The ABC Homeopathy Forum
7 yaers old - bed wetting
I don't know to whom adress my question. It's about my 7 years old boy who is wetting his bed since birth. It is usually happening after 1-2 h after he falls asleep. I had also this problem untill I was about 15. His condition is better during summer and is getting worse during winter. I cannot wake him up during this condition, he just wont't. He is very affraid of darkness, he doesn't go to another room alone, even if it's light all over the house, if it's night outside. He loves animal, is not affraid of any animal. He is not affraid of anything except darkness and monsters. He doesn't see any cartoons with monsters, or fighting, or something showing agression. At school he is very dreaming. He is an empathic boy, cryes when his brothers hurt themselves, when something bad happen to someone. But also he gets very nervous when things don't happen the way he wants it to. He has little patience. HE also gets easily offended. Please help us.CristinaGoji on 2014-05-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can think of a couple of remedies that might help, based on what you have said, but it would be safer to have a complete case taken. If you answer the following questions I will advise you and manage your son's case.
1] What is the effect of main complaint and associated complaints on him/her?
2] What are the thoughts/feeling/reactions associated with it? Describe in detail.
3] Any unusual sensation in their body. (Describe the sensation they experience during all stressful situations like nightmares, fears, before exam, with the incident, which had a deep impact on him/her.)
4] What are his/her fears (existing and/or imaginary)? What are the feelings/thoughts and the reaction associated with it?
5] Any incident which had a deep impact on him/her? Describe in detail. What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it? At that moment of time what were his/her feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
6] What are the stories/fairytales that he/she likes to read / listen? What character attracts him/her the most and why? Describe about HIS/HER understanding of the stories. What are the feelings/thoughts associated with it?
7] What are his/her imaginations/fantasies? Describe in detail.
8] What are the dreams that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
9] What are the nightmares that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
10] What are his/her interests and hobbies?
11] Describe about the specific toys, games/specific TV serials, cartoon characters, movies he/she likes. What are the thoughts, feelings associated with it? What kind of questions does he/she asks related to that?
12] How is he/she at sports and other activities?
13] Describe about the drawing he/she likes to do/sing. What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
14] Any other activities does he/she like to do? What are they? What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
15] Describe all the qualities of your child, which makes him/her different from other children, which is unique to him/her.
16] What does he/she wants to become when he is grown up and why? What are his/her ambitions?
17] Whom does he/she idealizes and why? What about him that he/she admires the most?
18] How is his/her relationship/behavior with parents, teachers, friends, relatives? What are the qualities he/she admires in them? How is his behavior in school?
19] What kind of questions does he/she asks to his/her parents, relatives, teachers?
20] What are his/her views about the world?
21] What makes the child cry or laugh?
22] What makes your child very angry and irritable?
23] What does the child do when he/she is alone?
24] Is there any particular reaction does he / she throw about a particular person?
25] Have you observed any change in his/her behavior on starting a particular T.V./radio program? If so, what is it? How does he/she react?
1] Describe the posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Any particular position in which he sleeps? In which position he cant sleep?
2] During sleep does he do anything unusual?
1] How is his appetite?
2] When is he hungry?
3] What happens if he has to remain hungry for long?
4] How fast do does he eat?
5] How does your child feel before / during / after meals?
5] How much thirst does he has?
6] Any particular time when he is especially thirsty?
7] Does he feel any change in the taste and feeling in his mouth?
Food Substances: Which foods/drinks affect your child or aggravate some complains?
8} What foods does he crave? What foods does he hate?
1) Is he sensitive to anything in the environment like temperature, noise etc?
2) How does the time of the day or night affect him?
3) How is he affected by the weather?
4) How is he affected by the month or season?
1) What illnesses has he suffered from and/or been treated for in the past?
2) Has he been hospitalized for anything
3) What problems were there during your pregnancy with him?
4) What illnesses tend to run in the family?
5)What homoeopathic remedies have been used in the past, and what kind of reactions did he have?
1] What is the effect of main complaint and associated complaints on him/her?
2] What are the thoughts/feeling/reactions associated with it? Describe in detail.
