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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with patient with depression, ED, RLS and thyroid deficiency Page 2 of 2

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Hi Astra, many people are sensitive or actually allergic to this, just as many are allergic to "natural" things.

Essential oils for example can send some to hospital. The distillation of the trees and plants is the culprit. Some are allergic to certain oils.

Aromatherapy can put many into hospital ERs. No one can seem to believe that even natural things "can be" harmful to some.

Over the past 15 years or more, it has been found that many women's hormone balance is affected by soy products.

Environmental disease is affecting many in very odd ways due to the chemicals in our environment, not counting air and water.

EI is getting so bad that the senate has actually judged it as a disease and allowed for disability for it.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thank you Sabra.
Seems that I'm really insensitive.

I'm always cautious about "news" like that- you never know which corp is taking naive consumers for a ride.

Like: it is good to drink a lot of water-actually many diseases were cured by water therapy (with other natural therapies)-"unfortunately" you can't make big bucks on it.

So they stressed the news that few years ago some Boston marathon runner died from "drinking too much water"
(this would certainly scare many people!) but then you read in the text that she was drinking water without minerals, was sweating a lot and losing salt-- and died of hyponatremia=not enough salt, NOT from drinking water!
Astra2012 last decade

Soy. Well, I have done a lot of research on the stuff and I have also spent a lot of time observing people who make it their mainstay of their diet. (Observation is what led me to homeopathy and it's something that I have done since I was a young boy.)

Long before any texts came out against soy consumption, I had my own personal experiences that I didn't tie to soy at first. When I was in University, I thought I was doing myself a favor by consuming soy (soy milk, tofu, "fake" burgers made of textured vegetable protein, etc.). I would finish my last class o the day at 3:30 and return to my apartment where I would consume a cup of soy milk every day. I might then eat a "Boca Burger" (a soy burger). By 4:15 (sometimes right on the nose), I would be sound asleep on the couch. When I awoke, I felt disoriented, very gassy and as though I'd been drugged. Since I had a night job that started at 5pm, this drugged out feeling didn't help matters. I never made the connection between soy and this fatigue until I ran out of the milk and soy burgers. For about a week, I didn't do my normal routine and....I returned from class and went to work feeling great. Maybe I was a bit slow, but I purchased more soy milk, started the routine again and the same sleep induced pattern happened. Ah-ha! Now it made sense. I asked others if they noticed the same soy/fatigue connection and they weren't sure. So, I just assumed it was me and tossed out all soy, never to consume it again. When I would eat it by mistake (i.e., if it was in a meal at an Asian restaurant, the same exact fatigue effect would occur.)

About 5 years later, I checked positive for low thyroid function. I went to a trusted ND and she opened my eyes to what might have caused this odd glandular problem: SOY. She asked if I'd been bottle fed or breast fed. I'd been bottle fed as my mother became very sick in the hospital and ceased to produce milk. The bottle milk had been soy formula. Fortunately, I was NOT fed this formula for longer than a few months. Even that was not great, as it could have presented more life-changing problems to my genitalia. (More on that in a second). The soy consumption I started in college must have done something or triggered a response because my parathyroid was borderline low. The ND informed me of research done in Europe that confirmed that the phytates in soy, depressed thyroid function, thereby affecting hormonal function, adrenal function and increasing fatigue. She also lent me studies that were done on vegetarian mothers who carried male fetus and who consumed soy during pregnancy and then fed their son soy and a vegetarian diet up until age 10 or above. The results were eye-opening. Male babies showed a greater risk of malformation of their penis and a long delay in testicular development. Furthermore, the information showed that male children displayed more feminine characteristics during their prepubescent development which continued into their early 20's and beyond.

Okay. Interesting study, I thought. So, I decided to test this idea in the real world. I started paying close attention to mothers who gave birth to male children and who ate either soy instead of meat or soy in addition to a meat diet. My observations started to scare me. Yes, there was a definite feminine quality to the boys of these mothers. Not only did have an androgynous persona, they spoke quietly, lacked willpower, simply did not act like "a boy" with a boy's sense of adventure and drive and suffered from major fatigue, preventing them from being successful in any sports. Mind you, I saw this repeated in many, many boys.

I then noticed a connection between low thyroid function, hormonal problems, menopausal difficulties and weight gain all tied to soy. Take soy out of these women's diets, and suddenly they seemed to wake up! I have tested this idea on many patients and, as of now, it seems to be working.

