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toxocariasis round worms from cats Page 4 of 4
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Ok let me have a look at this ....
Some significant improvements on the mental/emotional level which is good.
Some worsening in various symptoms but mostly physical.
Some symptoms are unchanged - again mostly physical.
There does seem to be a definite improvement. It may be that the full moon, being a trigger, is aggravating the condition again. I would repeat the remedy to see if we can counter that stimulating force.
Some significant improvements on the mental/emotional level which is good.
Some worsening in various symptoms but mostly physical.
Some symptoms are unchanged - again mostly physical.
There does seem to be a definite improvement. It may be that the full moon, being a trigger, is aggravating the condition again. I would repeat the remedy to see if we can counter that stimulating force.
♡ Evocationer last decade
OK David tomorrow morning I will be on empty stomach or in the middle of the night since I am not sleeping, I will take ONE dose again. Yes on the mental and emotional level I am more clear than I have been in years!!! :)Thanks to YOU!!
These animals have got to go I am in charge of my body NOT them :)
I will keep you posted tomorrow evening. It seems that the new moon and the full moon are my worst time for me.
Blessings to you David!
These animals have got to go I am in charge of my body NOT them :)
I will keep you posted tomorrow evening. It seems that the new moon and the full moon are my worst time for me.
Blessings to you David!
idelma last decade
The goal in homoeopathy is to strengthen you, your spirit, your life force, which then on its own will evict these unwelcome squatters. That is why I want to continue with the Stramonium for the time being.
♡ Evocationer last decade
David thank YOU! I have always followed to the letter the professional protocol that you have made so gracefully
for me, and I will do exactly what you tell me, I respect you and your work and I totally understand where you are coming from, this is why I ask so many questions to make sure that I do not do anything that interfere with my healing. I trust your divine gift, Thank YOU again.
for me, and I will do exactly what you tell me, I respect you and your work and I totally understand where you are coming from, this is why I ask so many questions to make sure that I do not do anything that interfere with my healing. I trust your divine gift, Thank YOU again.
idelma last decade
Good evening David!
I hope all is well with you.
I took the Remedy early in the morning around 4 am since I am not sleeping due to so much activity with the worms, they are all over in my arms back, legs, liver stomach and my gluteus etc...
well I took the Remedy and right away the symptoms multiplied as expected I woke up all the worms and their families ....
Now on the emotional side this is the very first time that I was off the chain so fast, I am glad that I was home alone, because I got very emotional and very angry at different choices that I had made, and all the positions that I had put myself in, I became very mad that I had given my power away in so many ways,in the past..well I am emotionally better now so will see, I have noticed that the Remedy brings emotions out that are deep rooted.
wow what a rude awakening!!
It was a challenge to accept responsibly for those choices.. . I am now learning to put myself first and not hurt myself trying to help others because I have always ignored me and how I feel, just to please others and at the end I feel unappreciated, and taken advance of ..but I did to myself all the time.
Now I think first, I ask myself is this decision going to hurt me at the end.
I guess at 52 is not too late to learn.:)
Well in the physical aspect nothing has changed I still feel all the symptoms nothing has minimized yet...
I thought I let you know what happed today. Thank YOU David for being my ANGEL.
I hope all is well with you.
I took the Remedy early in the morning around 4 am since I am not sleeping due to so much activity with the worms, they are all over in my arms back, legs, liver stomach and my gluteus etc...
well I took the Remedy and right away the symptoms multiplied as expected I woke up all the worms and their families ....
Now on the emotional side this is the very first time that I was off the chain so fast, I am glad that I was home alone, because I got very emotional and very angry at different choices that I had made, and all the positions that I had put myself in, I became very mad that I had given my power away in so many ways,in the past..well I am emotionally better now so will see, I have noticed that the Remedy brings emotions out that are deep rooted.
wow what a rude awakening!!
It was a challenge to accept responsibly for those choices.. . I am now learning to put myself first and not hurt myself trying to help others because I have always ignored me and how I feel, just to please others and at the end I feel unappreciated, and taken advance of ..but I did to myself all the time.
Now I think first, I ask myself is this decision going to hurt me at the end.
I guess at 52 is not too late to learn.:)
Well in the physical aspect nothing has changed I still feel all the symptoms nothing has minimized yet...
I thought I let you know what happed today. Thank YOU David for being my ANGEL.
idelma last decade
Hello David!!! Wishing you always the very best.
