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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hi.i would to ask those who have taken it or know about it.i was using hippofaes oil for years due to health problems.i ma pregnant but i dont want ot take any pills like folic acid and stuff.i am always for the diet and supplements natural or herbal.so i was wondering.could i eat foods rich in folate and get hippofaes oil too?anyone getting it?daily use is 3teaspoon per day but i was thinking maybe half or 1tsp now i am pregnant to avoid getting higher dose...what do you think?if not get the hippofaes can i get a multivitamin thats natural not chemical?i also eat goji and veggies from my garden without chemicals plus meat fish etc...the only problem is that i am gluten/dairy intolerant so i cant eat those.thank you and i am waiting for a response.i just hate pills and worse industrial ones...
  worldsailor_1982 on 2014-07-11
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