3] Any unusual sensation in their body. (Describe the sensation they experience during all stressful situations like nightmares, fears, before exam, with the incident, which had a deep impact on him/her.)
4] What are his/her fears (existing and/or imaginary)? What are the feelings/thoughts and the reaction associated with it?
5] Any incident which had a deep impact on him/her? Describe in detail. What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it? At that moment of time what were his/her feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
6] What are the stories/fairytales that he/she likes to read / listen? What character attracts him/her the most and why? Describe about HIS/HER understanding of the stories. What are the feelings/thoughts associated with it?
7] What are his/her imaginations/fantasies? Describe in detail.
8] What are the dreams that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
9] What are the nightmares that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
10] What are his/her interests and hobbies?
11] Describe about the specific toys, games/specific TV serials, cartoon characters, movies he/she likes. What are the thoughts, feelings associated with it? What kind of questions does he/she asks related to that?
12] How is he/she at sports and other activities?
13] Describe about the drawing he/she likes to do/sing. What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
14] Any other activities does he/she like to do? What are they? What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
15] Describe all the qualities of your child, which makes him/her different from other children, which is unique to him/her.
16] What does he/she wants to become when he is grown up and why? What are his/her ambitions?
17] Whom does he/she idealizes and why? What about him that he/she admires the most?
18] How is his/her relationship/behavior with parents, teachers, friends, relatives? What are the qualities he/she admires in them? How is his behavior in school?
19] What kind of questions does he/she asks to his/her parents, relatives, teachers?
20] What are his/her views about the world?
21] What makes the child cry or laugh?
22] What makes your child very angry and irritable?
23] What does the child do when he/she is alone?
24] Is there any particular reaction does he / she throw about a particular person?
25] Have you observed any change in his/her behavior on starting a particular T.V./radio program? If so, what is it? How does he/she react?
1] Describe the posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Any particular position in which he sleeps? In which position he cant sleep?
2] During sleep does he do anything unusual?
1] How is his appetite?
2] When is he hungry?
3] What happens if he has to remain hungry for long?
4] How fast do does he eat?
5] How does your child feel before / during / after meals?
5] How much thirst does he has?
6] Any particular time when he is especially thirsty?
7] Does he feel any change in the taste and feeling in his mouth?
Food Substances: Which foods/drinks affect your child or aggravate some complains?
8} What foods does he crave? What foods does he hate?
1) Is he sensitive to anything in the environment like temperature, noise etc?
2) How does the time of the day or night affect him?
3) How is he affected by the weather?
4) How is he affected by the month or season?
1) What illnesses has he suffered from and/or been treated for in the past?
2) Has he been hospitalized for anything
3) What problems were there during your pregnancy with him?
4) What illnesses tend to run in the family?
5)What homoeopathic remedies have been used in the past, and what kind of reactions did he have?
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you very much for your intention to help us.
Unfortunately English is not my mother tongue and it is possible for me not to understand the meaning of all the words. I'll let you know which question I don't understand. Here are the answers to the questions:
1] What is the effect of main complaint and associated complaints on him/her?
Either I don't understand the question, or there's no effect. He just wets his bed.
2] What are the thoughts/feeling/reactions associated with it? Describe in detail.
-if you mean how he feels about wetting his bed, he is quite ok with it, but he is upset because he cannot sleep over night at his friends.
3] Any unusual sensation in their body. (Describe the sensation they experience during all stressful situations like nightmares, fears, before exam, with the incident, which had a deep impact on him/her.)
- physically - no sensation, he is just frightened.
4] What are his/her fears (existing and/or imaginary)? What are the feelings/thoughts and the reaction associated with it?
- imaginary fears, bat he really believes it's for real.
5] Any incident which had a deep impact on him/her? Describe in detail. What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it? At that moment of time what were his/her feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
- the only thing I can think of is the birth of his brothers. He is the eldest and suffered a lot each time (twice) he had another brother. He was very affraid of not loosing me, his mother, or my love for him.
6] What are the stories/fairytales that he/she likes to read / listen? What character attracts him/her the most and why? Describe about HIS/HER understanding of the stories. What are the feelings/thoughts associated with it?
