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toxocariasis round worms from cats Page 2 of 4
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It is a good sign that you had an immediate response like that. Now we wait to see what comes from it. Usually a week is enough time to do the first assessment.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Great! Thank you, I am just giving information I know that the assessment will not be for another week.
Day one: in the mid afternoon my ring finger in my left hand began to hurt more like the joint, than my legs felt very heavy and my left leg began to hurt my mouth is very dry, and I cried for no reason yesterday. I also went into a second hand store and I got disgusted and left for no reason. Last night the parasites were very active in my legs and liver. I do have a lot of swelling on the left side of the tounge and the inside of my cheeks, ..and I do get hot flashes around my liver and stomach area. I guess all this is good maybe the parasites are putting up a fight, they must know that there time is up and soon they will all be gone. I am a little more calm knowing that there is a beneficial frequency inside my body helping me. I will continue to update you if anything changes. I know I need to wait a week, but I just wanted to keep you informed.
Thank YOU, for all your help.
Day one: in the mid afternoon my ring finger in my left hand began to hurt more like the joint, than my legs felt very heavy and my left leg began to hurt my mouth is very dry, and I cried for no reason yesterday. I also went into a second hand store and I got disgusted and left for no reason. Last night the parasites were very active in my legs and liver. I do have a lot of swelling on the left side of the tounge and the inside of my cheeks, ..and I do get hot flashes around my liver and stomach area. I guess all this is good maybe the parasites are putting up a fight, they must know that there time is up and soon they will all be gone. I am a little more calm knowing that there is a beneficial frequency inside my body helping me. I will continue to update you if anything changes. I know I need to wait a week, but I just wanted to keep you informed.
Thank YOU, for all your help.
idelma last decade
Good afternoon! I wanted to give you more updates .On Wed Sep 17th 2014.
I felt my left arm occupied with a lot of worms inside my muscles I had twitching in my arm, a lot of heat in my liver and stomach ,chills in my gums and up my spine a lot of swelling in my tounge and it was very red. Some sneezing, and a lot of biting in my stomach and liver area .Hot flashes right after I ate in my liver and stomach area, I feel that the roundworms are making progress.
On Thrusday Sep 18th 2014. Same symptoms could not sleep very good at night they are very active at night time.
On Friday Sep 19 2014.
I now feel them a lot inside my breast in the muscles or tissues surrounding my breast I am scared that they are in my heart since it is also a muscle and they have migrated to all the muscles. On Monday it will be 7 days since my first and only dose of Stramonium. I will continue to post my journal to the forum.
I am a little more peaceful than scared now a days, but I am still very concerned when I feel that my liver is going to give up due to so much toxicity from them and also that they are feeding of me specially the ones in the muscles, there is no food there so they must be feeding from my blood. Have a blessed day. Idelma
I felt my left arm occupied with a lot of worms inside my muscles I had twitching in my arm, a lot of heat in my liver and stomach ,chills in my gums and up my spine a lot of swelling in my tounge and it was very red. Some sneezing, and a lot of biting in my stomach and liver area .Hot flashes right after I ate in my liver and stomach area, I feel that the roundworms are making progress.
On Thrusday Sep 18th 2014. Same symptoms could not sleep very good at night they are very active at night time.
On Friday Sep 19 2014.
I now feel them a lot inside my breast in the muscles or tissues surrounding my breast I am scared that they are in my heart since it is also a muscle and they have migrated to all the muscles. On Monday it will be 7 days since my first and only dose of Stramonium. I will continue to post my journal to the forum.
I am a little more peaceful than scared now a days, but I am still very concerned when I feel that my liver is going to give up due to so much toxicity from them and also that they are feeding of me specially the ones in the muscles, there is no food there so they must be feeding from my blood. Have a blessed day. Idelma
idelma last decade
Good Morning! I wanted to give you more updates..
Saturday Sep 20, 2014
a lot of sneezing, terrible taste in the mouth swollen tongue and very red. The emotional charge is less when I think about the worms or when I feel them in my muscles and my stomach when the biting in the liver.
Sunday Sep 21,2014
A lot of itching in the ears
I still continue with the hot flashes in my liver and stomach every time I eat of drink. I feel a little short tempered today, I speak my mind a lot now...I am still sneezing a lot, and I have a runny nose, the worms are still very active specially at night time.. in my legs and arms, when one moves they all respond and move maybe its a form of communication between them..
