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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

I cannot live like this- depression Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Gina,

Thanks for your kind words.

Yes i have helped many patients of severe depression of many years standing recover from their ailment.I am in fact more interested in such cases as i am a student of Organization Behavior, especially the part pertaining to individual behavior.My interest in Psychology was one of the reasons which attracted me towards Homeopathy as it is perhaps the only system of therapy which gives so much importance to a person's emotional life and psychological profile.Your dreams are interesting and have already given me a clue with regard to the future course of treatment.Were these dreams seen by you after taking Causticum or before? Any unusual dream that you have seen after taking Causticum.Please share if possible.

How are you feeling now as compared to a month back bot physically and emotionally?

rajivprasad last decade
Please see a Doctor and be totally frank with them. Good luck.

TopCat last decade
Dear Gina,Thanks for your kind words.Yes i have helped many patients of severe depression of many years standing recover from their ailment.I am in fact more interested in such cases as i am a student of Organization Behavior, especially the part pertaining to individual behavior.My interest in Psychology was one of the reasons which attracted me towards Homeopathy as it is perhaps the only system of therapy which gives so much importance to a person's emotional life and psychological profile.Your dreams are interesting and have already given me a clue with regard to the future course of treatment.Were these dreams seen by you after taking Causticum or before? Any unusual dream that you have seen after taking Causticum.Please share if possible.How are you feeling now as compared to a month back bot physically and emotionally?Rajiv
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Dear Rajiv,

I’m also interested in psychology and homeopathy but I reckon it’s because I have been trying to help myself during all these years. I am feeling really down and am losing faith in homeopathy too. I was considering ECT (electric convulsive therapy) but it is extremely expensive. Dying is cheaper!
It’s strange but I’ve never dreamt of death or injure involving myself. A few times I have romantic dreams, which I love of course. The dream I described to you, I had last week. I’ve been forgetting my dreams lately but I do remember the one I had 2 nights ago and it was a pleasant dream but it wasn’t unusual. I believe I was accompanying a group (what I would have liked to do in real life but am afraid of people) in New York. I remember getting off the bus and saying aloud and happily “We’re in New York!” while looking at the skyscrapers. And then we were in the hotel and the tourists and I were having lunch and I was enjoying myself because I felt important.
Unfortunately I don’t feel any better since I started Causticum, except for those 5 days. I think I still have to go through some sensations relating to pains and injuries I have had during my life. At the moment my skin is more infected then usual; I’m probably reliving puberty. Next should be pain in my ankles because I used to sprain one or the other almost every day when I was about 10 yrs old.

Thanks again for giving me your precious advice! I hope to be another of your successful cases!
Take care,

PS That problem I told you about the last time or 2 hasn’t solved yet.
Gina71 last decade
Dear Gina,

I am so sorry to know that you are feeling down as of now, but from the symptoms and the dreams that you related, also the fact that you could predict your next likely symptom seems to indicate that the symptoms are coming in a chronological order. That is the symptoms which appeared last in your life are coming first upon taking the medicine.If this is the case it is an excellent sign that we are on the right remedy.Please confirm if i am right.

Your dream of going out in a group and enjoying New York is a positive sign.Also the fact that of late you are not able to remember your dreams indicates that you are experiencing very deep sleep.In all cases of depression that i have treated, deeper sleep has always been a good sign as it is used by the vital force to heal deep rooted psychic wounds.Please do not lose faith in homeopathy.I am sure you will be alright.

How about your constipation?Is it better? Are you still feeling sleepy in the afternoon? If yes, do not try to resist this and take an afternoon nap.It will only help as i have seen in a number of cases.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,

