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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cat flu

my cats have caught the flu virus and they are not eating since the past 4 days. i am force feeding them. they have a runny nose, watery eyes,coughing and have a difficulty breating. can u please tell me some medicine that can help them. i will be waiting for ur reply.
  SADIA81 on 2011-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pulsatilla 30
if that doesn't work..
calc carb 30

give the remedy thrice a day for 2 days.
kadwa last decade
can u please tell me how much should i give them. i have 4 months old kitten, 1 year cat and 2 years old cat suffering from flu. please tell me the right quantity i should give to each one of them. i will be waiting for ur reply.
SADIA81 last decade
One dose means one pill for all of them.
kadwa last decade
i have pulsatilla 30 in a liquid form. can u please tell me how many drops should i give.
SADIA81 last decade
One drop. Please give one drop either on tongue or let her drink after mixing with some water. Please throw away remaining water after she has any number of sips at a time.
kadwa last decade
thank you kadwa. i gave them 3 drops mixed in 3 teaspoons of water as i asked a doctor here, and it worked. my cats are feeling alot better and now they are eating and sleeping. i haven't tried the sulphur one yet but i sure will. thanks again.
SADIA81 last decade

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