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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have psoriasis from past 9 years. It started inside the year.For three to four years I took alopathy treatment.It did not work.

For some months I took Bio chemic 20 and Cali sulph, I could see the improvement.Still I decided to go to Homeopath for good cosultation.
I am under homeopathy medication but I am not seeing any improvement.Psoriasis had been spread to my scalp and near the knees and joints.

I am taking the medicines given by my doctor. I dont know the name of madicine as doctors do not disclose the name.As there is no improvement, I am not sure whether I can take cali suph or sulphur or biochemic 20 even though I am taking other homeo medicines.

Please advise
[message edited by S1985 on Mon, 26 Dec 2011 15:23:11 GMT]
  S1985 on 2011-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
psoriasis is fully cureable by homoeopathy.. pls try the following prescription...
1. kali ars 6 weekly one dose early in the morning empty stomach
2. Hydrocotyle A 3X 10 drops thrice in aday with 1/2 cup of water..

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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