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Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr.Mahfooj Help pLZ ! ! Depression since nine years Plz study the case deeply

age 36
occupation -teacher
respected sir
i am suffered from depression since last nine years. i was posted far from my hometown, living alone.i was incharge of school.i had to spent some grarnts.while spending i took some without dated bills of the articles purchased and later mentioned a suitable date according to accounts due to some technical reasons.[it was only change of date not any money related dishonesty]after sometime i started thinking that the date mentioned by me dont match with the carbon copy of the billbook of shop, if there is a probe what would happen,my service may be in danger.this thought [tension] kept striking for months in my mind and i fell in deprission. i given up meeting people,talking,going out. i went on duty unwillingly as a formality. i was not interested in anything and spent all of my time fallen in bed remebring god for help.i became careless about eating,taking bath, personal appearance making save.i lost selfconfidence. negative thoughts of all life became together as there had never been anything positive in my life. hands and feet became lifeless [i could not find proper word] .i often thought that life is idle and started thinking about suicide.when i used to come home after two or three weeks, my parents used to asked me if there was something wrong but i was not ready to tell anything to them after nearabout one year when my parents were informed about my abnormal condition by someone. i was taken to hospital ,the psychatrist advised to admit me,i was admiddet in hospital and given high doses[injections and tablets] after one week i was discharged from hospital.i was feeling good,confident.docter prescribed medicines and said that it will take some months.after that whenever i went to docter he used to gave me a injection [i think it was dizapam] and prescribe medicine for a month or two. since then this chain is going on .during all this time i got married,and became father. i feel well or depressed alternativly , usually i feel worse in winter.[i also become upset when there is more mental work.]the thought of date of bills starts striking in my mind,[only once during these years the depression came first and the thought of date came later]negative thoughts become dominent.other symptoms-slowness of mind, decreased efficiancy,lack of self confidence, physical weakness,not interested in anything,memory decreases,i want to remain in bed most of time, hands palpitates, i am unable to write properly.when my health starts improving,i feel a liittle better in evening.the docter decreases or increases the dose accordingly.sleep and b.p.is normal. medicines i am taking sertraline hcl-50 twice a day fluvoxamine-50 half at night alpralozam [later replaced by clonazepam- 0.25] twice a day in 2011 i went to a homeopath in begginig there was some improvement,but later all in vain after one year of treatment in 2012 i went to a another homeopath ,after one month i felt a little better,after that there was improvement nearabout 60% .i was happy ,allopathic medicines were reduced [half] slowly,but from november 2012 i begun to feel depressed again,this time the old thought of date changing did not came in my mind,but an other document related thought became tension for me,i had never thought that it can be a reason for tension for me. homeopathic treatment is continue,and allopathic medicines have been increased,now march 2013 i am feelling little better [i dont know due to increased allopathic medicines or homeopathy] i dont know the prescription of the both homeopaths.
about me
1.i am introvert,emotional,honest
2.i want to do every work perfectly,if there is a little lack in my work,it strikes in my mind until i remove it.
3.things of little importance make me worry
4.i am very sensitive to everything like smell,fragrence,noise ,sometimes when a child cry loudly,it buzzs in my mind.when writing if there is any irregularity in the structure of letters or words it becomes a worry for me
5.i dont like cold weather. i am pure vegitarian.i dont drink and smoke 6.i like less chilly in food
7.in summer i drink a lot of water,i perspire a lot ,also in palms and soles
8.in winter my scalp and skin becomes rough,my hair are falling. 9.when i am not depressed, i feel confident,write more confidently,sometimes i remeber the thought of date,but it dont tease me.
10.i m good speaker.i participate in competitions and gets prize.i keep doing new things.i write poems also. plz suggest the remedy, brand,tell the dose also.
in hope
  INHOPE on 2013-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Natrum Mur.1m five drops (single dose) empty stomach in morning) and note changes and report after 2 weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
respected dr. mehfooj
a little late i got the medicine suggested by you but it is not in liquid form,they prepared it by mixing liquid[1m] on small round pills
how many pills should i take daily ?
[message edited by INHOPE on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 15:58:01 BST]
INHOPE last decade
respected dr. mehfooj namastey! a little late i got the medicine suggested by you but it is not in liquid form,they prepared it by mixing liquid[1m] on small round pills how many pills should i take daily ? thanks!
INHOPE last decade
Regards !
I got the medicine suggested by you but it was not in liquid form,they prepared it by mixing liquid[1m] on small round pills.
I started on
9-4-13 five pills
10-4-13 five pills in morning and five pils in evening
11-4-13 nothing
12-4-13 three pills
After taking medicine there is not any noticeable improvement
There was vibration on the left side of stomach [two or three times a day ] and a little on shoulder muscle was this due to nat. mur.?
Plz guide further i am eager to find constitutional remedy.I want to get rid of depression soon.I am very harassed.
I am describing some symptoms which i forgot earlier
1.my left eye is weak from childhood
2.There are two spots in front of right eye, they move, in which direction i see
Spots ars more clear in white background for example when i see the clouds ,i see the spots more clear.
INHOPE last decade
Please stop nat.mur and start following

