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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic insomnia !!!

Hello doctors,
could you please help my husband to quite smoking and get rid of chronic insomnia.Actually I think it's connected.
He has been smoking for 20 years and now trying to quite, he chewing gums but of cause it does not work, just cause hiccup.
He is 38, a little bit overweight(97 kg)(185 sm ), but has good muscles, almost bald (hair just on the back of the head), sturdy build, white skin with freckles, green eyes. He is quiet, persistent on his thoughts, keep things bottled up, self confident, unfastidious, hard worker, does not like to go out, afraid of robbers, rides and i would say afraid of poverty, he always concerns about money, even when we have enough and he is certainly a pessimist. He does not like the sun, never saw him sunbathing, and his skin always red after sun. Does not like cold water, it takes him 15-20 minutes to go into the warm sea.
When he has acute disease he always has a cough. Likes fats, mayonnaise. He goes to bed lately because he can not sleep before 2.30, hence gets up after 12, he always feels worse in the morning and does not have an appetite till 12 or 1p.m. He has frequent dull headaches in the forehead and top of the head that begin from morning, he said they used to relieve by sleep but now not.
He does not believe in homeopathy and I can not force him to go to the doctor. He prefer drink some alcohol instead, but he is not addicted.
I am apologize for my poor English, it's not my mother language and will be very appreciate for any answer.
[message edited by Nataly on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:01:16 CST]
[message edited by Nataly on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:25:55 GMT]
[message edited by Nataly on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:35:03 GMT]
  Nataly on 2011-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
use Agrimony (bach flower remedy ) 2 drops thrice in a day for a month...
gradually smoking will reduced and improve the sleep also

try it and inform me

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
oh, I am so happy, that you answered Dr.Deoshlok!! I'm gonna buy it today if I find one.
Thank you
Nataly last decade
Please visit the link below to read the reports of patients who were able to QUIT smoking using Arnica 30c in the Wet dose.


Your remedy is Arnica 30c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
Joe De Livera last decade
I would also like to add that Arnica taken just before bed will promote deep sleep which the patient will notice the morning after when he oversleeps.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi doctors,
seems like everything is ok.
Agrimony did not work actually, but meantime we found my husband's remedy. It's Arsenicum. That's why I decided to give it to my son too.
When he takes it he falls asleep in 1 second. so funny )))

That is so interesting I gave it to him once before in 200 potency and it caused severe aggravation. but lower potency 6C works really good.

Nataly last decade
For how long you have been giving him ars 6c and wats the frequency of dosage?
mani_jee last decade
one dose (2 granules)a day for two weeks or so. now he even can fall asleep by himself. He takes it only then nervous
Nataly last decade
but it started to work right away, at first time when he took it
Nataly last decade
To Nataly

You do not seem to be aware that Ars is Arsenic and its use in the low potency of 6c is NOT recommended. Not for adults nor for your son whose age you have not stated.

Do not ever used it again for both your son and your husband.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you. I've never heard about that, but why?
Nataly last decade
I agree with Joe, Ars should not be taken in low potency and too frequently.
mani_jee last decade
To Nataly

Please visit the link below to read all about Arsenic which is a deadly poison.


I am surprised that it is marketed at the 6c potency as even at that level it should not be used unless under supervision.

Arsenic is however safe to be used at the higher potency of 30c and 200c.
Joe De Livera last decade
Your son may very well need 6c - I use 6c of many remedies made from poisonous substances without problems. While theoretically there could be a few molecules of the substance left in 6c, it is not enough to cause harm.

If you are getting a good result from it there is no reason to not use it. As with all homoeopathic medicines, care should be taken by watching for new symptoms or aggravations of symptoms that persist for long periods of time.

200c clearly would be an inappropriate potency to use for him, as his reaction clearly shows. If you need to repeat 6c at regular intervals, and his insomnia comes back the same each time, it might be prudent to move up to a higher potency (12c for instance) and see if that holds longer.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Famous Last Words ?

