The ABC Homeopathy Forum
GERD of an 11-year-old
For the past 3 months my son's been suffering from severe GERD - all the typical symptoms of an adult sufferer. He gets into a panic-like attack when experiencing the thick mucous chocking episodes. He looks like he's literarily chocking on something and there is ALWAYS something 'stuck in his throat'. The symptoms last the whole day. He's getting depressed and lost interest in things he used to enjoy. Started taking Prevacid a week ago ( no relief yet - as expected). I read a lot about the Nat Phos 6x and GERD on this website but I need the dosing information,please. Anyone? He weighs 69 lbs (and slowly keeps loosing even more weight - almost looking anorexic) Please help. Thank YOuHanuszka on 2013-07-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you want to try the Nat phos 6x and Arnica for the reflux please
go over to Joe deLivera's site and ask him about the dosage for
your son. Joe is not on this forum everyday and you can work with
him directly on his site.
Just a note about your son's diet. If he is eating a lot of sweets and
eating them after dinner-he has to stop that. I had one friend who
has this very bad, and he was eating a large chocolate bar before bed,
once he stopped that the Gerd disappeared.
Another cause of this can be antibiotic treatment bc it destroys the
gut flora. The gut flora has to be replaced and you can start him
on a probiotic once a day and work up to two a day for a couple months
to replace the flora. You have to experiment with the brands bc
everyone has different reactions to different brands of probiotics.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:17:14 BST]
go over to Joe deLivera's site and ask him about the dosage for
your son. Joe is not on this forum everyday and you can work with
him directly on his site.
Just a note about your son's diet. If he is eating a lot of sweets and
eating them after dinner-he has to stop that. I had one friend who
has this very bad, and he was eating a large chocolate bar before bed,
once he stopped that the Gerd disappeared.
Another cause of this can be antibiotic treatment bc it destroys the
gut flora. The gut flora has to be replaced and you can start him
on a probiotic once a day and work up to two a day for a couple months
to replace the flora. You have to experiment with the brands bc
everyone has different reactions to different brands of probiotics.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:17:14 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank You Simone717 for your suggestions. I already started him on Probiotics, tried the apple cider vinegar treatment (got worse), and he's not eating much at all. I think I'd be happy for him to eat anything very caloric at this point, since he's loosing weight, however, I do understand the dietary restrictions and the chocolate would be one of the offenders. Thanks again for your reply and directing me to Joe's website.
Hanuszka last decade
Hi, One other thing I thought of- have you had him skin tested
for food allergies? Allergies to dairy and wheat can cause
symptoms like this of the stomach , gut not working right-that
would be a good thing to know bc sometimes these things are
mild and then build up over time ( had experience with this with
one of my own)
for food allergies? Allergies to dairy and wheat can cause
symptoms like this of the stomach , gut not working right-that
would be a good thing to know bc sometimes these things are
mild and then build up over time ( had experience with this with
one of my own)
♡ simone717 last decade
Yes. He's been tested and actually reversed with his food allergies/sensitivities with BIE treatment. It worked great! Had multiple allergies/sensitivities to A LOT things and now, they are either gone or asymptomatic, but thanks for the suggestion. So far I spent days on the web searching for answers and help. Thank you for your concern and suggestions.
Hanuszka last decade
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