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Posts about Arthritis

Arthritis3rheumatoid arthritis5Mother (66yo) suffers from painful cramps, stretched-painful nerve and osteo-arthritis22Chronic rheumatoid arthritis10Please help - need remedy recommendations for joint pain and psoriatic arthritis1Rheumatoid arthritis1Osteoarthritis26Rheumatoid arthritis5Osteoarthritis22Psoriatic Arthritis3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Feline Arthritis

Our 18 year old male (neutered) cat has recently become stiffer in his legs, does not want to jump and seeks out warmth and low sleeping spots. He has become very, very loving (seems to be a Phosphorus constitution). He has also stopped using the litter box sometimes. I think it may be arthritis related, as there seem to be no other stress factors in our house at this time.

What remedy and dosage would be appropriate for him? I have heard homeopathy is the best first line of defense against arthritis conditions.

Thank you,
  beepsandclicks on 2010-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him three doses of Rhus Tox 30c at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and see how that affects him in the next 10 days.
kadwa last decade

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