I’m also interested in psychology and homeopathy but I reckon it’s because I have been trying to help myself during all these years.
The dream I described to you, I had last week. I’ve been forgetting my dreams lately but I do remember the one I had 2 nights ago and it was a pleasant dream but it wasn’t unusual. I believe I was accompanying a group (what I would have liked to do in real life but am afraid of people) in New York. I remember getting off the bus and saying aloud and happily “We’re in New York!” while looking at the skyscrapers. And then we were in the hotel and the tourists and I were having lunch and I was enjoying myself because I felt important. Sometimes I have romantic dreams but I hardly dream of death.
As for reactions from Causticum, most of the time I’m extremely depressed, lazy, lethargic, I hardly speak a word all day, I’m irritable and have crying spells. Then rarely I feel I have some energy and can talk a little more but I haven’t felt a bit light-hearted like I felt during those 5 days.
I think I still have to go through some sensations relating to pains and injuries I have had during my life. At the moment my skin is more infected then usual; I’m probably reliving puberty. Next should be pain in my ankles because I used to sprain one or the other almost every day when I was about 10 yrs old. In fact I thought Natrum M. was my similum for that reason.
You mentioned that you may have in mind another remedy for me to try but I thought you said Causticum was my similum.

Thanks again for giving me your precious advice! I hope to be among your successful cases pretty soon!
Take care,
Gina71 last decade
Sorry i didn't realize there was a second page!!!
Gina71 last decade
Dear Rajiv,

Thanks for writing to me so promptly! Yes, I have been having sensations of aches and pains in a chronological order most of the time. I seem to have less need to sleep now.
I’m not sure but maybe I’m getting better (I really hope so). I’ve been a little more active recently and I’ve been able to actually smile (even though I still feel sad inside, which is kind of weird) but it’s a start.
I’ll try to keep hanging on as usual!
I hope your studies are going well!

All the best,

P.S. That problem is solved for now.
Gina71 last decade
Dear Rajiv,

I took a third dose of Causticum yesterday because I felt that I needed a boost. I hope I didn't take it too soon and maybe compromise any possible recovery.

Take care,
Gina71 last decade
Dear Gina,

Sorry for the late reply to your last few posts.Couldn't get access to the internet as i was away on work.

Thanks for your promise to keep fighting. I really like your spirit in not giving in to this bad phase in life.

I think you should have waited for some more time before repeating the dose.At least don't take the next dose without consulting me.This is important as we might end up antidoting the effect of previous doses.Homeopathy is a very subtle subject which should only be used under expert guidance.

How do you feel now?Your various dreams are very interesting as well as indicate a healing response.I am sure that you may be feeling or may have felt better for some time on Causticum.I would really appreciate a fresh update on your response to the third dose.

Take care.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,

I’m sorry for not asking your advice on when to take the 3rd dose; I was feeling anxious and reckoned that I needed another dose of Causticum. Also my problem was solved and I made an assumption that until I get that problem it means that I still need to take the remedy. In fact when I took the dose my problem returned. I noticed that I also stopped remembering my dreams. The last 2 dreams I had (before 3rd dose) were not idyllic; in fact there was blood. What does that mean?
I don’t have much energy this time. But sometimes I am a little more talkative than a week ago and I’m able to smile although I don’t feel happy at any time.
Can you please tell me if Causticum people are pessimistic? Also do they always want what they don’t have, want to be what they’re not and want to be where they’re not? It’s horrible to be like this!!!

You don’t need to apologize! Thanks for all your help!
Take care,
Gina71 last decade
My dear friend Gina,

I was really touched by the painful expressions that you used at the end of the last post.But don't worry, everything will be fine.

I will give answers to your queries which are partly homeopathic and partly from my experiences and observations.First of all, Yes, Causticum is one of the remedies that can help depressed and sad people.But then there are many many other remedies that can do so.It all boils down to the particular symptoms that a person exhibits and the fundamental cause that is generating those symptoms.If a homeopath can find a remedy or a series of remedies to match the cause or causes then he can cure the person, otherwise not.As of now, i think Causticum suits you and it seems that it has helped you.Why do i say that it has helped you? Well, there are some objective signs that i can see.If i could see you personally before i started treatment and now, then i would have been more certain.But still from what i have gathered from you, it seems we are on the right track.

