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Pulsatilla: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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Pulsatilla dosage for cat please 12


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pulsatilla for a cat

I have a cat who meows and howls at 2 am every morning wanting attention and fits the pulsatilla personality. What how much remedy do I give a cat and how often?

Thank you for your help
  beanpole on 2011-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her three doses of pulsatilla 200 at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and see how that affects her in the next 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water.
kadwa last decade
How does she fit Pulsatilla? Are you sure of the prescription?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
well she is a very shy cat around strangers will run off and hide. She just loves company and will let the kids do anything to her. Now she has started this howling inside at night. I think it is an attention getting thing. She is white and deaf.
beanpole last decade

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