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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can I make a 30C potency from 15C?

Hello, I've got this problem - I need a remedy in 30C potency. I only have the same remedy in 15C globules and cannot obtain 30C, not one of the pharmacies has it :/ Is it possible to mix the 15C with water and then dilute it myself? How much water should I use?
  Selina on 2005-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Seems to me I should take 1 part of the 15C diluted in water, add 99 parts of clean water and then shake it? How long? The result would be 16C, so I have to repeat this 15 times and I get 30C... Please correct me if I am wrong.
Selina last decade
1 drop from the 15c added to 99 drops of water (or pref alcohol if you are going to keep this!) into a clean bottle and succussed (bang the base of the bottle against palm 100 times - some succuss less than this?! 20 times, 30 times). This process then has to be repeated into a clean bottle each time you go up a potency!!! This is a lot of work and you have to be very careful and make sure the new bottles are clean - this means ?15 bottles?
why not use the 15c for now and order in a 30c potency??? does it have to be 30c???
erika last decade
I already used 15C and need 30C and I need it now - ordering would mean waiting at least one week :/ (See the post "pet rat with unknown problem").
I did not know the bottles have to be clear for each potentization - I guess there is no way how to reuse the same bottle? Rinse it out, boil water in it? Sorry for the stupid question :)
Selina last decade
not a stupid question at all.........you can clean the bottle with warm soapy water, as long as you rinse well this should be enough to get out the remedy and the soap.
If the bottle is strongish glass you can boil also after cleaning to make really sure(app. 10 mins) or steam clean if you some kind of steam steriliser.
you're totally right that if you do this it will save 15 bottles as you will only need 2!
if this all takes too long then maybe you can use a 16c or 20c potency on your rat while you are working on making the 30c?
erika last decade
Sabra has said to use alcohol to clean the bottle. I rinse w/ water, then vodka, then water again.

Good luck!
Rebecca last decade

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