First of all, the constipation that you said has improved.The deeper sleep, which is evidenced by your inability to recall dreams.I am sure after waking up nowadays you must be feeling physically more refreshed than earlier. Of course, there would be swings both for the better and for the worse, but overall it must be better than when we started. Then the urge to talk more is again a good sign as it is an indication that your system is willing to talk out things that have been inhibiting you in the past.The fact that this talking urge has increased after the NewYork dream indicates that some of your inhibitions that prevented you from enjoying in a group were released in that dream. Again, the willingness to smile despite all this pain is a great sign. This indicates the increase in will to enjoy more despite the odds. I hope and pray to God that in days to come this smile becomes permanent. Keep smiling and keep taking the medicines that i suggest and you will be alright. You had asked that "if Causticum is my similimum then why did you say that i may need other medicines". Well, sometimes we need more than one medicine to cure a complex and old i.e. a chronic case. But by now i am sure i enjoy your trust. So leave that decision to me. I will only suggest that which is in your interest.

Regarding your query about Causticum people being pessimistic, wanting to have what they don't possess and trying to become what they are not, i can only answer in my capacity as a student of life and not as a homeopath. I think one of the major reasons for so much sadness in life is the inability to enjoy the good things in life that one has. We start to focus on those aspects of our life which do not seem satisfactory to us. We may have ten good things in life but we ignore them and focus on the few things that are not so pleasant.For example, when we are eating good and delicious food, we are so used to it and take it so much for granted that we forget to enjoy it. Same goes for all the other good things like water, air, parents, money, comforts, the fact that one was born in a rich and spacious country etc. etc. I come from India where you will find millions and millions of people living happily in conditions that are so horrible that a person from the west cannot perhaps imagine.But there are people in India too, who are extremely rich, famous, live in modern cities and still very very sad and depressed. Why is that so? Why this paradox? It is because the latter set of people are still not happy with their lives and want something more. The poorer people who are happy have come to terms with their life and are satisfied with what they have got.But at the same time, they do not lose hope that one day they will be rich and successful. It is this great ability to keep their spirit of life alive in the face of dismal life conditions coupled with hope which keeps them going.I have seen these people eat peanuts with such relish as if it were some divine nectar.If one can enjoy the small things of life as many of these people can, one can indeed be happy, even in modern times.

I hope i have not bored you by this long lecture.If i have, then please accept my apologies and keep smiling.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv

that was a touching post.

Dear Gina

i hope you feel better.
my fingers are crossed
japan last decade
Dear Rajiv,

I can only feel appreciative for the fact that you take up your time to write to me. Your post was touching like japan said and I understand perfectly what you mean.
I’ve been sleeping about 2 to 3 hrs in the afternoon lately; I like it because there’s nothing useful I feel like doing instead, and because it prevents me from thinking. I’m also feeling a little worse but it’s probably a good thing. In fact before I had that last improvement, I was feeling awful and I was crying often. Or maybe it’s due to the monthly hormonal changes, which have always caused a depressive state of their own.
Yes, there has been an overall improvement (also my blood tests that are back in the normal range prove that) and I’m grateful to you for that but I’m also very impatient to start taking my life in my hands again. I’m missing out on so many things that make life worth living like love and friendship.
As of your knowledge do recovery times differ depending on the type of depression, i.e. a sudden depression caused by the loss of a dear person for example, versus the depression triggered by years of stress and dissatisfaction with everything in life and their own self (like mine)? Would 1st type of depression disappear before 2nd? And is it easier to find the correct remedy for1st rather than 2nd?
When will I know that it’s ok to take another dose of Causticum?
Sorry for all the questions, Rajiv.

Thanks again for continuing to follow my progress even though you have already chosen a remedy for me.

Take care,

PS Thank you japan, for your kind words!
Gina71 last decade
Dear Gina,

First of all,congratulations for the improvement that has occurred in your health and well being.I feel so happy for homeopathy as well as you.Regarding your question about the two kinds of depressions, in my experience, both types are amenable to treatment by homeopathy but the second one is more difficult and takes greater amount of time than the first.In the second case along with the treatment, as one starts to improve and come out of depression, reading good and positive books also helps a lot.For example, to many of my depression patients i have suggested a very wonderful book by Dale Carnegie called 'How to stop worrying and start living'. Of course, a person in full blown depression cannot come out of it just by reading books, but they definitely help along with treatment, especially after the treatment has caused the patient to improve a little bit.This particular book is really wonderful for all depression patients. Do read it as it is easily available.

We need to wait for at least for one month before taking the next dose.I will guide you in this regard.But i would appreciate if you can post your report every week as the symptoms evolve and change.

