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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

back pain

Hi, I have back pain, when i sleep, when i sit, when i stand i have mild pain, suppose if is stand fron squatting position, it takes some time to straighten my back. There is no radiating pain to anywhere except my low back. Sometimes if i wake late in the morning i feel backpain in bed itself, sometimes if i pass motion i feel the backpain reduced. Advise me what is suitable remedy for me.

MRI is showing some changes in L345, thecal sac, the neurologist told that you may have disc prolapse, so do back exercises. no medications prescribed.
  meghajigari on 2013-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Have you taken any homeopathic meds for this?
Or other medications?

Does anything make it better or worse? Like moving around
or staying still or?

Please fill out the form questions and put the answers on this
thread. Http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925

Please also talk in detail about when this started? Were you
doing exercise, had an injury, are you sitting all day etc?
simone717 last decade
hi, i have not taken any medician in allopathy because the pain is there always, ofcourse not so severe but it is there, when i sleep, when i stand for long. my job is sitting job, but i walk inbetween, so that my back feel better. i have not had any injury. if i stand from sitting position i have to wait for sometime to make my back straight. it has started 6 yrs back, i do back extension exercise only, ofcurse not daily. earlier i used to do yoga, but with that also my backproblem is still there, but i felt more healthy. i have not tried any homeopathy med.
meghajigari last decade
hi, regarding my nature, i am soft and sensitive and emotional person. I like warm weather, not to hot not too cold. when i sit on chair for long time may be 1 hour i feel backpain, so i stand and walk for some time. but when i stand from squatting position i should keep my back bending and massage a little bit to make it straight. earlier i had nasal polyp, now it resolved.
meghajigari last decade
male or a female

write yes or no in capitals in front of the u/m symptoms.will review the case.

Sudden, intense ailments from fright.
Anxiety and restlessness with complaints.
Fears that do not subside.
Faintness or dizziness upon waking up.
Sudden fever with one cheek red, the other pale
Intolerance of pain.
Painful urination with anxiety
Pains followed by numbness and tingling.
Eye pain and injuries
Throbbing headache.
Unquenchable thirst.

Emotional upset
Extended period of unusual or continued mental exertion
Craving for sweets and salt. Craving for strong flavors.
Enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses.

Anxiety associated with later stages of head cold, with sneezing
Asthma worse after midnight, fears suffocation while lying down
Sleepiness but insomnia
Thirsty for frequent small drinks
Weak and exhausted
Desires air but sensitive to cold
Vomiting with or without diarrhea after eating and drinking

Increased perspiration
Night sweats
Cold hands and feet
Ravenous hunger
Aversion to fats
Craving for eggs
Eyes sensitive to light
Pale face
Large appetite with slow digestion

Anxiety prior to an examination or public performance
Fatigue and aching of whole body
Limbs, head, eyelids heavy
Scalp sore to touch
Sore throat
Lack of thirst
Dizziness, trembling, fatigue, dullness

Sensation of a lump in the throat
Chills with fever
Thirst during chills
Chills relieved by warmth
Cramping pains in the abdomen or back
Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head
Skin very sensitive to drafts
Rejects company
Insomnia from emotional distress
Nausea relieved by eating
Eating intensifies hunger

Deep anxiety and inability to cope
Jumpy and oversensitive
Startled by ordinary sounds
Nervous digestive upsets

Shakes head without any apparent cause
Facial contortions
Gassy, constipation or diarrhea
Sour belching
Digestive upsets with gas and bloating
Craves sweets, warm food and drink
Night cough
Wants to be alone
Cranky on waking
Bullying tendency
Fear of failure
Breaking down under stress

Tongue feels dry
Mucous membranes dry
Migraine headache
Pains around eyes
Craves salt and dry foods
Weepy but won't let others see it. (Wants to be alone to cry.)
Consolation aggravates them
Angry from isolation
Fright, grief, anger
Nervous, discouraged, broken down

Associated with hoarseness
Tight heavy chest
Dry rasping cough
Burning pains in stomach, abdomen, between shoulder blades
Thirst for cold drinks that are vomited
Night sweats

Wants attention and sympathy
Changeable symptoms and moods
Craves open air
Sensitive to heat
Dry mouth with lack of thirst
Rich food upsets stomach
Insomnia from recurring thought
Head colds
Loose cough, worse at night
Delayed menstrual period with scanty flow

Difficulty concentrating
Over sensitivity
Overreact and devote attention to tiny details
Low stamina

let me know the color of your tongue.

