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Atypical depression/social phobia - "details" 11



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Atypical depression/social phobia

First of all, please note "Atypical" which has nothing to do with typical depression as it is defined. Atypical depression has following characteristics:

- Extreme debilitating fatigue, no energy whatsoever
- Heaviness of the limbs, extremeties, infact entire body weight is felt as sheer weight.
- extreme rejection sensitivity. Slight criticism tears a person apart.
- Overeating and over sleeping are characteristics of this illness.

Above are the MAIN symptoms of what medical community "loosely" defines as Atypical depression. Please note: Atypical depression has nothing to do with depression itself even though some degree of depression is expected but is infact is a side effect of the main 4 complaints listed above.

Social phobia does not need much explanation and is preety mucn self explanatory. Feeling of intense "Fearfulness" in public places and of public.

I would be much more specific as far as symptoms go but would wait until someone knowledgeable responds. This is very debilitating illness and has very specific and fix set of symptoms. Please note, this is not a chronic fatigue/fibrolgia or pure depression even though some symptoms may seem to cross over or corelate. Again, I would be much more specific but please respond first to get the conversation going. Thanks in advance.
  bobmt on 2005-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are a number of remedies that have the signs you quote.

Calc carb
Natrum mur

Check them out and see what lines up with your character.

Slight snag -- I am away from 10 -28 th June.
keypass last decade
keypass - are you passkey or another with a similar name?
erika last decade

Before I continue, please see my another post titled "Atypical depression/soccial phobia - Details". I had conversation going with Svara. It is suggested I try Argentinum Nitricum and Selenium.

One "symptom" I didn't stress on and is obvious, atleast to me, is "my mind, body and so called spirit seem to be locked into these state or states. It almost seems like "my system" has decided to stay in this position for some reason as no matter what I try, there is not even a slight budge. And even when something seemed to help a bit, my system quickly over powers it and then there is no more positive effect from that therapy! I just don't understand this part! For almost 45 years I have been going thru this day and night. The only new symptom (last 10 or so years) was low back pain and right side abdominal pain that sometimes extends to right testicle - other then that there no change in my symptoms. They have always been what I have described in my "Detail" post and I have tried many - many therapies over the years - infact anything that I could get my hands on!

Anyway, Svara - Erika -Sabra - Passkey,Pankaj : did you ever come across where a person's body would overpower and get back to the original illness no matter what therapy person tries??? I mean, I understand what I am trying to do is "change" very nature that I am born with - may be that is it - nature that one is born with can not be changed - may be for time being but then one's body/mind finds how and where it was and comes back to it's starting position , so to speak!

Any feedback? Thanks in advance.
bobmt last decade
dear sabra,
glad that you were on holidays.was it cool?
as you are back now, insisting time from your patients again.PLEASE REPLY.

sanvar last decade
Hi bobmt,
I was reading about your symptoms and was wandering how you were getting on because I suffer almost identical symptoms
eurostar last decade
I am sorry, eurostar, but I don't have much success to report. I have tried numerous therapies - from herbs to prozac and most everything in-between- and none have made a lasting effect - most didn't even work and some had temporary positive effect. Even though I feel like telling you I have given up on finding a "cure" because after a while (45 years of unsuccessful and nothing but failing experiences!), I still currently take number of different supplements ranging fom specialized herbs touted for to fight fatigue/increase energy, nadh, createne, ALC, CoQ10, adrenal/thyroid support like adrenalaide and thyroplex (and I don't even have low adrenal or thyroid!), oxygen pills and h2o2, Protein powder, MSM, glyconutrients, immune support stuff like immupower - Moducare - olive leaf extract etc, oral chelation stuff and host of other stuff - all these without much benefit. This is just to tell my mind I am doing something but other then that I really don't feel much effect at all! Meaning whether I take any of this or not - there is not an ounce of difference! The only difference is supplement keeps on changing but the basic problem and a stupid HOPE that somewhere along this life I will find CURE -still remains! Anyway...

On this site, Dr Jim Sheldon recommends couple of herbal products- namely Seroctin and Maritime pine plus which I might give a try. If prozac/effexor/wellbutrin/provigil/Nardil and many more didn't help (Nardil is specially recommnded for Atypical depression/social phobia) I don't know what would seroctin do! There is another product called Prosoteine (http://www.eyicom.com/main.aspx) which sounds very good from company web site info but it could just be a self-promoting marketing scam plus it is from soy so I am little weary on trying this! I may give a try to cobat, transfer factor, mitochondia ignite and couple other energy producing/fatigue reducing supplements in the future.

