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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Blood Pressure

I have high blood pressure, taking allopathy medication for over 10 years now under constrol,but my Dr. advised me to continue the medication for life. I hate taking allopathy medication, lot of side effets. I have Premature ejaculation and Eratile disfunction I believe all these were caused by these medicines. I have get out from this.

Is any one out there who can give me an advice. Is High Blood Presssure curable with Homeopathy medicines? If so can you prescribe me such medications?

I do a complete medical check every year. This year only one item, that is my Cholesterol 8.5. I am taking a supplement for lowering my cholesterol. Otherthan that no complain. Never been in a hospital. Eat moderate meals, mostly vegetable and fruits, drinks a lot of water and do reqular exercise every day.
No much of fat, sugar or salt.
No smoke or alchohol.I am a male.

Your advice is very much appreciated.

Thank you,
  sthillaiyah on 2005-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Never take any medication allopathic or homeopathic for long periods -- always stop and evaluate results.

If necessary make a fresh start.

See post above on High BP.
walkin last decade
please see my suggestion on high blood presseure in the same question by patch 1.i hope it shall help you.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you walkin and, thank you sajjadakram635

I check tham out and come back to you if necessary.

sthillaiyah last decade
Thank you sajjadakram635, and thank you walkin. I checked them out. There are various types of medications advised for PB on patch1. Arnica, Cal Flour 3x 5 tab 4 to 6 times daily for relaxing blood vessels, Verartrum veride 3x, 10 drops. Can you explain the dosage and how long to be taken each of these medicine. I noticed there are two Arnicas, Arnica Montana and Arnica Montana Radix which one is the right one? Could you advice.

I realy will appreciate your time.

Thank you,
sthillaiyah last decade
cal fl removes hardness of blood vessels,arnica prevents ruptures of the arteries thus preventing paralysis,veratrum veride reduces the blood presseure quickly,arnica is arnica montana,cal fl if used alone will cure bp permanently but it needs time.dose is 5 drops in a lilltle water thrice daily or as the condition requires .cal fl is available in 3x tablet form dose is 5 tablets 4 times daily.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I am happy to hear from you sajjadakram635. Thank you so much. Am anxious to get rid of my allopathic medicine for BP. I am on it for over 10 years. Before I place an order for these medicines, can I take them all at the same time? or one by one, if so what order? Could you please help me on this.

Many thanks
sthillaiyah last decade
1. Cal Flour 3x - removes hardness of blood vassels, 2.Arnica Montana 200c, {succussion method}- prevents ruptures of the arteries,
3. Veratrum Viride - reduces BP quickly.

Can you please give me the deails of dosage of each of these medicines one by one.
I am a little bit confused about the dosage. Can I take them all at the same time?

About succussion method, 1 drop or 3 pellets on 400ml of water and sip 1 teaspoonful twice daily- succussion should be done 4 times every time before sip. How many days? Until finish all 400ml?

Dear sajjadakram635 - you have already answered my question on July 29/05. I may be missing some part of your answer. Please repeat for me one more time. I am so serious. I must get out from my allopathy medication as soon as posssible. Am taking it for over 10 years. I am sick and tired.

Thank you so much

sthillaiyah last decade
Whenever the medicines are prescribed on pathology low potencies are used.you better use Arnica 6c one or two drops alongwith cal fl 3x one tab 3-4 times daily whatever convenient.veratrum veride 3x can be used in emergency.dont stop allopathic medicines at once you will be at risk.any more question.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Dear Sajjadakram635,

Thank you for all the advices and answers to my questions for the last over two week.

I have questions about some other problems. I believe those problems were created by the allopathy medication am taking for my HBP for a prolong period of time. If I could solve my HBP may be those question will not arise.
Let me start with these medications now and I will get back to you soon.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dear Sajjadakram635,

I just talked with a couple of Homeo Stores. No one was able to figure out what the "Cal Flour" is. They say this name is not appeas in the Homeopathy Medication Book. Can you help me out on this.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dear sajjadakram635

I am stil waiting for your reply to my post on July 30/05, a clarification about Cal.fl. you have mentioned in your post on July 29/05 under HBP. I could not purchase this medicine, no one was able to identify this Cal.fl.

Is this medicine has any other names or am I using a wrong name?.

Please help me out on this.

sthillaiyah last decade
Dear sajjadakram635.