- he likes stories about dragons, but also stories about princesses and princes. He suffers when someone gets hurt in the story and s very happy when is't a happy end.
7] What are his/her imaginations/fantasies? Describe in detail.
I don't understand this question. Or he has no fantasy I know about.
8] What are the dreams that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
When he sleeps well, he says he had no dream, but when he has nightmares, he is very frighten, he cannot go back to sleep for hours, he cries and is afraid to close his eyes.
9] What are the nightmares that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
- it's about monsters, skeletons that want to eat him, throw him up and other scary things. He cries, cannot go back to sleep, stays awake until morning.
10] What are his/her interests and hobbies?
he likes to play a lot, pretending different roles (baby, dog, dragon), origami, climbing, playing basketball.
11] Describe about the specific toys, games/specific TV serials, cartoon characters, movies he/she likes. What are the thoughts, feelings associated with it? What kind of questions does he/she asks related to that?
- dinosaurs, LEGO - toys, he likes classical disney cartoons, fairy-tales, without scary things.
12] How is he/she at sports and other activities?
he is practicing swimming and karate. He is good at sports.
13] Describe about the drawing he/she likes to do/sing. What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
He likes to paint and sing, bat he is disapointed because he thinks he is not good at drawing.
14] Any other activities does he/she like to do? What are they? What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
he likes to cook, it makes him feel important, useful, he likes to go to the local store by himself, it makes him feel independent.
15] Describe all the qualities of your child, which makes him/her different from other children, which is unique to him/her.
- sensitive, emphatic, loving, innocent
16] What does he/she wants to become when he is grown up and why? What are his/her ambitions?
- constructor, because he wants to make houses.
17] Whom does he/she idealizes and why? What about him that he/she admires the most?
he idealize me, his mother. he feels very well when realizing that he is very forgiving (and he is)
18] How is his/her relationship/behavior with parents, teachers, friends, relatives? What are the qualities he/she admires in them? How is his behavior in school?
he is ok with everybody. He admires daring in his friends and tries to be like them, more boyish. At classes it happens often that instead of listening to the teacher, he is dreaming or can't help himself stop joking or lugh at his friend jokes.
19] What kind of questions does he/she asks to his/her parents, relatives, teachers?
how comes that birds can fly and we don't? where will I go when I/you die? will you still be my mother? Can an earthquake happen here where we live?
20] What are his/her views about the world?
He just found out that not everyone is good and cannot understand why is that.
21] What makes the child cry or laugh?
he usually cries when is refused or his brothers wants his toys and laughs when someone says a joke.
22] What makes your child very angry and irritable?
when tired, when is refused something he really wants to, or cannot go to somewhere he wants to
23] What does the child do when he/she is alone?
plays quietly, look into a book.
24] Is there any particular reaction does he / she throw about a particular person?
25] Have you observed any change in his/her behavior on starting a particular T.V./radio program? If so, what is it? How does he/she react?
he is hypnotized when watching cartoons, any cartoons. And after it is finished, he is very noisy, has a burst of energy
1] Describe the posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Any particular position in which he sleeps? In which position he cant sleep?
- usually side, but he can also sleep on back or abdomen
2] During sleep does he do anything unusual?
1] How is his appetite?
very good
2] When is he hungry?
late morning and evening
3] What happens if he has to remain hungry for long?
he gets angry
4] How fast do does he eat?
- normally
5] How does your child feel before / during / after meals? he feels better after eating and worse when hungry
5] How much thirst does he has? - normal
6] Any particular time when he is especially thirsty? - during meals
7] Does he feel any change in the taste and feeling in his mouth?
Food Substances: Which foods/drinks affect your child or aggravate some complains?
- no
8} What foods does he crave? What foods does he hate?
he hates spinach, as for preferences - mashed potatoes
1) Is he sensitive to anything in the environment like temperature, noise etc?
he is sensitive to wind.
2) How does the time of the day or night affect him?
he is better in the morning and worse in the evening
3) How is he affected by the weather?
- when he has to stay at home because of the bad weather, he is agitated
4) How is he affected by the month or season?
He is wetting his bed in the winter every day, and in the summer once in 5-7 days.
