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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Bartholin Cyst


I have been reading all the forum posts about cures for a bartholin cyst. I have tried several different homeopathy remedies, however none have worked.

I have had a chronic bartholin cyst for about 8 months. It is the size of a cherry, and does not get any smaller, however it gets a tad bigger after intercourse. The bartholin cyst causes discomfort when I sit, but doesn't really hurt otherwise.

I have tried soaking the cyst in witchen hazel, taking silica complex., silicea 200c, Myristica 200c, Liquid Dilutions Arnica Montana 30C, and Pellets Calcarea Fluorata 200C. Maybe I am not taking them right. (they were not all taken at the same time)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
  angelaTchavez on 2012-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID
2. Age-23
3. Sex- female
4. Single/Married - single
5. weight -107
6. Height …. -5'3
7. country - united states
8. climate - cold
9. List of your complaints

chronic bartholin cyst that is the size of a cherry. It causes discomfort when I sit, or touch it

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
The cyst has been chronic for about 8 months

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic - non-diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt - I desire sour and spicy food a lot but that is normal
13. Thirst- normal, not often thirsty
14. Tongue and Taste - sweet
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) I just got my blood pressure checked at the dr. and it was normal

16. What exactly is happening?
the cyst is uncomfortable, and sometimes hurts.

17. How do you feel?
constantly stressed and anxious
18. How does this affect you?
I can't sit because the cyst hurts,

19. How does it feel like? It feels like pressure pushing into my leg
20. What comes to your mind?
stress, bills
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?
Having a child
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
silica complex., silicea 200c, Myristica 200c, Liquid Dilutions Arnica Montana 30C, and Pellets Calcarea Fluorata 200C.
26. Family Background
carpul tunnel, trigger finger
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
I am a college student
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
I work for a nonprofit legal organization
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
I dont really have desires
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
I am constantly on the go and stressed, but this has been my life before I got the cyst. I have a three year old that gives me alot of problems, and I have even more problems from the drama at home.
My things are constantly getting stolen and eaten. I have little income coming in, and struggle financially which I constantly stress about.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
I can attach a photo, however, only to a homeopath dr. It is a picture of the cyst.

34. Location of the disease
left labia of the vaginal area
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
left, lower
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
regular discharge color and content

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
I am always irregular on my period, and some months I do not get one. I have been like this since high school. My last period was about a month and a half ago
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues? Not pregnant
angelaTchavez last decade

I would like you to start on Pulsatilla Q, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

If your period start, then, please stop the remedy and report?

Many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you so much for the help. What is the pulsatilla Q';s potency?
angelaTchavez last decade
will it pop or will the size reduce?

the bartholin cyst has remained the same size since I first developed it.
angelaTchavez last decade
I am sorry

I noticed it said a picture on here,
would you like a picture of the cyst.

Also, while i wait to order the right potency of pulsatilla, do you recommend a solution with the remidies i currently have:

arnica montana 30c
silicea 200
calcarea flur. 200c
myristica seb 200c

Thank you so much for every thing, i really appreciate your help
angelaTchavez last decade

The cyst size will reduce and go away, but, you will be needing additional remedies.

No need to look at the pic right now.

None of these remedies will work, therefore, please get Pulsatilla Q asap.
nawazkhan last decade
the pulsatilla q the only one I could find is the 3x dosage and pellets not liquid

is that fine?
angelaTchavez last decade
Ok, please go for it.
nawazkhan last decade
I just received the Pulsatilla in the mail.

The dosage is 8x

How do I take the pellets since it is not a liquid, and also how many pellets do I take?

Thank you so much for all your help! :)
angelaTchavez last decade
Hi, You are welcome.

Then, please take Pulsatilla 8X, 4 pellets nicely dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

This remedy must not be taken during period.

More prayers for you.

nawazkhan last decade
So, how are we doing here?
nawazkhan last decade
Hi dr nawaz I am suffering from bartholin cyst on my right side it is painless and soft but sometimes i feel muscular stretch over that area. I have taken apis melifica for that but the cyst is still there. Please suggest me cure for that.
Ra_dhanraj 8 years ago

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