I pray to God that you are able to find a very loving partner and some great friends.As far as friendship goes, i am not a bad friend, am I?

Bye and lots of best wishes.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,

Yes, you are a friend! I hate to tell you but I’m feeling awful and I don’t think I should be feeling this badly seeing that I’ve been on Causticum for 7 wks. I should have gone through the roughest patch by now and seeing better results. I’ve been wanting to sleep and cry all the time and desiring death; I feel as bad as when I first started taking the remedy. I’m terribly sorry but I believe this remedy is not doing enough for me. Is it because I haven’t been following the usual diet restrictions? Even when I feel a little less desperate (a few days) I have APATHY and NO MOTIVATION whatsoever. I would like to do a meditation retreat but I can’t get myself to actually ask info to these centres.
Could you please e-mail to my address (eugeniaborg at yahoo.com) because I have something very personal to tell you?

Kind regards,
Gina71 last decade
Dear Gina,

I have sent a mail to you as requested by you.I hope you have received it in proper order.I request you to have some patience and not to lose hope.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi, Gina.
My heart goes out to you so much. I too suffered from overwhelming depression. Attempted suicide twice between the ages of 12 and 15. Never knew what was wrong with me. I am now 41 and have no depression. I just sort of outgrew it. Now my 12 year old daughter has begun suffering from depression just like I did. After reading Larry Huch's book "Free At Last" I have learned how to deal with the spiritual part of that and she is doing much better. I don't know what your faith is but that might be a good one for you to read. You could probably get it from Amazon dot com. If you lived in the Dallas, Tx. area or the Tyler, Tx. area I could tell you of two awesome Holistic practitioners to go see that could do wonders for you. If you happen to live near those areas let me know. For now I want to tell you about something you can do that is very simple, yet has amazing results. I don't know why it works, but once my H.P. convinced me to do it, I was amazingly relieved of overwhelming stress that was causing me to grind my teeth at night, have bad dreams, and have severe neck and shoulder pain. So here it is. Make a list of everyone that has hurt or disappointed you. Also make a list of everyone that you feel you have hurt, disappointed or let down and feel guilty about. This may take days or weeks for you to accomplish, but every day, sit down and write a letter to one of these people. Say anything you feel like saying. Write anything that comes to mind and then when you're done, tear the letter to shreads and throw it away. If you will do this, I guarantee you that it will begin to change your life. Every time someone or some situation comes to mind, add them to the list. It took me months to write to everyone I needed to write to because some of them didn't surface to my memory until I had written to others. Some of my letters were just letters to people whom I loved dearly and needed to tell them how much they meant to me, such as an aunt that passed away many years ago. Many letters I wrote were to people that had hurt me, or caused me some kind of disappointment. Some letters were only a few lines long, some were pages long. Since I wrote the last letter, all my physical pain has gone. No more dreams, no more teeth grinding. By the way I too have had the reoccuring dream of missing my school bus. Dreams of this nature represent despair and hopelessness. I promose you, this letter writing thing works! I don't know why or how, but it has changed my life. I have even had to write letters to God when I felt he has let me down. It's ok to do that. He understands. Please try this. Emotional and spiritual problems can induce physical illness. Even allopathic doctors will admit to this, and all holistic dr.'s know it and that is why they treat the whole human, body, mind and spirit. I think you do need to get on a good herb and homeopathic program to help your body rebuild and recover. Please do some searching until you find a holistic practitioner in your area. Ask questions of people that run health food stores. Sometimes they will know of someone. A good liquid B complex supplement would probably help you a lot. It affects the nervous system and energy levels. There is a Chinese herbal supplement called "Mood Elevator" by Nature's Sunshine. Just go to Naturessunshine-dot-com and you can order on line or some health food stores carry it. It has helped my daughter tremendously. Something else that really does work is positive speaking. Make sure you don't speak anything negative and try not to listen to music with sad or depressing lyrics. All these things do affect us whether we realize it or not. Lastly, I want to tell you this. My sister-in-law suffered debilitating depression for several years and she said that Prozac was her salvation and the only thing that gave her relief. Eventhough I don't like those drugs and have never resorted to them myself, I would say to you that don't even rule them out if you can't find any other help and suicide seems a likely option for you. Try absolutely everything. Suicide is a permanant solution to what is most likely a temporary problem. Oh, yea. I almost forgot. You said you don't have any food allergies. You might be surprised at what you might be sensitive to. my son was sensitive to wheat but we never new it because he had no hives, upset stomach or any symptoms that we were aware of. But we found out that it was the primary cause of his learning disabilities. After we got him the NAET treatments for wheat he is improving dramatically. We also found out that he was sensitive to flourescent lighting, which was causing his aggression and lack of cooperation in the classroom. Again,now a different kid. Read "Say Goodbye to Illness" by Dr. Devi Nambudripad available on Amazon -dot- com. Go to NAET-dot-com to find a NAET practitioner in an area near you and get tested. You might find that some kind of environmental sensitivity is the cause of your problems. The testing doesn't involve needles, it's all done with M.R.T. My neighbor had chronic upper respiratory infections and found out that she was sensitive to formaldahyde. It was the carpeting in her house that was keeping her sick. My friend's husband began to rapidly recover from an auto-immune disease once he stopped wearing an onyx ring that he had worn for years. Turns out he was sensitive to onyx, just like some people are sensitive to copper. Just don't rule out chemical, invironmental, or food sensitivities. I know what you are going through. I wouldn't wish depression on anyone. It's a nightmare. I will be praying for you. God bless you, Gina
djwnov463 last decade
Hello djwnov463,