1) What illnesses has he suffered from and/or been treated for in the past?
vesicoureteral reflux and bronchitis
2) Has he been hospitalized for anything
thrombocytopenia caused by some viral infection
3) What problems were there during your pregnancy with him?
4) What illnesses tend to run in the family?
I cannot post the word, it's a disease that kills many people nowadays.
5)What homoeopathic remedies have been used in the past, and what kind of reactions did he have? - tuberculinum 200, and tuberculinum 1M - for an allergic reaction, stramonium 9 during two months for bed wetting. It worked only when he was taking the pills. When he stopped, no effect. Psorinum 200 and 1M for allergic reaction.
Unfortunately English is not my mother tongue and it is possible for me not to understand the meaning of all the words. I'll let you know which question I don't understand. Here are the answers to the questions:
1] What is the effect of main complaint and associated complaints on him/her?
Either I don't understand the question, or there's no effect. He just wets his bed.
2] What are the thoughts/feeling/reactions associated with it? Describe in detail.
-if you mean how he feels about wetting his bed, he is quite ok with it, but he is upset because he cannot sleep over night at his friends.
3] Any unusual sensation in their body. (Describe the sensation they experience during all stressful situations like nightmares, fears, before exam, with the incident, which had a deep impact on him/her.)
- physically - no sensation, he is just frightened.
4] What are his/her fears (existing and/or imaginary)? What are the feelings/thoughts and the reaction associated with it?
- imaginary fears, bat he really believes it's for real.
5] Any incident which had a deep impact on him/her? Describe in detail. What are the thoughts/feelings/sensations associated with it? At that moment of time what were his/her feelings/thoughts, sensations and reactions associated with it?
- the only thing I can think of is the birth of his brothers. He is the eldest and suffered a lot each time (twice) he had another brother. He was very affraid of not loosing me, his mother, or my love for him.
6] What are the stories/fairytales that he/she likes to read / listen? What character attracts him/her the most and why? Describe about HIS/HER understanding of the stories. What are the feelings/thoughts associated with it?
- he likes stories about dragons, but also stories about princesses and princes. He suffers when someone gets hurt in the story and s very happy when is't a happy end.
7] What are his/her imaginations/fantasies? Describe in detail.
I don't understand this question. Or he has no fantasy I know about.
8] What are the dreams that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
When he sleeps well, he says he had no dream, but when he has nightmares, he is very frighten, he cannot go back to sleep for hours, he cries and is afraid to close his eyes.
9] What are the nightmares that he/she gets? What are the feeling/thoughts and reaction associated with it?
- it's about monsters, skeletons that want to eat him, throw him up and other scary things. He cries, cannot go back to sleep, stays awake until morning.
10] What are his/her interests and hobbies?
he likes to play a lot, pretending different roles (baby, dog, dragon), origami, climbing, playing basketball.
11] Describe about the specific toys, games/specific TV serials, cartoon characters, movies he/she likes. What are the thoughts, feelings associated with it? What kind of questions does he/she asks related to that?
- dinosaurs, LEGO - toys, he likes classical disney cartoons, fairy-tales, without scary things.
12] How is he/she at sports and other activities?
he is practicing swimming and karate. He is good at sports.
13] Describe about the drawing he/she likes to do/sing. What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
He likes to paint and sing, bat he is disapointed because he thinks he is not good at drawing.
14] Any other activities does he/she like to do? What are they? What are the thoughts/feelings associated with it?
he likes to cook, it makes him feel important, useful, he likes to go to the local store by himself, it makes him feel independent.
15] Describe all the qualities of your child, which makes him/her different from other children, which is unique to him/her.
- sensitive, emphatic, loving, innocent
16] What does he/she wants to become when he is grown up and why? What are his/her ambitions?
- constructor, because he wants to make houses.
17] Whom does he/she idealizes and why? What about him that he/she admires the most?
he idealize me, his mother. he feels very well when realizing that he is very forgiving (and he is)
18] How is his/her relationship/behavior with parents, teachers, friends, relatives? What are the qualities he/she admires in them? How is his behavior in school?
he is ok with everybody. He admires daring in his friends and tries to be like them, more boyish. At classes it happens often that instead of listening to the teacher, he is dreaming or can't help himself stop joking or lugh at his friend jokes.
