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growth delay and speaking Page 4 of 4
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I mentioned how old and the behavior of the child is
disobedient and and during the day throws things everywhere then runs and sometimes makes a move strangely. also does not asleep if not go with me to sleep and fall asleep and leave wakes feels insecure when he is alone in bed.the ayxologist say to me hyperactivity has is his character and not PATHOLOGY.
If you have any other questions gladly tell you
thx you very mych
disobedient and and during the day throws things everywhere then runs and sometimes makes a move strangely. also does not asleep if not go with me to sleep and fall asleep and leave wakes feels insecure when he is alone in bed.the ayxologist say to me hyperactivity has is his character and not PATHOLOGY.
If you have any other questions gladly tell you
thx you very mych
fotini2705 last decade
pl give whitechest nut bach flower walnut and cherry plum one drop each in two table spoon of water one table spoon morning one table spoon evening for one month .if you want earlier med as advised you can continue.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hi Fotini,
I can help you with where to purchase if you let me know what country
you are in.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 20:41:01 BST]
I can help you with where to purchase if you let me know what country
you are in.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 20:41:01 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi- here are two links. One is a travel
business in Greece that hosts Bach Flower
seminars- you could email and
ask if there are shops in Greece that
carry them.
If not, then order online from
business in Greece that hosts Bach Flower
seminars- you could email and
ask if there are shops in Greece that
carry them.
If not, then order online from
♡ simone717 last decade
fotini2705 last decade
That is good-you can buy it.(Cherry Plum)
You need two more -
White chestnut
You can probably get those off the
same site.
You need two more -
White chestnut
You can probably get those off the
same site.
♡ simone717 last decade
Good evening my boy 3 years old and 2 months with some behavioral problems speaking and sociability. the oldest child had ear problems had liquid in the drum which the delay to list now are doing with speech therapy has helped me a lot.
the issue is that we still are still many issues back as can not jump and Alternate feet on up and down the stair wearing diaper yet never says he will pee on the toilet we have to go with the theme to tease anything and tell him that he should not do it will be much disobedience and impulsive. when they go out and are careless and has gone from next to us many times. not even play with children of the age simply monitor how they play
thx you
[message edited by fotini2705 on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:22:12 GMT]
the issue is that we still are still many issues back as can not jump and Alternate feet on up and down the stair wearing diaper yet never says he will pee on the toilet we have to go with the theme to tease anything and tell him that he should not do it will be much disobedience and impulsive. when they go out and are careless and has gone from next to us many times. not even play with children of the age simply monitor how they play
thx you
[message edited by fotini2705 on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:22:12 GMT]
fotini2705 last decade
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