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Boiron Gasalia ®:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach problem - gas

Hi friends

–a friend of mine has been taking nux vomica and sulphur for a month now. This has helped both his stomach and skin problems. He used to get a burning pain in his stomach but this has now stopped and he only gets gas problem in his intestines. His symptoms correlate very much with lycopodium but as I understand you cannot prescribe lycopodium after sulphur. Calcarea Carb must be given first. The problem here however is that as he is taking nux vomica, calcarea carb will be antidoted. Is there anyway around this ?
  SorabhSharma on 2012-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
and before anyone suggests it - nat phos 6x did not have any affect.

I am considering lycopodium or carbo veg as he also has light headedness and low bp
SorabhSharma last decade

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