I was very touched when I read your letter and I wanted to thank you for all the advice you have given me. I would have replied to it earlier but I was away on a meditation retreat. It was an inspirational week although I haven’t found God yet, and would like to return later this year. I live in Italy by the way.
I am sorry you suffered from depression too. At the retreat I learned that depression is caused by the shift of vital energy to the lower part of the body. So you have to bring up the energy doing some recharging exercises we practised there. Also homeopathic remedies do that if you find the right one, of course!
I am feeling better compared to a month ago as my mood has improved but I feel I haven’t changed in the way I feel about myself, which is the core of the issue. Rajiv (to whom I am very grateful) from the forum has put me on Pulsatilla after I gave more info about myself; I have to have a lot of patience because it takes time to heal. Sometimes I still wish I could just die on the spot but other times I’m quite grateful to be alive.
What you said about writing letters is very interesting; I will try that out. I would also like to try out that remedy called “mood elevator” but I believe it would interfere with the action of Pulsatilla. I will ask Rajiv about that.
As for my health issues, I had blood tests done to check my levels of magnesium, vit. B12, folic acid, calcium etc. and they are ok. And I blood had tests done for possible allergy to wheat and thyroid or hormonal imbalances and they were none. I also did a complete check-up using an electro-acupuncture machine and it didn’t show anything relevant.
I have tried almost every antidepressant that exists at present and they only helped little and
for a month (if not at all) only to intoxicate my body. I prefer natural products by a long shot. I tried Rhodiola and Amoryn (it contains St. John’s Wort and 5HTP) but they didn’t help. Then I read on ‘Kelly’s Forum’ that people with blood group O do not respond to St. John’s Wort. Just my luck!!!! Anyway I prefer homeopathic remedies because they go deep down to the root of your emotional problems and bring balance until you go through another upsetting episode in your life that disrupts that equilibrium. This is what I understood anyway.

Thank you again for your interest and sound advice.
Kind regards,

Gina71 last decade
Dear Gina,

Its quite some time since i heard from you.Did you take the second dose of Pulsatilla 10M as advised?
how do you feel now?I hope you are fine.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Sister,

I find that your mail id is not working. Could u please give me a proper mail id.

I want to send you something
nechiyil last decade
hi gina,
how are you?
which remedy finally helped you ?
did the spiritual retreat help you?
keep us posted about ur progress as this will be the reward for rajiv and all of us with pure feelings for this case
mihir last decade
Dear all,

I hope that Gina will not mind my sharing this information with the forum.

I received a couple of personal mails from Gina wherein she informed me that she is much better than earlier but still undergoing homeopathic as well as Chinese medicine treatment.Her improvement on homeopathic treatment aroused her interest in wholistic medicine and she thereafter enrolled herself for a course in Chinese medicine.She is on her way to becoming a healer herself in her own right.

