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Panic/Anxity Attack 9



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Panic Attack/Anxity Attack

Doctors, First of all thanks a lot for helping the people with your suggestions. I happen to search the internet and found this site.Hope my issue will be resolved too.

Problem Description: I am facing panic attacks. Started in 2008 on an very heated argument with my worker on construction site and on the same day in the in the night my BP shot to 170/80 and rushed to doctor as I am feeling giddiness. He asked me about the reason and asked me to take the BP tablet for immediate relief. But the real problem still with-in. And since then I started feeling panic attack like , walking on a railway platform near my house has become an issue because I feel like loosing control and its like 'drunken person walking on a road'. I feel like I am about to loose control and need to catch something to hold-on.2)Sometimes breathing becomes tough and feel choocking.If I take deep breath and do some meditation , then slowly it comes to normal.3)My heart beat goes up if I hear big sounds 4) I cant shout as I feel like fainting if I shout. These are couple of symptoms.5) When discussing with some one suddenly I felt like BP going down and falling down. So I need to rush out and take deep breath and it takes lot of time to go normal.

Other things which are affecting me are constant thinking about my marriage. Worried about it.

So, as I am unable to control the problem, I went to Doctor and took anti-panic tablets for 3 months in 2008 and the aftre that it reduced to nearly 60%. It again started now for the past 3 weeks and I again started taking anti-panic tablets.

But , one of my friends said, try taking help from homeopathy , so mailing this.

PLEASE PLEASE help me. This is the worst thing that can happen to any one.

Thanks for your help
  kpkumar on 2011-12-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Ignatia 1M as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I need a suggestion from you.As already mentioned in the post, I am taking English medicines for anti-panic problem.And this is going to be 1 month course.

And as mentioned, I dont want to continue taking English medicine on long term, so want to come to Homepathy.

However, as I already started taking English medicine by the time I posted my problem on this forum, I feel like continiuing it till the end of the course, which is going to be another 15 days.

In this situation, can I start taking Homepathy medicine while I am taking English medicine? Or, shall I start Homeppathy medicine after 15 days once the English medicine course is over?

Please suggest.

Thanks a lot

kpkumar last decade
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

nawazkhan last decade
Please complete the course of english medicine. If there are no problems after that no need to take anything. If symptoms persist, please take the remedy as suggested and report back.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,

Thanks a lot for your reply.
Will follow as you mentioned.

kpkumar last decade
Dear Dr.Kadwa,

As discussed earlier, I am done with the English medicine course. Still I don't see major changes.

So, I'll start taking Ignatia 1M
as suggested by you.And report back to you after 15 days.

Best Regards,
kpkumar last decade

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