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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Potency increase


I'm currently taking Aurum Metallicum LM6 2 pellets daily (half the regular dose). I'm finding it's quite good, but still not reaching deeply enough and eventually will switch to taking 2 pellets of 10M just once and let it process for 2 weeks. Only question I have is do I need to stop taking LM6 for a period of time before taking the 10M? My plan is to take LM6 until I no longer feel any changes from taking it (I've done this with remedies in the past) and was hoping that I could take the 1 dose of 10M as soon as the LM6 poses no change.

Thanks in advance.
  AleemRDX on 2014-06-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Someone needs to supervise you on this. 10M's
Can last for many, many months.

If the LM 6 is not going Deep enough, then the normal thing
would be to go up to the next LM and continue on with
going up when needed.
simone717 last decade

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