Monday Sep 22 2014
I have a lot of heat in my liver and stomach I am still sneezing quite a bit I feel them moving in my stomach and my muscles and my tongue is very swollen with bad taste in my mouth.
Today is 7 days since my first dose of Stramonium. I am waiting for further instruction from the Evocationer that is helping me. I thank the Universe for the Evocationer everyday, and for every one that is involved with helping me.
I await for further instruction, Have a blessed day. Idelma
Saturday Sep 20, 2014
a lot of sneezing, terrible taste in the mouth swollen tongue and very red. The emotional charge is less when I think about the worms or when I feel them in my muscles and my stomach when the biting in the liver.
Sunday Sep 21,2014
A lot of itching in the ears
I still continue with the hot flashes in my liver and stomach every time I eat of drink. I feel a little short tempered today, I speak my mind a lot now...I am still sneezing a lot, and I have a runny nose, the worms are still very active specially at night time.. in my legs and arms, when one moves they all respond and move maybe its a form of communication between them..
Monday Sep 22 2014
I have a lot of heat in my liver and stomach I am still sneezing quite a bit I feel them moving in my stomach and my muscles and my tongue is very swollen with bad taste in my mouth.
Today is 7 days since my first dose of Stramonium. I am waiting for further instruction from the Evocationer that is helping me. I thank the Universe for the Evocationer everyday, and for every one that is involved with helping me.
I await for further instruction, Have a blessed day. Idelma
idelma last decade
Hello there!! I don't know what to do next :) please help it has been 7 days since my first dose of my Remedy..
Thank YOU Idelma
Thank YOU Idelma
idelma last decade
Alright we need to do a proper assessment of the results. I will list the symptoms you gave. Next to each one right Better, Worse or Same. If better or worse also write a percentage % to represent how much.
Sensation of being eaten up inside
Fatigue/Depleted feeling
Nasty taste in mouth
Swollen tongue
Film in the mouth
Fear of being choked at night
Feeling the problem has taken over your life
Sadness and guilt
Feeling time is running short
Too anxious to read
Feeling you are being killed
Feeling stuck with no way out
General level of fear
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Anxiety at night
Chill at night
Hot flashes at night
Itching ear at night
Heat in abdomen after eating
No menses
Dislike of cold
Fear of giving husband worms
Aggravation from smell of flowers
Aggravation from perfumes
Aggravation from gasoline
Can you also give me an overall idea of your general sense of well-being, of the effect of the remedy, outside of looking at individual symptoms.
Please also let me know if any symptom new qualities to it, or there are any new symptoms.
Sensation of being eaten up inside
Fatigue/Depleted feeling
Nasty taste in mouth
Swollen tongue
Film in the mouth
Fear of being choked at night
Feeling the problem has taken over your life
Sadness and guilt
Feeling time is running short
Too anxious to read
Feeling you are being killed
Feeling stuck with no way out
General level of fear
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Anxiety at night
Chill at night
Hot flashes at night
Itching ear at night
Heat in abdomen after eating
No menses
Dislike of cold
Fear of giving husband worms
Aggravation from smell of flowers
Aggravation from perfumes
Aggravation from gasoline
Can you also give me an overall idea of your general sense of well-being, of the effect of the remedy, outside of looking at individual symptoms.
Please also let me know if any symptom new qualities to it, or there are any new symptoms.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank YOU!
Sensation of being eaten up inside: Better 25% but I still feel them biting me.
Fatigued Depletion feeling: Better 10%
Nasty taste in the mouth: The same
Nausea: Better 25%
Swollen Tongue: The same
Salivation: The same
Film in the mouth: The same
Fear of being chocked at night: better 25%
Feeling of the problem has taken over my life: Better 25%
Sadness and Guilt: 50% better
Feeling time is running short: Better 25%
Too anxious to read: Better 50% I was able to read a little.
Feeling that I am being killed: Better 50%
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: Better 25%
General level of Fear: Better 25%
Disorganized: the same
Impatience: Better 10%
Judgmental: Better 75%
Question everything I do: Better 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: Better 25%
Anxiety at night: Better 25%
Chills at night and during the day: same
Hot flashes at night: worse more often about 25% more
Itching in the ears anytime : the same
Heat in abdomen and liver: worse more often 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
aggravation from perfumes: the same
aggravation from gasoline: the same.
