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growth delay and speaking Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl start nat mur and mean while give weekly dose of chammomilla
akshaymohl last decade
for how long would I give it;
fotini2705 last decade
One month weekly dose nat mur as advised earlier.
akshaymohl last decade
OK Thank you will let you know when I finished TREATMENT
fotini2705 last decade
Hi Fotin,

You can report in every week how things
are going and advise if things are better,
worse, the same.
simone717 last decade
Hello I went to a homeopathic NEW my child and gave me
1 day stramonium 200ch in the morning
2 day stramonium 1M in the morning
this gave them for fear that the child has
pulsatilla 6x 1 dose a day for 30 days
for attachment to me he have
I would like your opinion of those too who gave me
Thank you very much for your time
fotini2705 last decade
No two homeopaths will look at a case the same way exactly.

You have to pick a person to follow and see what the results are for
your child. Dr. Mohla is a very experienced homeopath, he prescribed
what he thought was best, so there is no use commenting. Good luck.
simone717 last decade
I know and a believe Dr mohla he is a good homeopath doctor thats why I right about that
I want to help my child
I just want a second opinion
fotini2705 last decade
Dr. Mohla gave his opinion- that was the first one.

You have a second one from the homeopath you went to and
have already given remedies. That is the second one.

In order to give an opinion someone has to go over the entire case-
and that has already been done by Dr. Mohla, More people are not
going to spend time on this, when you are already doing treatment.
simone717 last decade
Being a mother I can understand your feeling .Every one on this forum will be very happy if your son improves from whatever source you give him the medicine .Res Simone rightly explained about the opinion.
akshaymohl last decade
Thank you However I did not want anything to offend you but I will be kept informed of the child.
fotini2705 last decade
pl inform the progress .
akshaymohl last decade
treatment does not think he has a result we gave her homeopathy we went. The child has deteriorated fidget with anything if its not give it what it wants, not be open-minded when we are out of the house, with the kids does not play at all, scatters all games and not have the feeling when one is sad and crying he laughs indifference.
fotini2705 last decade
pl stop all medicines given by homoeopath and wait for the symptoms to disappear .let you give child more water to drink.pl wait for some time.
akshaymohl last decade
ok i stop to give hime everythink.
the first gave stramoniym 200ch the first day
the second day stramonium 1M
and for 1 month pulsatila 6X
i think pulsatila did the damage throughout.
how long it takes to clean up the damage;
fotini2705 last decade
Hi fotini,

Your thread forced me to come back to this forum. The remedy selected by Dr. akshaymohl was very good. You should have given him Natrum Mur. This is a clear case of Natrum Mur + some biochemic salts.
AsadGhumman last decade
Dr Asad It is really my pleasure to see you back .Your valuable advise is always desired on this forum.
akshaymohl last decade
and on my part I thank you very much for your interest give.
will now start with nat. mur 30ch?
fotini2705 last decade
Dr Asad biochemic salts what do you mine?
fotini2705 last decade
Dear Dr. Mohla, thanks for the kind words. I would certainly to remain active on the forum as much as circumstances permit.

Dear fotini, Please follow Dr. Mohla's advice.

AsadGhumman last decade
we start nat.mur its the third day I have not seen and the only big difference is that what little calm when going out. of course did not expect immediately to fix just wanted to let you know.
fotini2705 last decade
hello after 10 days we've been getting doses of nat. mur has started talking longer but whenever he wants and not so let's say the asking something there we do not have NO RESPONSE do not like the interest to those that ask him.
We still do not interest the games and scatters them throughout the house.
has now learned when he wants something to pulls us by the hand and takes us there that he wants.
snores in bed I want to look to go to a doctor if are tonsils.
do not play with the Children at school.
fotini2705 last decade
Pl inform any improvement in speech . Any major change observed .
akshaymohl last decade
Well hello Regarding the evolution of therapy in group has not made ​​much progress continues to speak whenever he wants. is cooled in recent days and wakes up crying too with overnight still continues to not listen to us when she goes out and leaves alone without wanting to keeps his hand.
fotini2705 last decade
pecentage change positive or negative.
akshaymohl last decade
Everything that I wrote there were negative changes are not created
fotini2705 last decade

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