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Posts about Arthritis

Arthritis3rheumatoid arthritis5Mother (66yo) suffers from painful cramps, stretched-painful nerve and osteo-arthritis22Chronic rheumatoid arthritis10Please help - need remedy recommendations for joint pain and psoriatic arthritis1Rheumatoid arthritis1Osteoarthritis26Rheumatoid arthritis5Osteoarthritis22Psoriatic Arthritis3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rheumtoid Arthritis from 3 years

Hi my name is Veenu (43 years)and I am great beleiver of homeopathic medicine and consulted few homepaths and now I am losing hope. I am on metotrexrarte and do not take pain medicine. I have tried brynoia, rhustox, Hepar sulphur (helped to drain water from my achilles tendon) My swelling in ankle, inside of wrists and elbows and outside ankle is there. Recently inside of my knees are swelling too. My ra factor is 12 and no uric acid problem. Please help......
  veenu on 2010-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
urtica urens q 5 drops in two table spoon of warm water thrice daily for one month bio no 19 4 tabs with hot water thrice daily colchicum 30 one drop on tongue three times daily for 7 days report
akshaymohl last decade

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