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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

depression sleepiness hypersomia help me out

i am 21 years old male, suffering from depression and over sleeping from 2 years.in that period i used allopathy medicine for 6 months.name of the medicine is cipralex that is the brand name of Escitalopram.
this medicine has so much side effect.i used homeopathic treatment for 2 years but no use.
as i said this allopahty medicine had so much side.this medicine effected me very deeply.it increased my sleep time,mood and every thing.now i think that allopahty made my symptoms more complicated.will homeopathy work on me.
is there any homeopathic medicine to finish the side effect of allopahty.
can a homeopahtic medicine make by Escitalopram because homeopathy says like cure like.
is there any homeopathic to treat oversleeping.
please help me out.
  nachiii on 2012-07-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Nux Vomica-1000 & report after a week.
AsadGhumman last decade
AoA,thanks for replying dr asad ghumman.
i could not get the nux vomica in 1000 potency,but i am taking this medicine in d6 potency three time a day from 7 days and i felt a improvement.anxiety and sleep period is decreased.can i take this medicine for one more week.
nachiii last decade
In case you are not able to get NUX VOMICA in higher potency You can take AVENA SATIVA Q in mother ticture 10 drops in half a cup of WARM water twice a day (morning & at bedtime). You may take it even for a week. It does not form any habit & make you very comfortable & at peace.
Good luck to you!!!
daktersaab last decade
I used nux vom d6 for two weeks.first there was a improvemt but now it has stop.
I had been taking medicines from dr waqar from 2 years.
and in mean while i used many medicines of homeopathic on basis of self priscription.
Agnus caustus,anacardium orientale,arsenicum album and cnabis indica i used in potencies of 30,200 and 1000 in last 3 months and evey medicine i used more than 20 days.
my major complains are depression anxiety extreme tiredness,my sleep in some days increased upto 12 hours.and this thing increases my anxiety .due to this i can not set my sleep routine from last year.in summer burning sensation in all over body with restless legs.due to this i can not sleep at night on time in summer.i used wet towel on legs feets arms and forehead that gives a releif from burning sensation.depression made my memory and concentration soo week and confused.i forget key in the door.leaves the electric stove and iron on.
pale tounge.yellowish thing all over tounge.
at night every thing seems strange.strange thoughts like this world dosent exists nor i.i should try to suside to clear that i exist or not.then i see on things like people around me that force me to brleice that i exists.this symptoms dosent occure every day.in eyes i feel strain.in stmoic i feel pain that goes after eating.it is very difficult to do little things for me.some times i remain hungry due to this habbit for some hours.like i make my breakfast after 4 hours after waking up.
nachiii last decade
Using internet on mobile very difficult for me to type detail.weak erection only in morning.no sexual desire.not happy in any things.nothing makes me happs.any thing not seems to make me happy.it takes me days to complete a task.confused about things i was ambitious.
nachiii last decade
Hi nachiii,

Glad to hear that Nux helped you to some extent. I understand that you don't have proper internet access but it is very difficult for me to proceed with insufficient details & improper potencies. I need following details from you to proceed further:

1- You main problems?

2- What type of depression you feel.

3- Who you think is responsible for your current state(yourself, people around you, your parents or anyone else)

4- How do you feel about life & your future?

5- Do you feel more chill or heat?

6- List all sexual problems in detail.

7- List all homeopathic remedies used so far with potencies & effects of each.

