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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium overdose?

I took Lycopodium 200c twice a day for one week: it fixed almost completely (the situation has dramatically improved) my 12 years long acne problem, but the leuchorrea worsened and I have started to feel a pressing pain on both sides below the lower ribs.
I think it was the right remedy because it's the first that has fixed my acne, after many have failed.
So what went wrong? Too much too often? Should I just stop it? Do I need an antidote? Have I caused myself a permanent damage?

Please reply.

Thank you.
  acnevictim on 2010-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You just suppressed the superficial symptom of acne into something deeper through too much repetition of a deep acting remedy.

Any other problems since the Lyc ?
sameervermani last decade
No, I wouldn't say so.
What am I supposed to do now?

Thank you for replying, I am worried.
acnevictim last decade
The pain is pressing and actually mainly on the right side, it's not strong but gives me the sensation to be short of breath.

Lycopodium fit my profile well, I think I just mistook the dosage.

Have I caused a damage to the liver?
How should I act from now on?
acnevictim last decade

please please reply!
acnevictim last decade
The best way would be to take a single dose of Pulsatilla 6c, through what we call an olfaction dose.

Buy a small bottle of Pulsatilla 6c in liquid dilution (alcohol based), open the lid, bring it close to your nostril and take ONE short sharp sniff so that you can feel the alcohol vapor smell inside.

Just wait for 72 hrs after this. Report back at that time.
sameervermani last decade
Liquid dilutions are available in no less than one week, where I live.
They don't have it here.

What's going to happen if I just stop everything?
How serious is the damage and why has the acne improved?
I had never had liver troubles before.

Thank you.
acnevictim last decade
It's worth to add this symptom: I am lately extremely sensitive to being criticized and I get really mad when I am not appreciated or even insulted or put down and my boyfriend has been doing it a lot recently.

Take now that I am waiting for your answer: I feel like I am not receiving the immediate response I want and that makes me angry, it makes me feel like I want to swear and be violent.
I used to be like this with food: whenever I was hungry, i couldn't wait and felt a burning rage if i had to wait for someone.
Seems like I can't depend on anyone.

Although on the rational level I know that waiting is normal, that it takes time to get your answer,waiting makes me angry.
And: one one hand I am pushing to get an answer, but then I will probably not follow the advice.

I basically want to be allowed to behave the way I want without fearing the consequences.

My boyfriend recently abused me verbally and I slapped him for the first time in my life. I am starting to get really angry and violent when frustrated and pushed to the edge.

I have been very stressed recently, I feel VERY confused and like my mind is falling apart.
acnevictim last decade
If liquid dilution is not available, the next best option is to take a dose of PULSATILLA 6c as follows:

1 pellet of Puls 6c is to be dissolved in 500 ml spring water, and then take a teaspoon from there ONCE.

Rest of the symptoms can be tackled later. At this point it is important to anti-dote the harmful effects of Lycopodium first.
sameervermani last decade
am i in trouble???
what's happening???
isn't it going to be fixed by itself?
acnevictim last decade
I have taken the Pulsatilla 4 days ago, because I also got a high fever with terrible pains in the bones.
The pain in the liver is still loud, it goes from below the right lower ribs all the way to the back.
I feel very weak and sad.

Anything else I could do?

Does the fact that the skin cleared mean that it actually was the right remedy, but taken in the wrong dosage?
Or was it just all wrong?

What am I doing now?

Thank you, doctor.
acnevictim last decade

Could you list down the presenting symptoms with modalities. By modalities, I mean everything that you find may affect your symptoms, by either relieving them or making them worse.

Don't panic. No need to worry. The fact that the skin symptoms went off doesn't necessarily mean suppression. It may just be that you are experiencing the so-called accessory symptoms. So, chill and let us know the current problems with all details.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Thtank you, Neal, I need help and to be reassured.

I have become a sort of 'Lycopodium symptoms list', since I overdosed it (you can read the doses above).

I have this pressing pain below the right ribs that is now expanding to my back, pointing towards the lower back.
I dream of terrible car accidents.
I am confused about who I am, I am a professional singer and I am terrified by the productions I have to face in the upcoming months. I cannot LIVE without my profession, but whenever I am in public I feel like I have never studied in my life (one of my recurrent dreams is about having to sing in public and not knowing the music).

I feel like I am worth nothing and like my life will amount to nothing, no matter how I love what I do and how I have been working for it.
I am scared and confused about who I am.

But the Lyc didn't help that at all.

I self-prescribed myself the Lyc after 2 weeks of Sulphur that actually worked miracles on me (took the leuchorrea away, put me in excellent mood, etc).
So maybe the skin cleared because of the Sulphur.