I feel that my eyes are not so tired and heavy. I am more hopeful knowing that someone understands my symptoms and is helping me. There are no new symptoms. The chills in my gums have intensified they come and go. The biting in the stomach and liver is the same, and the movement in the legs and arms the same I expressed in my updates that I think they communicate via vibration once one moves they all move in synchronicity. I pray this helps you. Thank You
I await for your reply, May you be guided to help me. Idelma
Sensation of being eaten up inside: Better 25% but I still feel them biting me.
Fatigued Depletion feeling: Better 10%
Nasty taste in the mouth: The same
Nausea: Better 25%
Swollen Tongue: The same
Salivation: The same
Film in the mouth: The same
Fear of being chocked at night: better 25%
Feeling of the problem has taken over my life: Better 25%
Sadness and Guilt: 50% better
Feeling time is running short: Better 25%
Too anxious to read: Better 50% I was able to read a little.
Feeling that I am being killed: Better 50%
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: Better 25%
General level of Fear: Better 25%
Disorganized: the same
Impatience: Better 10%
Judgmental: Better 75%
Question everything I do: Better 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: Better 25%
Anxiety at night: Better 25%
Chills at night and during the day: same
Hot flashes at night: worse more often about 25% more
Itching in the ears anytime : the same
Heat in abdomen and liver: worse more often 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
aggravation from perfumes: the same
aggravation from gasoline: the same.
I feel that my eyes are not so tired and heavy. I am more hopeful knowing that someone understands my symptoms and is helping me. There are no new symptoms. The chills in my gums have intensified they come and go. The biting in the stomach and liver is the same, and the movement in the legs and arms the same I expressed in my updates that I think they communicate via vibration once one moves they all move in synchronicity. I pray this helps you. Thank You
I await for your reply, May you be guided to help me. Idelma
idelma last decade
Alright this is a good result from the first dose. Many things are better, some markedly so. Some things are the same, which is to be expected at this stage.
The majority of the improvements are in the mental and emotional sphere, which is also to be expected and is a good sign, as this is the correct direction of cure.
The majority of the symptoms not yet affected are in the physical sphere, and again this is the norm. Normally those symptoms take longer as the change happens higher up/deeper in and flows outwards over time.
I actually want you to wait for awhile longer yet. The remedy should continue to act now, and we need to observe how far that single dose will take you.
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 04:04:14 BST]
The majority of the improvements are in the mental and emotional sphere, which is also to be expected and is a good sign, as this is the correct direction of cure.
The majority of the symptoms not yet affected are in the physical sphere, and again this is the norm. Normally those symptoms take longer as the change happens higher up/deeper in and flows outwards over time.
I actually want you to wait for awhile longer yet. The remedy should continue to act now, and we need to observe how far that single dose will take you.
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 04:04:14 BST]
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank YOU for your reply. I will continue to post updates every other day. Usually in the new moon and the full moon the discomforts get more intense...I trust homeopathy and I trust YOU, Thank YOU for helping me, I honor your place in the Universe. Idelma
idelma last decade
Good Morning, I am posting an update of my journey towards the cure.
Tuesday Sep 23,2014
The physical discomfort is almost unbearable there is itching in the ears my tongue is swollen I feel biting in my stomach & liver area intramuscular movements I feel them in the muscles of my face and chin in my hands and plantar and my legs. Most of my joint hurt, and I feel a lot of heat in the stomach and liver area.
I had a dream: That I was on my way to see a person that needed me as an emergency, and that I got into a car accident and had to take a detour on a long narrow country road and the soil was brown and very narrow, but I could see the sky clear and the surroundings clear but the road was brown and long like a very, very long roundworm. Then I woke up.
( Emotionally I feel less anxious.)
Wed Sep 24th 2014.
I had several bowel movements normal, I still have all the same physical symptoms as on Tuesday, today I have itchy eyes, and I woke up with a runny nose and a I am little tired. I have very a swollen tongue and the bottom of my left side gums are also swollen and I feel chills in my gums.
I had a dream that I lived in a big house that had a very big attic and I was up there looking at all the extra fancy furniture that I had I had about 3 dinning room sets and about 4 leather sofas all very good furniture, and I was telling someone we must give this away there in no reason to have all this collecting dust when someone else can use it lets find a home for all of this. (and then I woke up.)
I am emotionally less anxious but when they begin to move or start to bite I really get very anxious.