Prayers & best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
1-depression,over sleeping,anxiety mostly at night.burning sensation for some days in summer and restless legs at ningt.bath with cold water gives releif from burning sensation.timid and fogy vision at night.pale tounge.yellowish thing all over toung.that cover all toung in the morning.after eating and drinking it decreases a little.dreaming all night about the things i did or not did in the day.pain in stomic eating gives a releif.in evening anxiety starts vision become timid and foggy.and it makes me dizzy and confused.i dont know the proper words for this in english.i feel pressure in purpuri in head then i press my jaws on another when i am anxious mentally mostely at night.weak erection only in the morning.no sexual desire.lose and hanging testicles all day.only tights when i take bath with cold water.
[message edited by nachiii on Mon, 06 Aug 2012 21:39:04 BST]
nachiii last decade
My memory is weak.i want to live like normal person.i wanted to be a hard working person.with good and fresh mind.a good business man.i want have so much love for my family.i want to give every thing to them.that some day they will proud on me.
nachiii last decade
about future i thinks i can not do nothing with out getting rid of this depression.i can not study further i can not do any job due to my sleep.
nachiii last decade
I feel warm.i uses three medicines on self base anacardium orientale agnus caustus and cnnabis indica each in 200 for 20 days and four to five doses of 1000 potency.in last three months.i used cnnabis indica because i had been smoking charas for 1 year and that i stopped two years ago.because i thougt it is cause of depression and week memory and i was not enjoing that at all.and i had flue once or twice a week.that finish in a day.i was allergic from strong smells like perfume or petroul smell and from dust in the house while cleaning the house.but in germany i got flue only two to three times.
nachiii last decade
The medicines i took from doctor waqr i do not know about that.
nachiii last decade
The medicines i took from doctor waqar about that i do not know nothing.and i also took arsenicum album 30 abot 10 days and and i only felt a improvement for two to three days in agnus caustus.after that i took that for 20 days but improvement was gone.
nachiii last decade
for flue i was eating the bees of khashkhash.i eated that for about a month i am not sure that i was sleeping more before that or it started after that.may be my oversleeping due to that.
nachiii last decade
some time i listen sad music to cry and cries on my condition from that i can not get rid.i want to get rid and want to be successfull in my life.about sexual condition i have no desire and i did not saw any sexual dream as far as i remember nor i went through ahtlaam.i had jaryaan problem but in last year i did not sae the drops that had been coming with urine.
[message edited by nachiii on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 01:34:56 BST]
nachiii last decade
Thanks for the detailed inputs. Please STOP all homeopathic medicines now & let me re-access your case in depth. I feel I have I have found some good remedies for you but I don't know if you are able to get these in right potencies or not.

Just search if you can find these remedies & what potencies. Don't buy these yet but just check the market:

1- Caladium-1000
2- Sulfur-200
3- Acid Phos-Q 4- Selenium-30

Prayers & Best wishes,
AsadGhumman last decade
Aoa,dr sahib for more than 30 potency i would to do order in medicle store that i will get in 2 working days all medicine are available on order.dr sahib can you give me a favor witch medicine you want to give at first i will buy those.my friend parcel is coming from pak in that i will get the remaining medicines easily in required potency and also nux vomica in 1000 potency and if u want to sugess more possible medicines in future that i will get in required potency in same parcel in no cost.
[message edited by nachiii on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 23:50:41 BST]
nachiii last decade
Dr sahib i want to add more my sleep is so deep.normal noise dose not disturb me in sleep abot 8 to 9hours i sleep like comma after that my eye opens but i am in constant state of dreams and feel like my sleep is not complete and ubable to get up then again with dreams i am sleeping and after about 1 hours or 2 horus my eye opens and i hardly get out from bed.i am sorry for that i am unable to express my symptoms i am much more confused.i feel worse when i goes to sleep at 4 o clock and wakes in evening at 4.but when i sleep at 12 o clock or 2 o clock and wakes at 10 o clock i feel better compare to wake at 4 o clock.
nachiii last decade
I am very selective in the matter of clothes.if i am at home it dose not matters but if i have to go to some where in market or any other place i will wear those in whome i think i looks good.if my clothes are not washed or the colour i dont like i will not go outside if it is important then i will go but i will face people in depressive way.if i am in good clothes i will face every one in much better way.i am now afraid with the intelligent people coz i thinks that what they will think about me.i am afraid from high socitey the people like when i have to go some where where there are people working good welldresses,have high standatds i feel tensive there.if i am travelling in bus and there are lot of people i will feel uncomfortable specically in the people of my age or little up or down.i can not look on the face of some who is well dressed and beautiful.especially at women face that remembers me that i am imperfect.or when i see a coupel i feel depressed.due to i am not able to keep any relation.if my parents ask me for marrige i deny because i am now not able to keep my self happy what i will give other.meeting from the relatives whome i dont met many times that they will know that i have weak memory and i want to meet them in impressive manner.i think one day i will get rid and i will show them.i sleep on sides left and right.i sleep with close mouth but i know that when i am slept my mouth is open with the distance of 1 cm in lips.
nachiii last decade
I smokes too much abot 25 to 30 cigerates a day.2 to 3 cig with emptey stomic with out it i am unable to get out of bed.
nachiii last decade
There is a lot difference between my symptoms at day and ninght in physical and mentally both.most off symptoms appear after 8 o clock.and some time i get releif of mental anxiety at 2 o clock at night it is may be due to time or may be it is due to lying down in bed.
nachiii last decade
Physically i am good.83 kg weight and height 6 feet.preffer to go some where in company of friends.
nachiii last decade
Hi nachi,

Please get hold of below remedies. You can get these from Pakistan as well if that is easier & cheaper. There is no urgency:

1- Nux Vom - 1000
2- Sulfur - 200
3- Caladium - 30
4- Selenium - 30
5- Acid Phos - Q
AsadGhumman last decade

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