May be I was reading the name Cal. fl. wrong. The right full name of this medicine could be Calcarea Fluorata.

sthillaiyah last decade
i am sorry to puzzle you the right name is calcarea flourica.i hope you can get it now.sorry for inconvenience.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thak you sajjadakaram635. Difference may be the spelling. What I found was Calcarea Fluorate rather Calcarea Fluorica. In ABC it indicates Calcarea Fluorata. I believe both refers one and the same medicine.

You have helped me a lot with grate patience. We have a holiday today. I will order a couple of medicines you prescribed to me for my HBP tomorrow.

I will post progerss as it develope.

sthillaiyah last decade
Just wanted to add...I have had high-normal bp and have been taking arnica 6c daily for approx a month? I have not noticed a change on my bp but have noticed I do sleep better?! ;) Anyway I took veratrum. vir yesterday. I checked my bp before 139/97 taking it. I felt "different" after about 15 minutes and I checked my bp 1hr after I took first dose and my bp was 126/85! I check it this morning it was 124/80{83} (don't remember?) Veratrum vir. really works fast! :) Is it recommender to take veratrum vir. frequently or only when you have high bp? Im going to cont. taking arnica 6c and will start taking calc. fl. 6x. I check my bp weekly.
jose07 last decade
VERATRUM VERIDE is used for emergecy.calfl 3x,plumbum iodide 30 taken daily atleast three times remove the causation of hypertension.it is mainly due to hardening of the blood vessels.most of the time these 2 medicines remove the cause.any more question welcome.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I had read you said vera. vir used only in emergency but I wanted to try it out ;) I wont take it anymore. How soon do you think I should be able to tell? Makes a difference?

thanks I've read your post and you sure do help a lot of people here on the forum!
jose07 last decade
Sajjadakram I have a question for you. You know how I told you I took 1 dose of veratrum viride. Is it possible to have taken 1 dose and it control your bp!?

My story...I have been taking arnica 30c 2x day for about a month. My bp seem not to have changed...I took 1 dose of veratrum viride 2 days ago and I have check my bp and the hieghest that I have had it was 135/97. Checked it this morning and it was 124/85 and checked it tonight 126/87.

Could it have controled my bp with 1 dose of veratrum vir.!? Im happy but wondering? :)
jose07 last decade
DEAR J07,some times single dose produces what we want and sometimes mulpitle doses.veratrum veride belongs to vegetable kingdom,and most of the medicines belonging to this kingdom are short acting,for permanent cure,we need deep acting remedies but they are slow and needs considerable time to achieve the required result.Homeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine but far behind the allopathy the reason ,it is full of controversies.one say give one remedy at one time and wait,other says give multiple remedies to achieve the result,one says 6 is the best remedy other says give 10m and so on.one says prescribe only on symptoms the other says it can be prescribed on pathology also,one says totality of sympotms the other says one symptoms is also sufficent.one says prescription on name of disease is a sin,the other says i am successful on the name of disease.this is a sad story.is not it.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I didn't know that about the medicine in the veg. kingdom being short term acting. Nice to know. I will cont. with taking calc.fl. and arnica.

or do you think I should take clac. fl and plum. idodid?

jose07 last decade
if arnica is giving you benefit,continue if not stop it and replace with plumbum iodide and cacaria flour.
sajjadakram635 last decade
the right word is calcarea flourica.
sajjadakram635 last decade
please read calcarea fluorica.i dont know what is wrong with the spelling on this forum.sorry.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I have been taking arnica 30 for about a month. I have not noticed any difference with my bp. I the begining I did sleep better. I ordered calc-fl 6x and started a couple of days ago. I think I will also buy plum-iod and might change it if I don't notice results in a couple of more days.

jose07 last decade
Dear sajjadakram635

I am taking Arnica Montana 6c - twice a day ( Wet dose) and Calcarea Fluoreca 6x 1 tab 3x a day since August 1, 2005. I have both, expected and unexpected results

Unexpected results: 1. First day night, I stayed on bed for over one hour to get sleep. Second day on, normal again. 2. I experienced allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion, sneezy and itchy. Itchy in the arms and legs only. These symptoms appear every time I take Calcaria Cluorica.

Expected results: My HBP was in the range of 137/88. On monday, before I start with my medications, it was 137/87 (I have a reliable BP monitor home) Unbeliably it came down to 114/74 on saturday, six days aftere taking Arnica & Cal Fluor. Now my bp is in between 115/74 to 120/76. I am continuing with my allopathy medicine.

An another interesting result is, I had a headache every night, that continued until my morning bath. This headache had disappeared from the first day of taking my above medications. WOW, is that is n't wonderful? You do know how happly am I?

Thanks sajjadakram635.

I will post further developments, if any, soon.

sthillaiyah last decade

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