Here is wishing her a life full of healing and fulfilment.Being able to help in a case like this makes all the pain that one undergoes to study Homeopathy worthwhile.

rajivprasad last decade
thanks rajiv for informing us about this case...the credit goes to you ! you are indeed a very special homeopath...here's to you !
mihir last decade
Hi Gina

I couldn't reach you on your email so I'm posting this on here instead.

I was moved and shocked to read your posting on ABC Homeopathy. I realise that it's 2 years old now and that you have probably moved on. I hope so!

I was diagnosed at 24 with chronic depression. I'm not bipolar (I wish!) it's more of a general haze of anxiety, self-loathing and criticism towards everything and everyone-mainly myself.

Homeopathy really changed me. I now have genuine insight into my condition and I no longer let my thoughts spiral out of control. I know myself better-I know which places and people to avoid. I know I'm good near the sea or around water generally. I know i'm better for exercise (even though it's a massive effort, loads of veggies, lots of prayer (I'm not religious). Watch as little tv as you can, throw away fashion mags and read more!. My depression is still there but I've realise that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I moved away from the city for 2 years just to get away from the craziness of everything and it really helped. I spend more time around nature now, listening to the birds (who are so beautiful and don't give a ****!). When I truly loathe myself I imagine myself as a baby in my mother's arms completely pure, beautiful and loved and I remember that it's still me.

I am sturdier in my reactions to criticism now. I used to crumble if anyone name-called me . One time on a bus I had to listen to a conversation in Spanish (which i speak fluently) about how ugly I was. I didn't leave my room for 3 days!. Ugly things are always said by ugly people. I try to soak up good energy nowadays.

Hope things have got better for you. Stay strong- your life has real meaning and resonance in the universe. Do not underestimate the repercussions of negative thought. Think kindly of yourself and your body will treat you kindly in return. BREATHE DEEPLY I know I'm an old hippy but it works!

sarenone last decade
when i was 29 i suddenly had some sort depression and panic both hit me in one day: it has been 20 years now and i can tell you as looking back what and why people go through such emotions:
fear, loneliness, and selfishness: these are all present when depression has its way: they are vitious circles that keep one in the life of depression: really does'nt matter where it came from which is a waste of time to understand but i do know now how to live through it and get past it: the truth is everyone at some point in their lives do have a sort of depression but some dwell on themselves more then others or have a way to pre- occupy themselves with all sorts of things , that they don't seen to get too deep in the depression spin:
so here is how to rid ones self of depression when it seems to hit us: ' stay busy even if it is cleaning your floors and they don't need to be cleaned! talk to anyone that needs help other then yourself: make a great meal for someone : go fishing with someone: listen to solf music and sing even if you don't want to: take a walk with someone : there are so many things you can do so do them:
yes! you will still be tired and want to sleep and have all the awful feelings but they will gradually go away because your mind is too busy to create the substances it naturaly does to keep you in its strong hold: soon you will be very good at throwing it right out the door of your mind and replace it with enjoyable thoughts of a wonderful you:
medicine will never replace the chemical that your body should be producing on it's own by your thoughts and good life style! yes, it may help you through the very deep spots but it will never sustain you: above all this , the word of god can do wonders to the structure of ones mind: after all it is the manual for all flesh:
i pray your come back to help others who feel just like you or worse! frenchis
frenchis19 last decade
i wanted to post this comment seperately: i could not smile when i began that depression but god showe me that smiling , even when i can,t creates a substance in your body that is better them honey : paste that smile on your face even when you want to cry because youre hurting deeply: soon and very soon , your pain will have to leave!!!!!!! i know this without a doubt!!!!! so smile regardless of how you feel and you will be taking the medicine you need most!!!! my love to you all:
ps . i was raised on homeopathy but it is a prevenative medicine and far too many times when people don't get cured right away they feel it's a hox! the theory behind this treatment is ' simple doses, not mega trama' it will try to get you body to naturally fix itself and create the chemicals it needs to repair itself by itself' none if its remedies will harm you , unlike our counterparts:
frenchis19 last decade

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