Thursday Sep 25th 2014
All the physical symptoms the same I think the heat in my stomach and liver is increasing specially after I eat of drink something. Today I felt a big mass move in my stomach but it is still there, I think it was trying to tell me that it was mad, who knows, this was the first time I felt it move it was solid it just move a tiny bit... and no it was not my stomach digesting anything,:) I know the difference, I have had these things inside of me long enough to know how they feel when then move.:)
I can't remember any dreams today.
I am wondering if the one dosage of the Remedy is still active.
Friday September 26th 2014
All the symptoms the same.. swollen tongue heat in the stomach and liver, I am not sneezing anymore I do not have a runny nose any longer it was just a one day thing. I still feel them all over. I don't remember any dreams..
I am a little anxious today more than yesterday. Today is 11 days since y first dose of Stramonium. I will continue to wait for further instructions from you, Thank You and may the Universe guide you always. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:01:26 BST]
Tuesday Sep 23,2014
The physical discomfort is almost unbearable there is itching in the ears my tongue is swollen I feel biting in my stomach & liver area intramuscular movements I feel them in the muscles of my face and chin in my hands and plantar and my legs. Most of my joint hurt, and I feel a lot of heat in the stomach and liver area.
I had a dream: That I was on my way to see a person that needed me as an emergency, and that I got into a car accident and had to take a detour on a long narrow country road and the soil was brown and very narrow, but I could see the sky clear and the surroundings clear but the road was brown and long like a very, very long roundworm. Then I woke up.
( Emotionally I feel less anxious.)
Wed Sep 24th 2014.
I had several bowel movements normal, I still have all the same physical symptoms as on Tuesday, today I have itchy eyes, and I woke up with a runny nose and a I am little tired. I have very a swollen tongue and the bottom of my left side gums are also swollen and I feel chills in my gums.
I had a dream that I lived in a big house that had a very big attic and I was up there looking at all the extra fancy furniture that I had I had about 3 dinning room sets and about 4 leather sofas all very good furniture, and I was telling someone we must give this away there in no reason to have all this collecting dust when someone else can use it lets find a home for all of this. (and then I woke up.)
I am emotionally less anxious but when they begin to move or start to bite I really get very anxious.
Thursday Sep 25th 2014
All the physical symptoms the same I think the heat in my stomach and liver is increasing specially after I eat of drink something. Today I felt a big mass move in my stomach but it is still there, I think it was trying to tell me that it was mad, who knows, this was the first time I felt it move it was solid it just move a tiny bit... and no it was not my stomach digesting anything,:) I know the difference, I have had these things inside of me long enough to know how they feel when then move.:)
I can't remember any dreams today.
I am wondering if the one dosage of the Remedy is still active.
Friday September 26th 2014
All the symptoms the same.. swollen tongue heat in the stomach and liver, I am not sneezing anymore I do not have a runny nose any longer it was just a one day thing. I still feel them all over. I don't remember any dreams..
I am a little anxious today more than yesterday. Today is 11 days since y first dose of Stramonium. I will continue to wait for further instructions from you, Thank You and may the Universe guide you always. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:01:26 BST]
idelma last decade
Good afternoon Dr .I wish you well..
Here is my update for Saturday Sep 27th 2014
I feel very tired and my body feels weak with toxins I did not sleep good last night my tongue is very swollen all over ,I have to put pieces of ice in my mouth to bring the swelling down it is very red and it burns. I am thinking a lot about the parasites multiplying again in my body, I think that my joints hurt because they are eating and defecating inside my body faster than I can get rid of the toxicity. I have all the same symptoms and my stomach and liver are very hot, my tongue is so swollen that it is hard to talk at times, the parasites are very active not only at night at any time now a days. When I think about the worms the emotional charge is not there as much, but I think about them multiplying at a faster rate I guess because I feel them all over my muscles its a twitching movement in my arms legs face etc. My eyes are also tired and heavy again.
I was wondering if I can take some clay at night to help get rid of some toxins?
I don't want to do anything to interfere with the Remedy, this is why I am asking you because I don't know...and I respect your work.