1. Kali Phos-30 (five drops per dose thrice a day) and
2. Ashwagandha-Q (20 drops per dose thrice a day)

report after 2 weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks for your reply!
Is it kali phos 30x or 30 c ?
INHOPE last decade
Respected Dr Mahfooj
As you had advised, I am taking Kali Phos 30x and Ashwagandha q, both thrice a day from 18-4-13
I am feeling 10% better.
Before this you had advised 3 doses of nat.mur. 1 m, after that i felt no improvement but according to my parents there was a little improvement.
plz guide further.Can i take nat.mur. inbetween, if yes which potency [1m was higher as i felt after taking it]
Thanks a lot !
INHOPE last decade
No do not take Nat. Mur.stop it. and continue with Kali Phos-30 ( it means 30C not 30x) and Ashwaghandha-Q. and report after 2 weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Respected Dr. Mehfooj
I am taking kali phos 30c and ashwagandha-q thrice a day from 4-5-2013
I am feeling 15-20% better
Inbetween i took nat. mur. 1m two doses[five globules per dose] only for one day, on that day i did not take Kali Phos, i felt better after taking it.
Plz guide further !
Regards !
INHOPE last decade
I have advised you not to take Nat.Mur and your are doing at your own.Nat mur has done his work. Now continue with only Kali Phos and Ashwa.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Respected Dr. Mahfooj
I am continuously taking Kali phos -30c and Ashwagandha-q, both thrice a day
I am feeling a little more [can say 25%] better,
but now it seems that improvement has stopped [or may be very slow]
Due to tension for years i have also light pain in right side of chest
Plz guide further
Thanks !
INHOPE last decade
The sensation you pointed out is normaly occurs in depression cases do not bother it. The medicines you are taking now a days a very usefuly and continue them for long time.With the passage of time you will feel better.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
There was a lot of improvement till november 2013, but as it happenss in winter, in december i fell in depression once again with new negative thoughts [not old one] i increased alopathy medicines which were reduced but there is no improvement.i am taking kali phos 30 continuously,but nothing is helping.i am very depressed.plz guide further.
[message edited by INHOPE on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:58:56 GMT]
INHOPE last decade
There was a lot of improvement till november 2013, but as it happenss in winter, in december i fell in depression once again with new negative thoughts [not old one] i increased alopathy medicines which were reduced but there is no improvement.i am taking kali phos 30 continuously,but nothing is helping.i am very depressed.plz guide further.
INHOPE last decade
how is you sleep?
How is your stomach?
How is your apptitle?
Do you feel headache?

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
sleep is normal [want to remain in bed in daytime also]
I have constipation
Appetite is lesser
I have no headache
Thanks !
INHOPE last decade
Okay now you take Kali Phos-200 five drops at night only and Ashwagandha morn. and afternoon. Note changes.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
How many days should he do this
before reporting in?
simone717 last decade
for about two weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

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