19] What kind of questions does he/she asks to his/her parents, relatives, teachers?
how comes that birds can fly and we don't? where will I go when I/you die? will you still be my mother? Can an earthquake happen here where we live?
20] What are his/her views about the world?
He just found out that not everyone is good and cannot understand why is that.
21] What makes the child cry or laugh?
he usually cries when is refused or his brothers wants his toys and laughs when someone says a joke.
22] What makes your child very angry and irritable?
when tired, when is refused something he really wants to, or cannot go to somewhere he wants to
23] What does the child do when he/she is alone?
plays quietly, look into a book.
24] Is there any particular reaction does he / she throw about a particular person?
25] Have you observed any change in his/her behavior on starting a particular T.V./radio program? If so, what is it? How does he/she react?
he is hypnotized when watching cartoons, any cartoons. And after it is finished, he is very noisy, has a burst of energy
1] Describe the posture in sleep. (On the back, side, abdomen etc.) Any particular position in which he sleeps? In which position he cant sleep?
- usually side, but he can also sleep on back or abdomen
2] During sleep does he do anything unusual?
1] How is his appetite?
very good
2] When is he hungry?
late morning and evening
3] What happens if he has to remain hungry for long?
he gets angry
4] How fast do does he eat?
- normally
5] How does your child feel before / during / after meals? he feels better after eating and worse when hungry
5] How much thirst does he has? - normal
6] Any particular time when he is especially thirsty? - during meals
7] Does he feel any change in the taste and feeling in his mouth?
Food Substances: Which foods/drinks affect your child or aggravate some complains?
- no
8} What foods does he crave? What foods does he hate?
he hates spinach, as for preferences - mashed potatoes
1) Is he sensitive to anything in the environment like temperature, noise etc?
he is sensitive to wind.
2) How does the time of the day or night affect him?
he is better in the morning and worse in the evening
3) How is he affected by the weather?
- when he has to stay at home because of the bad weather, he is agitated
4) How is he affected by the month or season?
He is wetting his bed in the winter every day, and in the summer once in 5-7 days.
1) What illnesses has he suffered from and/or been treated for in the past?
vesicoureteral reflux and bronchitis
2) Has he been hospitalized for anything
thrombocytopenia caused by some viral infection
3) What problems were there during your pregnancy with him?
4) What illnesses tend to run in the family?
I cannot post the word, it's a disease that kills many people nowadays.
5)What homoeopathic remedies have been used in the past, and what kind of reactions did he have? - tuberculinum 200, and tuberculinum 1M - for an allergic reaction, stramonium 9 during two months for bed wetting. It worked only when he was taking the pills. When he stopped, no effect. Psorinum 200 and 1M for allergic reaction.
CristinaGoji last decade
Alright I have looked over the details you have provided. The rubrics I used to decide on the remedy are:
Fear of being alone in the darkness
Fear of darkness in children
Involuntary urination at night in children
Winter aggravates
Love of animals
Horrible things sad stories affect profoundly
Absent-minded, dreamy
Weeping in sympathy with others
Offended easily
Fear of being neglected
Wind aggravates
The only remedy that appears in every one of these is Pulsatilla.
The core state of Pulsatilla is to be number one in the lap of the mother (or whomever they need to love them) which also perfectly fits him.
Please obtain Pulsatilla 200c, preferably in Oral Liquid form. If you can only get pillules, you will need to also get a small bottle (15-25ml) with a dropper, and a small amount of alcohol (a spirit like vodka, brandy, whiskey) as you must make your own liquid dose rather than using the dry pillules.
[message edited by Evocationer on Wed, 14 May 2014 02:34:22 BST]
Fear of being alone in the darkness
Fear of darkness in children
Involuntary urination at night in children
Winter aggravates
Love of animals
Horrible things sad stories affect profoundly
Absent-minded, dreamy
Weeping in sympathy with others
Offended easily
Fear of being neglected
Wind aggravates
The only remedy that appears in every one of these is Pulsatilla.