Thank you Dr. and may the Universe Bless YOU. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:29:14 BST]
Here is my update for Saturday Sep 27th 2014
I feel very tired and my body feels weak with toxins I did not sleep good last night my tongue is very swollen all over ,I have to put pieces of ice in my mouth to bring the swelling down it is very red and it burns. I am thinking a lot about the parasites multiplying again in my body, I think that my joints hurt because they are eating and defecating inside my body faster than I can get rid of the toxicity. I have all the same symptoms and my stomach and liver are very hot, my tongue is so swollen that it is hard to talk at times, the parasites are very active not only at night at any time now a days. When I think about the worms the emotional charge is not there as much, but I think about them multiplying at a faster rate I guess because I feel them all over my muscles its a twitching movement in my arms legs face etc. My eyes are also tired and heavy again.
I was wondering if I can take some clay at night to help get rid of some toxins?
I don't want to do anything to interfere with the Remedy, this is why I am asking you because I don't know...and I respect your work.
Thank you Dr. and may the Universe Bless YOU. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:29:14 BST]
idelma last decade
Good afternoon Dr.
I am Hoping that all is well with you.
Here is my update for Sunday September 28, 2014.
All physical symptoms the same there is very much activity with the worms I feel them all the time. Tomorrow Monday it will be 14 days since my first dose of the Stramonium Remedy. I await for further instructions from you.
I am wondering if next time I take it I would need to make a new batch or can I use the remainder diluted formula that its in a separate container. Thank YOU, Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:02:10 BST]
I am Hoping that all is well with you.
Here is my update for Sunday September 28, 2014.
All physical symptoms the same there is very much activity with the worms I feel them all the time. Tomorrow Monday it will be 14 days since my first dose of the Stramonium Remedy. I await for further instructions from you.
I am wondering if next time I take it I would need to make a new batch or can I use the remainder diluted formula that its in a separate container. Thank YOU, Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:02:10 BST]
idelma last decade
All symptoms are the same? Many things had improved - have you relapsed all the way back to the way you were before the remedy?
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hello Dr.
I am getting fearful again,(I do not have the same emotional charge that I had before).. I have not had the dreams but I get very anxious when the parasites move. The physical symptom have not improved I do understand that the physical well being comes later. Thank YOU. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:16:33 BST]
I am getting fearful again,(I do not have the same emotional charge that I had before).. I have not had the dreams but I get very anxious when the parasites move. The physical symptom have not improved I do understand that the physical well being comes later. Thank YOU. Idelma
[message edited by idelma on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:16:33 BST]
idelma last decade
Use the list I provided to give me an idea of how much is symptom is better or worse. The percentage you provide should be compared to how you were before the remedy.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thank you Dr.
I will give you the answers from our first assessment, and now.
Sensation of being eaten up inside: Better 25%
Now is Better only 10% it got worst.
Fatigued Depletion feeling: Better 10%
Now 10% the same as above
Nasty taste in the mouth: the same
Now worst
Nausea: Better 25%
Now the same as above
Swollen tongue: The same
Now worst
Salivation: the same
Now the same
Film in the mouth: The same
Now the same
Fear of being chocked at night: Better 25%
Now the same 25%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: Better 25%
Now worst 10%
Sadness and Guilt: Better 50%
Now the same as above
Feeling that time is running short: Better 25%
Now worst 10%
Too anxious to read: Better 50%
Now same as above
Feeling that I am being killed: Better 50%
Now worst only better by 10%
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: Better 25%
Now worst about 10%
General level of fear: Better 25%
the same as above
Disorganized: the same
Now the same
Impatient: Better 10%
Now the same as above
Judgmental: Better 75%
Now the same
Question everything I do Better by 50%
Now the same
Dream of being attacked or in danger Better 25%
Now better 50%
Anxiety at night: better 25%
Now worst 10%
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Now worst by 25%
Hot flashes at night worst more often about 25% more.
Now the same
Itching in the ears anytime:
The same
Now worst by 25%
Heat in the abdomen and liver worst more often 25%
Now the same
No menses: the same
Now the same
Dislike cold : the same
Now the same
Fear of giving husband worms:
The same
Now the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Now the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Now the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
Now the same.
I pray that this information will help you. I wait for further instructions.
Sending blessing to YOU.
I will give you the answers from our first assessment, and now.
Sensation of being eaten up inside: Better 25%
Now is Better only 10% it got worst.