Thank you so much.
In an older post of mine you can find all of my story, if you're interested in knowing more.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.
acnevictim last decade
'niel', sorry.

acnevictim last decade
Are you gone?

acnevictim last decade
It doesn't sound like Lycopodium to me, from that description, except in the most superficial sense.

Are you wanting a more precise prescription?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Two serious problems happened here.

1. You do not take Lyco. after Sulphur.

2. One must not repeat Lyco. at least 3 days have passed.
nawazkhan last decade
'I self-prescribed myself the Lyc after 2 weeks of Sulphur'

What was the Sulphur potency and how many doses you took on daily basis?

Please tell me what was your single dose of Lycopodium 200C and Sulphur?

You have certainly over dosed both of the remedies with reverse cycle.

But, please do not worry, you will be OK.
nawazkhan last decade
Even if she had taken both remedies i.e; sulphur and lyco and overdosed,though anyone should be careful about dosing but the Sameer prescription is 100% right. acnevictim please go head with Sameer, as pulsatilla will cover both remedies overdosing symptoms. And there isn't any harm in taking 6c in olfaction dose or just one wet one dose.
Paki1 last decade
I agree with BH that symptoms follow Lycopodium only superficially. Don't worry, you are NOT proving the remedy.

Please jot down all your present problems in more details after giving them careful attention. Don't be bogged down by the fact that you have taken Lycopodium and hence these problems.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Paki1,

Your comments from a patient point of view and experience are appreciated!

I understand you have learned a lot by taking all kinds of remedies, therefore, sharing of your experience is valuable.

I see you are a patient of Sameer and others on this forum since May 2008. There is no doubt that Sameer is good, a professional classical homoeopath. We appreciate his services on this forum. His advice on this thread is the correct one. But, you are saying 'please go head with Sameer', the fact of the matter is that the patient has already taken Sameer's advice on 12/23/2010 ' I have taken the Pulsatilla 4 days ago'.

So, what you are trying to accomplish here is beyond comprehension?

We want to help patient not scare, and to run away by consultants and patients throwing their biased ideas. The patient is not responding, might already had enough with all of us.

The fact of the mater is that a correct cycle of taking remedies (SULPHUR, CALCAREA, LYCOPODIUM) has not been followed and over dosing of the remedies here, resulting in symptomatic imbroglio?

Therefore, a proper help from Niel and David is expected in a timely manner.

May God bless you all?

nawazkhan last decade
Dear all,

you can find here my first post about my case.


Yes, I have taken the Pulsatilla already and what is still bothering me is the pain in the liver area. The only amelioration to that is NOT eating at all.
I have been a fool taking the Lyco in such a dosage, I had never had liver problems in my life so far and I'm just scared I caused myself a permanent damage.

I feel better today, anyway.

My self therapy was.

Sulphur 30c, twice a day for 8 days,
Sulphur 200c twice a day for 8 more days


Lycopodium 200c twice a day for 8 days.

Then the liver started aching and I guessed I had to stop.

The Sulphur took the leuchorrea away and gave an excellent mood, but after 2 weeks I got 2 spots of a dry, itchy eczema on my back (never had before), so i thought I had to spot.

I have always followed my homeopathist's prescriptions so far, but now he's far away and I am freaking out. I am scared by my job, I blew a huge audition and I started to take pills randomly.

The only thing I am not getting is why the skin has improved this much.
Was it the Sulphur or the Lyco or just a mere case?

Love you all and thank you all for caring.
acnevictim last decade

So let us clear this up a bit for you. What you are experiencing are accessory symptoms of Lyco.

Accessory symptoms are addition symptoms produced over and above the cure achieved when the medicine is a partial similar and repeated too much.

However, the situation is not that grave. The symptoms would normally fade away on their own. But given the fact that you are so troubled by the after-effects, it is prudent to suggest the remedy based on the current totality of symptoms.

Your current symptoms strongly point to a remedy called Magnesia mur. It can safely be taken after Lycopodium as both are concordant remedies.

So, please take a singe wet dose of Magnesia mur 30c before breakfast on a single morning. All Homeopathic restrictions follow.

Please report back in three days from taking the remedy.

Warm regards,
Niel Madhavan last decade
I haven't taken the magnesia yet, but I am starting to feel better.
And in fact... the acne is back.

acnevictim last decade
Wait for a couple of days and let us know of the situation in detail.

If the pain in the liver persists, do take the Mag mur as suggested.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Dear nawazkhan,

I mean to go head with sameer means sameer prescription, if she's taken sameer advice she should atleast wait for his reply nothing else. Been a homeopathy myself I also myself think pulsatilla with cover that's why i replied in that manner. Nothing personal bro.
Paki1 last decade

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