The core state of Pulsatilla is to be number one in the lap of the mother (or whomever they need to love them) which also perfectly fits him.
Please obtain Pulsatilla 200c, preferably in Oral Liquid form. If you can only get pillules, you will need to also get a small bottle (15-25ml) with a dropper, and a small amount of alcohol (a spirit like vodka, brandy, whiskey) as you must make your own liquid dose rather than using the dry pillules.
[message edited by Evocationer on Wed, 14 May 2014 02:34:22 BST]
♡ Evocationer last decade
CristinaGoji last decade
You should only give him one dose to begin with, and then usually waiting 7 days to see the result is appropriate.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I have got only Pulsatilla pills, but I will prepare as you have told me. But I have to wait several weeks until I'll give him the remedy, because he have had Psorinum 1M 2 weeks ago. I'll Let you know.
But I remember that he had been prescribed Pulsatilla 200 ch pills earlier and it made him more weeping than usual.
But I remember that he had been prescribed Pulsatilla 200 ch pills earlier and it made him more weeping than usual.
CristinaGoji last decade
How long ago was he prescribed Pulsatilla? Was there any improvement afterwards?
♡ Evocationer last decade
He had received Puls about a year ago. Our doctor have told us to give him every day for a week, then once in a week, for one month, than once in a month. It was an improvement, but after I stopped giving him Puls, he started to wet his bed again.
CristinaGoji last decade
Then it may have been an issue with the potency. It also sounds like he was given too much of it - way too much. Just do the one dose this time in the manner I have suggested and lets see what that does.
Repeating a remedy too often can actually reduce its effectiveness, or even cancel it out. Not using the liquid dose can also reduce its effectiveness, even when the potency is correct. There may have been some management issues with that last homoeopath.
Repeating a remedy too often can actually reduce its effectiveness, or even cancel it out. Not using the liquid dose can also reduce its effectiveness, even when the potency is correct. There may have been some management issues with that last homoeopath.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I gave him drops, the way you suggested 3 days ago. No improvement so far. I also read that intestinal worms can worsen this problem and he has worms. I give him treatment very often, once in 3 months, but they just won't leave.
CristinaGoji last decade
Constantly worming him will be destroying his intestinal flora. That will directly impact on his health and immunity too, so I would suggest not doing that anymore. His tendency to worms can be treated with homoeopathy as well.
Apart from the bedwetting, which usually takes quite a while to clear up, how are the rest of his symptoms/behaviour? 3 days isn't very long though, and I wouldn't normally do an assessment before a week for a chronic case.
Apart from the bedwetting, which usually takes quite a while to clear up, how are the rest of his symptoms/behaviour? 3 days isn't very long though, and I wouldn't normally do an assessment before a week for a chronic case.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi Christina,
Here is a link on the worms. Perhaps, everyone in your home has not been
treated at the same time and this is the reason they keep returning.
Here is a link on the worms. Perhaps, everyone in your home has not been
treated at the same time and this is the reason they keep returning.
♡ simone717 last decade
We all in the house receive treatment for worms at the same time. The treatment we take is 100% natural combined with homeopath treatment. I never gave him chemical treatment. My other 2 children don't have worms so often as he does.
CristinaGoji last decade
About his behavior - first day after he was very moody, but it might be a coincidence. Now he's quite ok. Still afraid of the dark. I'll keep noticing you about his condition during next weeks. Than you for your interest.
CristinaGoji last decade
What is the homeopathic part of the worm treatment-
remedy and potency?
Would be good for Evocationer to know that.
What is the homeopathic part of the worm treatment-
remedy and potency?
Would be good for Evocationer to know that.
♡ simone717 last decade
CristinaGoji last decade
That won't be effective - you cannot give a remedy for a named condition like that and have it work consistently. The symptoms have to be taken and a medicine prescribed on those. In fact, no medicine is actually homoeopathic unless prescribed for the unique and individual symptoms the patient has. Worms in itself is not a symptom for homoeopathic purposes.
In fact giving those medicines in that way could actually make him more prone to get worms.
His underlying predisposition to allow the worms to grow and flourish it what needs to be changed. Hopefully this is what we are already starting to do.
