easily. So, i just wonder if this remedy will work for me. Can I get Phytolacca Berry 30 from a homeopathy drug store in Delhi, India?
What potency should I buy?


Waiting your speedy reply

Thank You
satkumar2k4 last decade
Dear Dr. Kuldeep

I am 32 year old male from Delhi, India. I have this dandruff problem from 25 years, dry scalp, itchy and scaly. I have tried numerous shampoos/oils, home remedy and several things also. but it is still there. I also tends to get sore throats very easily. So, i just wonder if this remedy will work for me.

What potency should I buy?


Waiting your speedy reply

Thank You
satkumar2k4 last decade
Dear Satkumar

Buy Phytolacca 30 or 6C. Take a dose twice a day for two weeks. Arsenum Album also follows well after Phytolacca.
kuldeep last decade
I have severe dandruff. I bought a bottel of Phytolacca berry 30 ch , how should I use it.
Paresh last decade
Dear Kuldeep, Thanks for your advice. I tried Phytolacca berry 30 one dose and could see the difference. However dandruff returned but in a milder form
robo007 last decade
Finally my nephew brought me about half kilo of berries from USA. I won't be diluting it in Alcohol but will add juice to sugar syrup.
dr mehmood last decade
Hi Kuldeep a friend of mine found this berry in Montreal in the botanical garden showed me pics too. So it can be found in Canada too!!!!
Monika last decade
Well it is almost last call of this season to harvest Phytolacca berries.

Well I myself made a full jar of the juice but this time I followed Dr. Mahmood's method. I also added syrup -- Maple Syrup to preserve the juice.

One caution I will like to post. After taking juice of the berries, your hair may go dry and also you may get dandruff and itching. So don’t take juice many times, just once in a week is fine. Hair problem will automatically go away.

And you can add the juice in the hair oil. Always use food grade oil for hairs; never use mineral oil or baby oil. I suggest you not even use manufactured hair oils just use any food grade or cooking oil. Soak a small cloth with berries juice, juice is very purple. Dry up the cloth and then put that cloth in the oil, oil will become purple colored. Don’t add too much oil. If dandruff or itching happen on the hairs, stop using it but use just unmediated oil.

Cheerio and good hunting folks.
kuldeep last decade
Kuldeep, I have bought Phytolacca Berry 30c globules for my teenage son's dandruff. Please let me know how many globules and the frequency per day? How many weeks should he continue?
Gettin-beta last decade
Most patients were cured with three or four doses. Take one dose once a day for a week.
girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep, I bought liquid Phytolacca decandra 30 for my husband who is 31 yrs old and has lot of flaky dandruff for 4-5 yrs. He has also been loosing hair in the front. Please let me know what the dosage should be and how should he exactly take this liquid medicine? I mean should he just take few drops directly or mix it with water ?
tochitra last decade
Take a dose of about three drops or if liquid a dose of about four pillets. once a day for a week.
girilal last decade
Thanks Kuldeep, I'll let you know the result after a week.
tochitra last decade

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