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since it is reappearing ,it is advisable to have a blood test to rule out any other problems,so be and think positive.otherwise this fear will keep on lingering in your mind.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Bro...
I went to a skin specialist and they told me it's HARPES virus may be HSV-1 or HSV-2, already provide blood for testing and tomorrow I will get the result. They asked to take Anti HSV antiboitics, now what is ur advice and what I should use from your side to make it cure.
reza1976 last decade
let me know ur blood report will come back to you after that.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi bro

Today I collect all blood report and I am happy that all are NEGATIVE. Please advice me what I should do, as I stop Kali Phos and Nat Sulp also for last 2 days.
reza1976 last decade
thats excellent news.congrats.
is there any itching.

what is the color of your tongue,
any other symptom you would like to narrate.
anuj srivastava last decade
No itching there, only after when use water for cleaning then some time itch or little bit pain I feel.
The things like soar, first day its feel burn or pain there, second day small rash come 3-4 that area and 3rd day all rash come bigger with inside water, then next day water comeout and after that skin drop and then start healing that area.
last week its start after I did sex but clean that after 3-4 hours and when I clean then I start feeling , it will be back and backed.
Today start dropping all skin there and hopefully from tomorrow it will start healing.
One more thing I can remember, when I first get this around 6months ago that day I did mastervision without any oil or cream and then I feel burning in my penis.

Tongue color is normal, no difference I feel.

Please advice
reza1976 last decade
Dear Bro Anuj

Waiting for your advices and just stop old medicines, should I start those Kali Phos6X and Nat Sulp 6X again and what new medicine should start to prevent that infection to comeback again
Thanks for your all co-operation always....
reza1976 last decade
continue the same medicines for a week and give a feed back.
anuj srivastava last decade
Just starting again those, by this time pls give me something to protect infection again, I trust on u and hope u can advice me something best.........
reza1976 last decade
kali phos will aid in curing the problem.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Bro
Today I met with my Doctor , he checked all report and told me, it's harpes Virus.... my reports report showing like

Anti-HSV 1 IgM : Negative ISR=0.48(ISR 0.91 to 1.09 is eqivocal and 1.10 to is POSITIVE)
Anti-HSV 2 IgM :Negative ISR=0.41(ISR 0.91 to 1.09 is eqivocal and 1.10 to is POSITIVE)

After that as its coming back several times to my skin so that he is sure about that.

Then I told him about you and Homeopathic medicine as I trust and last 6months after your medicine I don't get back Fistula problem also.

He trust me and told me to tell you about this and he told that may be Homeopathy have this HARPES SIMPLEX VIRUS medicine, so he request to get a medicine from you to stop that virus and to protect.

Please let me know your opinion and if u have medicine let me know.
reza1976 last decade
have merc sol 30,5 pills three times a day.

wash the area 3 times with phytolacca q 10 drops in 30 ml of water.

feed back after 7 days.

refrain from unprotected sex.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear bro Anuj

Thanks for all advices n medicines. Just finish using your last medicines n the infected area is dried now. It's colour is white not as normal, hope after few days time need to get that regular colour.
Now let me know what I should do next.....as ur advice using Kali phos6x n Nat sulp6x for 3times daily.
reza1976 last decade
continue for a week more
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear bro Anuj

Day before yesterday my medicine finish n yesterday full day I was in travel, now I am in Singapore for my work. Today full day was busy n at night when just take off dress then feel some itch on penis n when went to wash room see same rash coming on same area.

Bro last 2 months no sex with any one, only normal night time may be 2-3 times discharge n 2 time use hand with oil, now I am really in deep problem, help me bro.

Yesterday I didn't took even Kali phos n Nat Sulp, today start again.

Advice me bro....
reza1976 last decade
Dear Anuj

After 2 years writing u again. As ur advice I was with Dr Shawrov last 2 years n no improvement of my problem here. But at least we can find out a problem that is when my Fistula is blocked n look ok only then my Penis problem start (then only some got rash on penis).

He tried all high power medicines already , if u want can collect all medicine names from him n upload.

Bro I know it's a Long time problem for me , so if u want to know details again I will send. Pls help me to come out from this problem
reza1976 8 years ago

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