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child insomnia

Hello, I would like some help with this issue: My 18 month old child is having insomnia: waking between 11pm and 12:30pm for 5 weeks every night. Restless and tired, tries to go back to sleep. Usually takes about 3 hours. Falls back to sleep by 2-3 am. Goes to bed fairly easily at 8pm.
  angelicam on 2012-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you please give the following information in respect of your son.

1.whether he prefers warm surroundings ie whether he likes to be covered or he prefers cold surroundings and open air.

2.whether he has a mild disposition or an irritable diposition. How is his attitude towards his friends and relatives?

3.What other physical problems, if any does he have.

4.At what time he feels better and at what time does he feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc.

5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting his problems.

6.How is his thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?

7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.

8.Whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still.
kadwa last decade
hi kadwa, thank you for your offer to help! my answers are in bold after your questions.

1.whether he prefers warm surroundings ie whether he likes to be covered or he prefers cold surroundings and open air. cold surroundings and open air.

2.whether he has a mild disposition or an irritable diposition. how is his attitude towards his friends and relatives? irritable. she is very clingy to me (mother) and her father.

3.what other physical problems, if any does he have. she had surgery at 1 month for a diaphragmatic hernia. all was fine. at 5 - 8 months she had terrible insomnia, which we found out was from acid reflux from the surgery. we fixed it with baking soda. she slept fine from 9 months to 18 months. she gets goat milk before bed, i'm wondering if this is a problem. we gave her medorrhinum right before this started to calm her anger and difficultness.

4.at what time he feels better and at what time does he feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc. worse in morning, best from 5-8pm

5.what do you think is the causative factor for starting his problems. not sure - parasites, acid reflux (have given her the baking soda again, it hasn't helped, pineal gland problem. i'm just not sure this time.

6.how is his thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water? drinks a lot room temperature water. loves!!! very warm herbal tea.

7.how is the bowel movement? normal, constipated or loose. 1-2 movements per day, some firm, some very soft.

8.whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still. during the day, periods of both. when she can't sleep, very restless, rolls around the bed, flops around, agitated that she can't fall asleep.

thank you again!!
angelicam last decade
Please give her Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening for 2 days and see how it affects in next 3-4 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

thank you so much for your advice! Things have significantly improved - I gave her the 4 doses as you suggested today is the 3rd day. Last night, she still woke and I took her into my bed as usual when she can't sleep, but she fell right back to sleep. This is the 1st time in 5 weeks she didn't thrash around! She is still waking around 12 am, cries alot, is irritable, but lots of happy moments. This morning she seems much more content that she has been in awhile. The Nux Vomica description described her so well. Please advise if I should ocntinue with it?

Thank you again!!! Angelica
angelicam last decade
Please repeat the remedy when there is a significant relapse in her symptoms. There is no need to repeat the remedy if she is doing well.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I muscle checked to give her another dose last night and she was up again from 2:30 am - 5:30am. should I give her the Nux 1x/day before bed until she levels off?
Thank you!! Angelica
angelicam last decade
kadwa last decade
Thank you Kadwa! Last night was better again. Do you do private consultations outside of this site? I would like to get a constitutional remedy for my other daughter.
angelicam last decade
Please write a long essay on your daughter. Please cover the following points in the essay along with everything else that you want to tell.

1.whether she prefers warm surroundings ie whether she likes to be covered or she prefers cold surroundings and open air.

2.whether she has a mild disposition or an irritable diposition. How is her attitude towards her friends and relatives?

3.What other physical problems, if any does she have.

4.At what time she feels better and at what time does she feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc.

5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting her problems.

6.How is her thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?

7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.

8.Whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still.
kadwa last decade
hi kadwa,

these are the answers for my other daughter - answers following your questions:

1.whether she prefers warm surroundings ie whether she likes to be covered or she prefers cold surroundings and open air. she likes both, generally, but when i see her sleeping, she always kicks all the blankets off.

2.whether she has a mild disposition or an irritable diposition. how is her attitude towards her friends and relatives? lately she is more irritable, but generally good natured. strong personality, very outspoken. not shy. loves playing with friends, has a lot of them. a bit bosy with them. close with her relatives, chatty.

3.what other physical problems, if any does she have. she is a bit overweight for her age (she's almost 6) we eat very well, organic, lots of vegetables, she always wants to eat treats and has a very strong sweet tooth. wants to eat a lot quite often. she snores sometimes. gets leg pains sometimes. constipation occasionally (missing one day). i think her energy is a bit low. her skin since she was born has bumps on in (small hard to see) her hair took a very long time to grow and is quite thin.

4.at what time she feels better and at what time does she feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc. low time would probably be in the afternoon, sometimes the evening. happy in the mornings always.