In fact giving those medicines in that way could actually make him more prone to get worms.
His underlying predisposition to allow the worms to grow and flourish it what needs to be changed. Hopefully this is what we are already starting to do.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you for your response. I have read few info regarding homeopathic treatment and was feeling that he needs sort of medicine that will cure his predisposition to have worms. But I don't now which remedy would do this. I did not give him those remedies for worms on my own, but was following prescription of his doctor. So, if I have understood you right, Pulsatilla might have this effect on him also, regarding worms, or there's something else?
CristinaGoji last decade
I'm back with news. He is still wetting bed, not every night, but quite often. And is in a very crying mood. Today he cried a lot and was telling me that he would like to stop, but that he couldn't stop it.
CristinaGoji last decade
Can you please go through all the symptoms you originally provided me, writing either Better, Worse, or the Same. Next to each also place a % to represent how much of a change (if any).
Can you place special emphasis on the symptoms I used to prescribe Pulsatilla.
For the time being, I would also repeat the remedy once only, exactly as before.
Can you place special emphasis on the symptoms I used to prescribe Pulsatilla.
For the time being, I would also repeat the remedy once only, exactly as before.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Fear of being alone in the darkness
I looked over the questions you asked in the beginning and nothing had changed. As for specific symptoms regarding Puls:
Fear of darkness in children - the same
Involuntary urination at night in children - the same
Winter aggravates - the same
Love of animals - the same
Horrible things sad stories affect profoundly - the same
Absent-minded, dreamy - the same
Weeping in sympathy with others - the same
Offended easily - the same
Fear of being neglected - the same
Wind aggravates - the sAME
Yesterday I picked him up from school and he was upset, he couldn't tell me why. Later, he got very angry because when writing, he made a few mistake. Started crying, naming himself stupid, awful. He said he hates to make mistakes. He calmed down only in my arms, while I was rocking him as a baby.
I have read about Phosphorus and he looks a lot like this remedy. Could you please consider reviewing your questions? this is a text that describe exactly my boy's behavior : 'Just as with the element there is a darker side to the personality. Being so open, the Phosphorus type is prone to fears, anxieties and the result of a vivid imagination. There is a great fear of the dark, the supernatural, fire, storms, disease and death. The element Phosphorus is unstable; it rapidly turns into the gaseous form when exposed to air. Likewise, the Phosphorus archetype lacks boundaries on every level. The intense sensitivity to other worlds and the fears are one expression of this lack of personal boundaries.'
Thank you
[message edited by CristinaGoji on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 08:31:14 BST]
I looked over the questions you asked in the beginning and nothing had changed. As for specific symptoms regarding Puls:
Fear of darkness in children - the same
Involuntary urination at night in children - the same
Winter aggravates - the same
Love of animals - the same
Horrible things sad stories affect profoundly - the same
Absent-minded, dreamy - the same
Weeping in sympathy with others - the same
Offended easily - the same
Fear of being neglected - the same
Wind aggravates - the sAME
Yesterday I picked him up from school and he was upset, he couldn't tell me why. Later, he got very angry because when writing, he made a few mistake. Started crying, naming himself stupid, awful. He said he hates to make mistakes. He calmed down only in my arms, while I was rocking him as a baby.
I have read about Phosphorus and he looks a lot like this remedy. Could you please consider reviewing your questions? this is a text that describe exactly my boy's behavior : 'Just as with the element there is a darker side to the personality. Being so open, the Phosphorus type is prone to fears, anxieties and the result of a vivid imagination. There is a great fear of the dark, the supernatural, fire, storms, disease and death. The element Phosphorus is unstable; it rapidly turns into the gaseous form when exposed to air. Likewise, the Phosphorus archetype lacks boundaries on every level. The intense sensitivity to other worlds and the fears are one expression of this lack of personal boundaries.'
Thank you
[message edited by CristinaGoji on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 08:31:14 BST]
CristinaGoji last decade
Can anyone help us for this problem, please? He is just the same. Meanwhile he received also Causticum 15ch before sleep. It worked very well, but after 2 weeks, stopped working on him. What else should we try?
CristinaGoji last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
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