What I have found out from all these "experiences" is that if one is born with an illness and if that illness is who you really are, meaning that is your identity itself, then there is little that can be done about it. That is, let's say if one is normally confident and happy going person but is feeling little blue due to some set back then that person can be helped by supplements or just even time itself will heal him but if one was born with depression illness, for example, then it is very difficult to find a cure as his body/mind/spirit will always tend to come back to his born nature! That is who he is, his own self, his identity, and there is no cure or escape from this! Trust me, I have tried many many things from spiritual to allopathic and all in vain. Lots of promises but no real results! The answer "cure" depends on who you go to. If you go to an accupuncturist he will say its because your meridians are blocked, if you go to a spiritualist he will say its from your past karma, if you go to a psychiatrist he will say its your nerotransmitters and the list goes on... The funny thing is even after giving a benefit of the doubt to all these systems of healing - no healing is acheived! Every lab test results come normal. Most therapies have been tried including homeopathy years ago, another funny thing is I used to be a homeopathic student 20 years ago before life took me on a different path...

Anyway, I know I haven't helped you much but this is where I stand. I do appreciate Sanvar and other's help on this forum and all the people/therapists/doctors/gurus and all- unfortunately none has bore a fruitful fruit, so to speak! The search of hope and crash and hope goes on...this itself is a vicious cycle! All I wanted to find was how it feels to be energetic and less fearful - if I can get this two parts under my belt then rest I can pull - 45 years of life has taught me enough whereby I can lead a little better life and concentrate on other things rather then fatigue and fearfulness! I mean, the moment I wake up in the morning - I am TIRED and I feel fearful automatically wihout me doing anything in social situations - I lost a battle that didn't even begin! What could one do??? And I am not doing anything to feel this way - this is all natural for me - this is how it is so what could one do! Wish I had an answer...
bobmt last decade
Hi Bobmt,
How are you? I am a homeopath from UK and happy to have a go if you would like?
All the best
stephanieG last decade
Hi Stephanie,

I had forgotten about all this and happen to bump into this site and saw this post. Forgotten not because I am ok but mostly because I gave up kind of thing. Please see my Atypical depression/social phobia - 'details' post in the same forum. I described in much detais my symptoms. I had made a mistake and split the message in two so posts are kind of divided. See what you think...Thanks
bobmt last decade
Hello Bob mt,
I have printed off your 9 posts and will study them later. From the little I have read I dont think there will be enough information for me to prescribe with any real confidence so will need more detail but will ask you questions if you don't mind?
Would you rather do it through this forum or between our private email addresses?
It doesn't matter to me either way.
Will be in touch.
stephanieG last decade
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for responding. How do I provide you with email address? This forum does not allow me to post email address! Bob
bobmt last decade
Hi Bob,
I did it with one person, we managed to get into each other's profiles!! Can't see how to do it now. Try this
stephanie dot ginn at ntl world dot com
Can you please answer a few questions for me, and by the way I can't make you any promises but will try my best for you.
Please answer in as much detail and with as much feeling as you can muster.
You say that you get angry very easily. What makes you angry? Are you ever able to show it? What does it make you want to do? What do you do when angry? You mention that you bury it deep inside, why? What would it mean to show it?
Can you give me an example of when you have been critisised, what did you feel, did you show it?
When you have this pain and it is bad or at it's worst, what do you do with yourself, do you ever feel fed up or angry around the pain. Try to tell me how it affects you.
What is the fear in public places about? Do you know exactly what is making you fearful, what does it make you want to do?
Why do you close the curtains when you come in, are you hiding, is it the light, what is it?
How does this whole situation make you feel, it sounds like you have been like it most of your life? Were you tired and in pain as a child?

Sorry a bit of a bag there. Some will cross with what you have alresdy written but I may get a different slant if you answer the questions without looking at what you wrote before!
Anyway you have a go and so will I.
All the best
stephanieG last decade
Hi Stephanie,

I just sent email to you - pls check if it worked - likewise pls try following from your side: brm234 at hotmail dot com - it is temp for now! Thanks. More on your post little later...
bobmt last decade
I replied but got it sent back. If you just set it up and sent to me it should be ok, so I will try again to send the same message.
stephanieG last decade
Its ok it's bmt not brm...you should have it now?
stephanieG last decade

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