1.yellow deposit on the tongue

2,Tongue clean, slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides

3.Thick, moist, golden yellow coating of the tongue and palate

4.Dirty, brownish green or grayish-green coating on the root of the tongue.
white or gray exudations and a white or gray coating of the tongue.

5.Clean red tongue.




feeling of suffocation when wearing a tie.

any funny sensation in the body,delusions etc


sleeping habits,and any other peculiarity under the sun your body and mind is experiencing which is not normal.

(Note: - Sensations are also important and should be especially noticed. The special sensations may occur in any part of the body, or internally or in the head or extremities. Give the sensations in your own language to express it. No matter how simple or even ludicrous, it is necessary to give it.)
Examples: - It may be like a mouse or bug crawling; like wind blowing into the ears or eyes; as if someone was pulling a hair; as of a blow on the of a band or cord around the head; as though you had a cap on or hat; as a plug in the ears or some other place; as if another person lies along side of him, or that one limb is double; as if abdominal muscles were pushed out by arm of a child ;
as if boiling lead were pushing through rectum ; as if anus would fly to pieces during stool ; as if moisture, or a drop were running through the urethra back ; as if the year was grasped by an iron hand ; as if claws were grasping the bowels; as of a splinter in the throat or flesh like a string of thread on the tongue or in the throat; as if joint were dislocated; as; as if legs were made of wood.

(Note: - These are merely illustrations, a few which have occurred to other person, and are given that you may understand what is meant by sensations. Always give the locations as well of the sensations.)

(Note 1 :- This section refers to each disease, each sickness and to every symptom. No matter what the trouble may be it is necessary to be refer to this section. Be sure that the aggravation or amelicration you notice is from the course given.)
(Note 2 :- The time of an aggravation or amelioration refers to the year, the month, the week, the day, the night, or the hour.)
State at what time your troubles or any single symptoms, is made better or worse.
- State what season of the year, what time in the month, whether the phases of the moon cause either, what part of the week, what hour of the day or night the trouble or single symptom comes on or is made better or worse.
- Is there any position which you may assume that causes a particular trouble or any single symptom to be better or worse? It may be when you first lie down; or after lying down awhile or rising after sitting or on sitting after standing, walking; walking much; walking in the house or in the open air, or in the cold air ; or at night; running, running rapidly or slowly; when stooping over, after
stopping, or on rising from stooping; leaning the head backwards, forwards; to one side or leaning the head on the table or the hand; lying with head high or low; lying in some particular position ; crawling on the hand + knees or some other or many possible positions.

- Does anything cause the trouble or a single symptom to be better or worse ? It may be reading ,writing , music ascending or descending the stirs or a hill, biting the teeth together ,blowing the nose , before or after one of the meals, breathing, breathing deeply, when chewing food, when eating or drinking, closing or opening the eyes , looking up, down or sideways, from heat, cold, from warm or cold air heat of stove or sun, dry or moist air going into the air or going into the warm, sunlight or lamplight from excitement, fight, grief, grief, sorrow fasting, some kind of food or drink
motion or quiet, when nose is discharging or is dry, from gratification of passions , scratching, rubbing, beginning of sleep, during a storm, thunder storm, snow storm, swallowing food, drinking of saliva, talking, singing, hearing other talk or sing, music touch, turning over in bed, covering up or uncovering, wet dry, windy or cloudy weather.
(Note 3:- The above is given to impress on the mind the great importance of noticing what may seem to be little things.)
At what age did you have your first menses?
- Had you any trouble before or during the first period?
- Have you, at any time, had you menses stopped or decreased by getting feet wet, from a general wetting, from cold, fright weakness, sickness or any other cause?
- Have menses been irregular or painful at /since a particular time?
- Are your menses too frequent, too seldom, delayed, regular, early, and late? If so how often do they come?
anuj srivastava last decade
disc prolapse is the machenical problem it will solve by machenical i.e. by excercise and some traction or now a days one popular vertibrae retractor is avaliable you can saw at www.healtron.com

after that you can use some homoeo medicine will help you to cure...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.