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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pollen Allergies - Itchy, watery Eyes and Dry and Itchy Nose

Hello brisbanehomoeopath,

As mentioned by simone717, I have started a new post for my Pollen Allergies, and have provided all the information about my allergies below. So I kindly request you to take my case to get to the core and help me get rid of this allergy problem once and for all. I really appreciate and be obliged for your help in this regards.

1. What exactly happens?

Runny nose, nostrils blocked, itchy and watery eyes as some dust fell in my eyes, cough.

2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.

The nose walls become dry, if I just touch the nostrils, I get sneezes and then water starts running. Eyes will always be itchy, and if I start rub they become blood red and cant bear the pain. Especially during the dry days the symbptoms are very high. Eyes Swollen and some kind of pimple comes in the nostril.

3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?

I live in New Jersey, during spring when leaves start coming up I get these symptoms, may be I am allergic to Pollen or Grass, I am not sure. During dry days the problem gets worse.

4. What creates some relief for the problem?

Nose blocking clears after I sneeze, but the eyes become little relieved when I wash them with cold water.

5. What triggers the problem into occuring?

May be the pollen I breathe in causes the problem. Back in India I had the allergies to dust and used to cough all the time.

6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?

The symptoms are day long. If I am in office the eyes itchiness is not bad. but the nose is always blocked. Especially during the early hours of the Day, between 2:30 AM - 5:00 AM, the pungent smell of the pollen irritates me and I dont get enough sleep.

7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?

This started in 2001, after coming back from India to New Jersey, USA. During that period I visited the doctor and he prescribed me to get the blood work done, and to my surprise I have also been diagonized with Diabetes type 2.

I dont get enough sleep, and I wont be able to concentrate on my work, and get irritated very easily. For now I am taking Claritin-D 24hr pill, even that I am taking 2 in a day as it is not controlling the problem. Also as prescribed by AsadGhumman, I had taken Lachesis 200C once on 4/17/2012 and next on 04/27/2012 times, and daily twice a day I am taking Sabadilla 200c 4 drops. I have very little relief.

I am a non vegetarian, mostly I like thai style dishes, and spicy indian dishes. But now I have cut down on alll these, I am having 1 cup of brown rice, some chicken and salad(cucumber, spinach-garlic) both in the lunch and dinner. In the breakfast I am having 2 bread slices spread with local made honey and some coffee. I take coffee 3-4 times a day. I go to gym for work out minimum 4-5 days a week for one hour a day. I feel very weak by the time I come home. I take bath and go to bed around 11:30 PM.

Thanking you,
  srkeerthi on 2012-05-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take alleraid [bakson company]--1 tablet 3 times daily, and sabadilla dilusion -1drop mixed with cup water,daily 3 times,----continue 1 month
dr.alex last decade
Hi Varun,

As I mentioned earlier, I have these allergies only for about a month. Usually my allergies start in spring from the end of April till the end of May every year. But this time as Spring was early my allergies started from April 1st itself and are now little diminished, I dont have severe eye itchiness but slight nose blocks.

So my 1st question is should I start that medication from now itself or just before the start of the spring allergies season.

2nd, isnt the dosage very high. Initially I had taken apis mellifica 1M and pulsatilla with 1M potency and somebody screamed that it is too high potency and should not take, so I stopped taking it. Please suggest if I can take the Arsenic Albumin 10M and should I start now itself or should I start before the beginning of the pollen season.

Last but not least, Is this going to cure my allergies completely or just acts as suppressor.

Please advise.

srkeerthi last decade
Hi Varun,

How is this medicine Arsenic Albumin 10M available? In the form of liquid or in the form of pills? And how should I take. I appreciate if you could advise on how to take.

srkeerthi last decade
Hi Varun,

Finally I got the pills/pellets and not clear at what time should I take the dose. Should I take in the night before food or in the morning? Please advise.

Last week my eyes were very itchy and could not control, until I keep rubbing. They became blood red and atleast one of my nostril would be blocked on every day. Though I was taking the Sabadilla dilusion. Now I stopped taking it as it had no effect since 4 days and ready to take the medication you prescribed.

As per my understanding I have to take 1 dose every two months for first three doses.

Thanks in advance.
srkeerthi last decade
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dryitchy 9 years ago

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