Yes, Mary Enig and Sally Fallon have made quite a lot of noise about the dangers of soy and, thanks to them, more info is out there that outlines their intense research on the subject. They are carrying on the admirable work of Drs. Price and Pottenger who demonstrated the adverse effects of adding sugar and white flour to the diets of native cultures.

Furthermore, there is reason to believe based upon research by Dr. Lorraine Andersn at Belfast's Royal Maternity Hospital, that soy consumption affects fertility negatively, causing sperm to "swim more slowly." Sperms motility is considered one of the critical factors in fertility. As Dr. Anderson put it: "It doesn't matter how many sperm a man's got, if they can't get from A to B then there's little chance of reproduction."

There is BIG money in soy production, thus there is great adversity to getting a lot of this negative information into the mainstream media. Soy is now added to nearly all fast food meat burgers to extend the supply of the meat and make it cheaper to produce. Soy is in soups, chips, salad dressings, sauces, most pre-packaged foods and much more. Read labels and see words like "Textured Vegetable Protein" (or just TVP), Soybean oil, Soy sauce and it's got soy in it. Soy milk consumption is linked to poor digestion, causes plenty of bloating and gas and can create either constipation or diarrhea (although diarrhea is a form of constipation). Anyone with a predisposition to thyroid deficiency, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, estrogen-induced cancers (or estrogen dominance) or mental fatigue should not eat soy in my opinion. There are some sources that I cannot quantify that claim a cup of soy milk has enough estrogen to be equivalent to two birth control pills. If this is accurate, then the estrogen-heavy components in the soy are one of the sources for the feminine-inducing qualities in males as they mature.

If all that doesn't get you worried, consider that the weed killer ROUND-UP is used on most soy crops (even some noted as organic...they get around this by treating the seed prior to planting and then the farmer may grow the crop organically but the seed is still infested with the chemical.) Round-Up has perfected production so that they can spray a field of GMO soy seed and kill the weeds around the soy but NOT the soy. Better living through chemistry....and quicker dying.

And finally, if you say "Wait! What about the Asians! They've been consuming soy for centuries with no problems! Look at the population of Asia!!!"

Yes and no. We Americans tend to take a cultural action, isolate it and then adopt it without the benefit of the supporting life around it. Look how Americans leech onto Zen principles without realizing that true Zen is not living life on an interstate highway everyday. Or how we suck onto Native American beliefs, taking what feels good and not acknowledging the other aspects that make the belief WHOLE. Same thing with soy. Go to Asia and you will not see a bunch of vegetarians sitting around eating a stack of Boca Burgers and drinking a tall glass of soy milk. Won't happen! Asians consume soy as a CONDIMENT, NOT A MEAL! An Asian doctor friend of mine laughed at the American desire to leech onto cultural diets without the knowledge they needed. He said to me, "Jim, would you sit down to a meal of kethcup?" Of course, I said "no." He said that this is how Asians see Americans when it comes to soy. We eat what might be a condiment (kethcup) as a meal and wonder why we are sick. I never forgot that and it made so much sense. Also, when Asians eat tofu or tempeh, they nearly always eat it with fish or meat of some kind so the mineral balance will stay in the body. Soy just knocks the calcium out of your body if you consume too much of it. The addition of of meat protein helps prevent this.

Of course, I'm not a big believer in vegetarian diets. But that's another story for another day.
Jim Sheldon ND last decade
You are so knowledgable about the downside of soy and to my feeble defense I only have my gender (yes, I read somewhere that it is not too good for boys), lack of predispositions you listed, and not-yet-menopausal age.
But your post definitely sounds truthful.

The sad fact is that we have to eat something. Even deep ocean fish is now either grown in farms or full of mercury. "Organic" lost its meaning (see your example) and not everybody can grow own produce.

So we do the best we can. And diet, like homeopathy, is very individual. I do not feel fatigue after soymilk. In CA they have rice milk but I live in PA-too far for grocery shopping-you have to drink something except water.

What is wrong with vegetarian diet (unless your blood type is "0"-as I am, so accord. to dr D'Amato I need animal protein every day)? But I know some vegetarians doing fine (so far).
Astra2012 last decade

Agree on the fish consumption and the pollution of our environment. Yes, we have to eat something.