I presume that the author of the post above David Kempson, will happily prescribe Arsenic 6c to anyone as long as he is not the patient and does not have to take it on a daily basis as reported by Nataly. I presume that he rushed into print as he shadows every one of my posts to help patients who post their problems on the ABC. He seems impelled to criticize them simply because I do not follow the classical Diktat of prescribing 'a single remedy for the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient' as I discovered long years ago, that this was just another homeopathic hoax.

I must express my surprise to note that the classical homeopath that David pretends to be, is complacent when an unsuspecting mother gives her son Arsenic 6c on a routine basis to ensure that he falls asleep !!!

'Agrimony did not work actually, but meantime we found my husband's remedy. It's Arsenicum. That's why I decided to give it to my son too.
When he takes it he falls asleep in 1 second. so funny )))

That is so interesting I gave it to him once before in 200 potency and it caused severe aggravation. but lower potency 6C works really good. '

This just goes to prove what a hypocrite he is and I hope that responsible members of the ABC will join me and Mani Jee in condemning his dangerous 'classical' attitude to Homeopathy.

As soon as I read Nataly's report I realized the grave danger that she was exposing her son to in giving Arsenic 6c to him on a routine basis:
'one dose (2 granules)a day for two weeks or so. now he even can fall asleep by himself. He takes it only then nervous'.

I warned her in my last post and was indeed very surprised when David put his foot in as usual simply because I had advised her of the obvious danger of doing so on a daily basis and argued:
'Your son may very well need 6c - I use 6c of many remedies made from poisonous substances without problems. While theoretically there could be a few molecules of the substance left in 6c, it is not enough to cause harm.

If you are getting a good result from it there is no reason to not use it. As with all homoeopathic medicines, care should be taken by watching for new symptoms or aggravations of symptoms that persist for long periods of time. '

This is the price that patients invariably pay to be treated by a 'classical' homeopath. If the classical remedy backfires as one that was prescribed by a classical homeopath did a few weeks ago when the patient was rushed to the ER in the nearest hospital, it is hushed up without even a formal apology being made to the patient, as it will be argued that a classical remedy can never harm the patient.

Arsenic is recognized as a cumulative poison and even though it is in the 6c potency it must only be used if absolutely essential and with caution under expert supervision.

For the record I would like to inform Nataly that Arnica 30c in the Wet dose is by far the best remedy to induce a good night's sleep. I have used it myself nightly since 1996 and many hundreds of patients who use it today will confirm that it is the Ultimate Nightcap.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi doctors,
I am sorry this post was about my husband only.
sorry for misunderstanding.

'That's why I decided to give it to my son too.' - this was related to my son

'When he takes it he falls asleep in 1 second. so funny ))) ' - this is related to my husband

I gave my child only one dose of Arsenicum for acute disease. I would never dare to give him repeated doses of something without prescription of professional homeopath because he is too young and can not explain symptoms if something is wrong.

About Ars for my husband, I don't know, maybe it's a wrong treatment. For me it looks like allopathic because he has to take it before he goes to sleep. But it works, it does not cause any aggr, it works only in this potency 6c and the main reason for me that his personality suits to Arsen description.
I suggested him to take Arnica, he said that if he has to take it every time before sleep what's the difference from arsen.

Anyway probably I will persuade him to try Arnica on a weekend. And will report.Thank you for advise.

But to tell you the truth I believe in classical homeopathy too.

I really don't understand why it can be like this? I mean why higher potency does not work. We tried 12c but not successfully. probably wrong remedy, or not strong enough, or covered only one symptom.

ok, that's the situation so far

Nataly last decade
Also I want to apologize to dr. Deshlok. That was not a right behavior to say that Agrimony did not work, probably it needed some correction or so.
He had taken it for 3 weeks and he really could fall asleep easier than before, but woke up in 5 minutes.
I am sorry, dr. Deshlok. I was too exited about Arsenicum.
I don't ask you for further medication, probably you don't have desire to do it. just want to say my apologizes.
Nataly last decade

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