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Phytolacca Decandra:


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Phytolacca for dandruff. Page 5 of 6

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Thanks Kuldeep, I'll let you know the result after a week.
tochitra last decade
Dear Girilal,
As per your instruction on 2007-11-05 (this thread), I have given my son Phytolacca Berry 30c, one dose a day for one week and it appears that the dandruff has totally cleared up! He is delighted. He says the hair used to fall as well when he would scratch his head and that has stopped too! Thanks so much!! Is it necessary to continue for some more time? If it returns, should we start the treatment again for one week or more? What else is Phytollacca berry good for? We are excited about it. I think I read that it helps sore throats - what is the dosage?
Gettin-beta last decade
IF it returns...

It may return but with very less intensity. In that case take another dose.

It may return next year or at least you may feel it is returning, then take another dose.
girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep,
As directed by you, My Husband took Phytolacca decandra 30C liquid medicine (3 drops) a day for a week. Now it's been more than a week since he stopped it but the dandruff seems to have not gone. Should we wait longer for it clear or does it clear while you are taking the medicine ? Let me know what to do next.

tochitra last decade
Any improvement in general scalp skin condition or any relief from itching?
girilal last decade
He has had some improvement on one side of the scalp. He never had any itching. Just has lot of flaky white dandruff on the top portion of the scalp. He has been loosing lot of hair in the front due to this in the past few years. Now after taking Phytolacca, I guess the dandruff just remains on left side of the scalp. Pls advice
tochitra last decade
Stop the medicine.

Take Phytolacca Q if it is available to you, two drops thrice a day for 2 weeks.

If Q is not available, start Phytolacca 30 after a week again.
girilal last decade
Looks like Phytolacca helps mostly the 'itchy' dandruff.

It may not be that effective, if it is not itchy.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini is correct.

Still it may take a while to observe the tissue change. When a remedy is working specifically at right or left side, it should be used in lower potency.

It is too early to give up on phytolacca unless there was total no effect.
girilal last decade
Hi all, Thanks for responding. My next question is how is phytolacca Q different from Phytolacca decandra ? Is phytolacca Q also called phytolacca berry ? I order medicines from this website and it shows only phytolacca decandra. Intially I looked for phytolacca berry, but since that was not available, I opted to buy this.

Is there any other medicine other than phytolacca decandra to get rid of dandruff. My husband also has some kind of dryness in his palms. This started 6 months ago. He applies coconut oil everyday, but of no use. Just giving you this info incase you guys can suggest the right medicine based on his other problems. If you need more information about anything else for choosing the medicine, I can provide the same.

Thanks, Chitra
tochitra last decade
Please read:

girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep, My husband already took Phytolacca decandra for 1 week (3 drops daily) but has not found too much improvement in his condition. Do you suggest that he takes another dosage ?
tochitra last decade
Sorry pls disregard my previous message to kuldeep.
tochitra last decade
kuldeep - girilal two names but same person.
girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep,
I wanted to let you know that there has been some more improvement in my Husband's dandruff. Will update you again in a few more days.
Thanks and Regards,
tochitra last decade
Kuldeep, Your Phytolacca berry treatment for dandruff is truly amazing. My younger son has been cured. His dandruff appeared to be returning for a few days, but as you rightly said, it was a mild case that cleared up. My older son is now trying it, but accidentally drank cola on one of the days of the treatment. I just hope that it hasn't antidoted the medicine. Thanks again.
Gettin-beta last decade
I started this thread in the hope that if this wonder plant Phytolacca is growing in your backyard.

Just to make sure that it is not and unwanted weed.
girilal last decade
i have had a dandruff problem for 7-8 years and also premature hair loss in the male pattern with loss and thinning at the hairline and a baldspot at the crown.

i have a very oily scalp and the dandruff is mostly stuck to my scalp. I have to take a bath everyday as my hair become unbelievably oily other wise. no dandruff shampoo medicated or non-medicated has EVER helped me.

will phytolacca 30 help in this case? thanks in advance
avid123 last decade
Scalp is usually all dried up in most cases of dandruff.

Still there is no harm in taking this remedy.
girilal last decade
Hi Kuldeep,

My husband's dandruff has had no improvement. It's still as it is. Can you suggest any other medicine.

tochitra last decade
Phytolacca dandruff is scaly, very or rather extremely dry scalp and itchy. Otherwise it will not work.

Please write the exact character of your husband's dandruff and scalp and general skin condition.
girilal last decade
hi kuldeep could u plz tell me about ur previous amoebiasis problem? isthat gone 4 ever? what medications u have used? kindly reply....thanking u ajith
ajith1981 last decade
is ur amoebiasis gone
ajith1981 last decade
pl. refer:
For amoebiasis.
girilal last decade

I am suffering with constipation and dandruff from a really long time. I also have dry skin problem.

After reading through this thread i decided to try phytolacca but only found phytoloacca decandra in the US in tablet form. Its been 3-4 days since i am taking this medicine, although the itching has subsided dandruff still persists.

Should i be trying Phytolocca berry which i cannot seem to find in the US?

Any suggestions on the remedy and where to find berry if thats the one i should try?
lakhan25 last decade
Potentized phytolacca in homeopathy grade works best and permanent. If you have white scales and itching on your scalp -- also your scalp is intense dry, no amount of oil could keep it to shape -- then phytolacca is the medicine.
girilal last decade

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