I treat people as individuals and would never group a bunch of people together based upon their blood type. I believe genetics, predisposition to illness, gender, sex, and where you live all play a part in what you should eat. For example, I work in a high altitude mountain town north of the Rockies. There is credible evidence that people who live above 3,000 feet need meat protein in order to create the physical and mental energy needed where there is less oxygen. The higher in altitude, the greater need for meat protein. Hey, even the Dalai Lama is not a vegetarian, nor are his monks who live at 13,000 feet elevation. He has spoken about the body's need for meat when one lives at such heights and he is a spiritual man. I get very aggravated when religions or odd trends recommend a vegetarian diet. Case in point: I treated a Sikh woman for five years who had a vicious case of psoriasis. She was literally melting away as she was malnutritious. I decided to investigate her way of life (I do this all the time as I want to really understand how people live and think.) I spent some time with her friends who were Sikhs (these are American Sikhs) and I was once again shocked at what I saw. None of these people were healthy. None of them! One son had a congenital heart problem, was skin and bones and nearly died twice before the age of 25. The other son acted as though he was retarded (although he wasn't) and couldn't respond to a question across the dinner table without a 10 or 20 second pause. Both the parents were on Prozac. The wife showed symptoms of psychosis. There was more but I'll end it there. Please do not think I'm judging the Sikhs. It is just that I spent a great deal of time with these people, listened to what they believed in, ate their food, observed their motivations and over the five years, it just seemed as if none of them got any better. The Sikh woman I treated would not eat an egg, even when I told her after five years that all the herbs and homepathics I had in my arsenal were failing due to her malnutrious diet. (She was a blood "O" type, by the way.). She was finally rushed to the hospital and told by her doctors that she either ate meat protein or die. That's how bad it got. Apparently, it was enough to scare her. She told me she went home and consumed 6 eggs in one sitting and that "it tasted like a warm, cozy blanket." She consumed eggs every day, as well as salmon and chicken. Never got her to eat red meat but I felt that it would not have been great on her system since she had been a vegetarian for 28 years and didn't have the digestive enzymes needed to digest red meat. She flourished on the protein. The skin problem vanished within two months. Her mental outlook became strong (before she was as loony as could be) and she started making plans for her future. THEN the religion nabbed her. Her Sikh friends did an "intervention" on her. Yes, that's right, folks. Just as if she were a drug addict, they descended on her home to tell her that she was creating far too much karma for her next life by eating living things. She was told to travel to New Mexico to where the Sikhs have their headquarters and confess her "sin" to the guru. She was in NO physical condition to do such a thing but her guilt made her go. I won't go into the mess she encountered when she got to New Mexico, but suffice to say, I was saddened by mankind's blindness and attachment to a religion over what is best for a woman in poor health. Ironically, the man who counseled her in NM later died prematurely of a blood disease.

Whenever I talk or lecture about nutrition and what I have observed over the last 25 years, I always get a few people who rise up in the audience and yell at me. They are all vegetarians. I NEVER say you CAN'T eat the way you want. I just tell people what I have seen and the various real-life problems that can occur from an all vegetable diet. Even when I studied the cancer recuperative diet protocols, after a period of cleansing and no meat whatsoever, eggs were gradually introduced into the diet (fertile eggs) to give strength and resolve to the patient. Look, I am a blood A type and I don't eat a lot of red meat, but I listen to my body and when I need a shot of "fire energy" or prana, I eat some lamb or beef, and it's ALWAYS organic. I buy from a ranch about 100 miles away.

It is ALL about moderation. I tell that to patients constantly. As I said before, I am not a Nazi when it comes to diet. I've seen far too many health advocates act like tiny gods as they wield their whip and chains and make their followers feel nothing but guilt if they eat a bag of french fries or partake of a piece of chocolate cake every six months. The MIND rules the heart. If your MIND is constantly freaked out about what's going into your mouth and if you're being "good" (a term I hear patients use and which I hate), then you are doomed. I say, if you want a piece of chocolate cake every now and again, LOVE that chocolate cake. Embrace that cake. Feel nothing but absolute utter joy as the icing melts against your tongue. Your body will take it in and utilize it. And the happiness you felt will linger on long after that. JUST NO GUILT.
Jim Sheldon ND last decade

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