Fatigued Depletion feeling: Better 10%
Now 10% the same as above
Nasty taste in the mouth: the same
Now worst
Nausea: Better 25%
Now the same as above
Swollen tongue: The same
Now worst
Salivation: the same
Now the same
Film in the mouth: The same
Now the same
Fear of being chocked at night: Better 25%
Now the same 25%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: Better 25%
Now worst 10%
Sadness and Guilt: Better 50%
Now the same as above
Feeling that time is running short: Better 25%
Now worst 10%
Too anxious to read: Better 50%
Now same as above
Feeling that I am being killed: Better 50%
Now worst only better by 10%
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: Better 25%
Now worst about 10%
General level of fear: Better 25%
the same as above
Disorganized: the same
Now the same
Impatient: Better 10%
Now the same as above
Judgmental: Better 75%
Now the same
Question everything I do Better by 50%
Now the same
Dream of being attacked or in danger Better 25%
Now better 50%
Anxiety at night: better 25%
Now worst 10%
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Now worst by 25%
Hot flashes at night worst more often about 25% more.
Now the same
Itching in the ears anytime:
The same
Now worst by 25%
Heat in the abdomen and liver worst more often 25%
Now the same
No menses: the same
Now the same
Dislike cold : the same
Now the same
Fear of giving husband worms:
The same
Now the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Now the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Now the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
Now the same.
I pray that this information will help you. I wait for further instructions.
Sending blessing to YOU.
idelma last decade
Ok there are definite signs of relapse. It is not total, and some symptoms have not relapsed. It is clear you need to redoes, which you should do right away. Please repeat one dose exactly as before.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Should I start from the beginning diluting the remedy, or use the rest of the diluted formula that I have left? or should I throw away the rest of the diluted formula???
Thank YOU idelma
Should I start from the beginning diluting the remedy, or use the rest of the diluted formula that I have left? or should I throw away the rest of the diluted formula???
Thank YOU idelma
idelma last decade
Always start from the first step - Hitting the bottle. You must use fresh water to place the drops into each time. The last cup of water will no longer have any ability to affect you - it will just be water now.
It is only the dosing bottle of liquid you need to keep.
It is only the dosing bottle of liquid you need to keep.
♡ Evocationer last decade
idelma last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
Finally, I know your name :)a qualified homeopath is better than western Dr. any time any day, western Drs. only treat symptoms and not the root cause. I don't use them, my son has never been vaccinated :)and I gave birth with a midwife that used homeopathic remedies for my labor pains. :)
Thank YOU David!!
Thank YOU David!!
idelma last decade
Good Evening David!
I took the remedy today in the morning at 5:30 am and went right back to sleep.
When I woke up a couple of hours later all my physical symptoms of course were doubled but I know from you that it is a good thing.
I will post my daily journal in a few days.
I had one question, can I take Bentonite Clay at night to help out with the toxins????
If you don't want me to is fine, I don't want any interference with the Remedy.
I want to do exactly what you recommend I want to heal.
Thank YOU! Idelma
I took the remedy today in the morning at 5:30 am and went right back to sleep.
When I woke up a couple of hours later all my physical symptoms of course were doubled but I know from you that it is a good thing.
I will post my daily journal in a few days.
I had one question, can I take Bentonite Clay at night to help out with the toxins????
If you don't want me to is fine, I don't want any interference with the Remedy.
I want to do exactly what you recommend I want to heal.
Thank YOU! Idelma
idelma last decade
I would rather you didn't start any other new treatments, so we can assess the pure reaction to Stramonium without becoming confused about which treatment is doing what.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Very good, I understand your point and I will do exactly what you tell me.
Thank YOU David.
Good night.
Thank YOU David.
Good night.
idelma last decade
Good Evening David! I hope you are doing well.
I wanted to give you an update on my journey, today is 7 days from my last dose of Stramonium, my mind is a little calmer ,however my physical symptoms are off the chart, specially since we have a full moon and a lunar eclipse on Libra and I am a Libra, the parasites are extremely active, the eggs hatch in the full moon..I think that the remedy only really last me about 7 days and then my body feels very toxic my mind reacts with panic. I await for further instructions from you. Blessings, Idelma
I wanted to give you an update on my journey, today is 7 days from my last dose of Stramonium, my mind is a little calmer ,however my physical symptoms are off the chart, specially since we have a full moon and a lunar eclipse on Libra and I am a Libra, the parasites are extremely active, the eggs hatch in the full moon..I think that the remedy only really last me about 7 days and then my body feels very toxic my mind reacts with panic. I await for further instructions from you. Blessings, Idelma
idelma last decade
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