The ABC Homeopathy Forum
MIGRAINES stress related - before exams
Please! Help. My husband is having an important exam tomorrow. He keeps having his migraines and they cause blurry vision, numbness on his upper lip, slight nausea. please suggest a remedy? thank you!!!nettle on 2013-10-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you for your reply! I didnt have mimulus on hand. He had his exams and it was terrible as he could hardly see the letters(((
but now this morning he AGAIN having the headache((( so it's not the exam...the exam is over:(
He is quite tricky with his syptoms I can't put my finger on the remedy.He is VERY ligth sensitive. Bright light just intensifies the migraine hugely. Also he is now (having this migraine - his extremities are very cold esp feet).
but now this morning he AGAIN having the headache((( so it's not the exam...the exam is over:(
He is quite tricky with his syptoms I can't put my finger on the remedy.He is VERY ligth sensitive. Bright light just intensifies the migraine hugely. Also he is now (having this migraine - his extremities are very cold esp feet).
nettle last decade
Hi Nettie,
please fill out the form on your husband so there is
enough information to start to look at his case.
Someone will help you out after you do this.
please fill out the form on your husband so there is
enough information to start to look at his case.
Someone will help you out after you do this.
♡ simone717 last decade
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