5.what do you think is the causative factor for starting her problems. parasites? sweet tooth? stress - her father and i fought a lot when she was little and still occasionally. her baby sister had a very rough 1st year and i didn't spend much time with her.

6.how is her thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?
very little...i have to force her to drink water.

7.how is the bowel movement? normal, constipated or loose.
usually ok, sometimes constipated. when she was a baby she had severe constipation, i treated it naturally and got her regulated.

8.whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still. both, but still a lot...she would watch tv half the day if i let her.
angelicam last decade

I Would love a remedy for myself, if you're able for a problem i have.

I have had a compulsive eating disorder since I was a teenager (I'm 41). I eat and prefer very healthy foods - vegetarian, fruits, vegetables etc. I compulsively overeat, making myself feel sick quite often. I have lymphoma and I feel this is part of the root cause. I have tried many things, NLP helped for 4 weeks and allergy treatments helped for 4 weeks. It cleared totally both times and came back completely both times. I have a strong craving for sweets, but the food can me anything. I eat when I'm not hungry every day.

1.whether she prefers warm surroundings ie whether she likes to be covered or she prefers cold surroundings and open air. Prefer warm, but fresh air.

2.whether she has a mild disposition or an irritable diposition. How is her attitude towards her friends and relatives? IRRITABLE. DON'T HAVE A LOT OF PATIENCE THE LAST FEW YEARS WITH FRIENDS. DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY FOR THEM.


4.At what time she feels better and at what time does she feel worse like in the morning, evening, late night etc. BETTER IN MORNING, WORSE AT NIGHT.

5.What do you think is the causative factor for starting her problems. STRESS, ALLERGY, HYPOTHALAMUS IMBALANCE??

6.How is her thirst for cold drinks, hot drinks and water?

7.How is the bowel movement? Normal, constipated or loose.

8.Whether the child prefers to move around or prefers to keep still. BE STILL.

Thank you!!!

angelicam last decade
for your daughter for whom you filled up the questionnaire.

Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine
kadwa last decade
for you.

Please take three doses of Calcarea Carb 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine
kadwa last decade
Thank you so much again Kadwa! I will update in 2 weeks. Angelica
angelicam last decade
Hi Kadwa,

In regards to the baby and her sleep - once she started sleeping better after the 1st 4 days of Nux Vom., she was a 'new' child - happy, laughing, napping great again. Then i skipped a day after she slept through the night, as she seemed to have leveled out. Since then, her sleep is really off again - the past 2 nights when i took her into my bed, she took 1 hour to fall back to sleep and is really grumpy again. She's only napped 1/2 hr a day ( a good nap is 2 hrs) for the past 4 days, waking up upset and crying. I have given her the Nux every night except for the 1 day I missed. Thank you! Angelica
angelicam last decade
she's had 4 bowel movements in the last few days that are little dry balls.
angelicam last decade
Please give her three doses of Phosphorus 200 at a gap of 12 hours and see how that affects.
Please compare it's performance against Nux.
kadwa last decade
I will let you know... last night was her worst night yet, since starting and it was the full moon. the full moon always seemed in the past to be her worst night.
angelicam last decade
You said with me, one dose is 2 pellets - I only gave the baby 1 pellet. Was this correct and continue with one pellet with the phosphorus?
Thank you!
angelicam last decade
One or two pellets won't make any difference. If full moon creates problems Silicea 200 should be tried after Phosphorus 200.
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

The baby, at the moment (don't want to jinx us:)) is sleeping great. The Nux Vomica, although didn't work alone, I did a parasite cleanse and together they seem to have done the trick, so thank you!!

Older daughter - I've noticed slight improvements all around with her remedy.

Me - haven't noticed any improvements, BUT upon reading up on the Calc Carb, it describes me very clearly, so it would appear to be a correct remedy for me.

Thank you Kadwa!

angelicam last decade
Hi Kadwa,

One other thing i forgot to mention - i have had anxiety on and off for the last 5 years. i took the calc carb a couple of times when it was bad and it helped quite a bit.

angelicam last decade
older daughter...

Please take three doses of Calcarea Carb 200 as follows and report back after 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
kadwa last decade
Hi Kadwa,

I didn't have a regular period until I was 21, it started at 17, I had bulimia at the time, not severe.

Since the birth of my second child (July, 2010) my period came back Sept 2011 - I was breastfeeding.

My period is now usually, 2 days, very heavy, discomfort 1st day, nothing severe. Sometimes a bit longer - spotting on 3rd and 4th day.
Never had any mental or emotional issues with menses. Never exact - 32-35 day cycle. Lots of clots since baby was born, not so much before. Bright red.

Thank you!
angelicam last decade

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