It has now been 8 days since my Second dosage of the Remedy and I really do not feel any improvement on the physical aspect of my body my stomach is very swollen and so is my liver and I feel them in my muscles all the time again I am not sleeping they are super active I feel like a bunch of new ones were hatched ..I will give you the information again:
From the beginning:
Fatigued and depletion: the same
Nasty taste in the mouth: worse 10%
Nausea: the same
Swollen tongue: the same
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth : the same
Fear of being chocked at night: worse 10%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: worse 25
Sadness and guilt: the same( I am mad now)
Feeling that time is running short: worse by 25%
Too anxious to read: worse 10%
Feeling that I am being killed: worse 10%
Feeling of being stuck: worse 10%
General lever of fear: worse 10% I fear that they are in my heart
Disorganized: better 25%
Impatient better 50%
Judgmental better: 50%
Question everything I do: better 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: the same(I had a dream that a worm swallowed me)
Anxiety at night: worse 10%
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Hot flashes at night worse 25%
Itching in the ears any time: the same
Heat in the abdomen and liver: worse 50% I feel that a belt is tightening my stomach area at times.
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from flowers: the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
David I am a vegetarian and I do not eat dairy not even eggs so I really don't know what these worms are eating to multiply so fast, I weigh 101 lb. I feel my organs very heavy inside there must be big nest in them...there is also very much heat under both of my arms...
I hope this information helps you, thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:33:47 GMT]
It has now been 8 days since my Second dosage of the Remedy and I really do not feel any improvement on the physical aspect of my body my stomach is very swollen and so is my liver and I feel them in my muscles all the time again I am not sleeping they are super active I feel like a bunch of new ones were hatched ..I will give you the information again:
From the beginning:
Fatigued and depletion: the same
Nasty taste in the mouth: worse 10%
Nausea: the same
Swollen tongue: the same
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth : the same
Fear of being chocked at night: worse 10%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: worse 25
Sadness and guilt: the same( I am mad now)
Feeling that time is running short: worse by 25%
Too anxious to read: worse 10%
Feeling that I am being killed: worse 10%
Feeling of being stuck: worse 10%
General lever of fear: worse 10% I fear that they are in my heart
Disorganized: better 25%
Impatient better 50%
Judgmental better: 50%
Question everything I do: better 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: the same(I had a dream that a worm swallowed me)
Anxiety at night: worse 10%
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Hot flashes at night worse 25%
Itching in the ears any time: the same
Heat in the abdomen and liver: worse 50% I feel that a belt is tightening my stomach area at times.
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from flowers: the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
David I am a vegetarian and I do not eat dairy not even eggs so I really don't know what these worms are eating to multiply so fast, I weigh 101 lb. I feel my organs very heavy inside there must be big nest in them...there is also very much heat under both of my arms...
I hope this information helps you, thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:33:47 GMT]
idelma last decade
Hi David!!
I hope you are well, I don't know if you got a chance to read my post from Nov 16th?
Thank YOU Idelma
I hope you are well, I don't know if you got a chance to read my post from Nov 16th?
Thank YOU Idelma
idelma last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
Alright, the Stramonium seems to have mainly had an effect on the mental/emotional levels, but not so much on the physical. So either the potency is too high, or the remedy is not quite right.
Our choices would be to move down to Stramonium LM1, or to change remedies. Since you would be ordering a remedy anyway, you could do both.
The only problem will be that one of the other remedies I want to try is Cocain - which is, as you could guess, the remedy we make from Cocaine, and this may be illegal for you to obtain.
I actually have this remedy myself so I can prescribe it, but I understand that many of the drug remedies can be quite hard to get. However, I am pretty sure Helios Pharmacy still sells it.
The second 'other' remedy is Bovista.
Is it too much to ask you to get all 3 remedies? I don't know what your financial situation is.
So the order would be:
Stramonium LM1 (0/1)
Bovista 30c
Cocain 30c
Our choices would be to move down to Stramonium LM1, or to change remedies. Since you would be ordering a remedy anyway, you could do both.
The only problem will be that one of the other remedies I want to try is Cocain - which is, as you could guess, the remedy we make from Cocaine, and this may be illegal for you to obtain.
I actually have this remedy myself so I can prescribe it, but I understand that many of the drug remedies can be quite hard to get. However, I am pretty sure Helios Pharmacy still sells it.
The second 'other' remedy is Bovista.
Is it too much to ask you to get all 3 remedies? I don't know what your financial situation is.
So the order would be:
Stramonium LM1 (0/1)
Bovista 30c
Cocain 30c
♡ Evocationer last decade
wow :(.....
I live in Florida in the USA and I am unable to buy the cocaine remedy here, and also I cannot buy the Stramonium L M 1 it is unavailable for me ...I can only find the
Bovista 30C..
How ever I have a friend from Peru that she may have coca leave tea at her house would that work??
would the Bovista also work on roundworms as well as tapeworms?
I know that you want my body to be strong so it expels the worms on its own, but it was just a question :)
Also my husband is the only one working since I have been so sick I am unable to work so the finances are a little challenging right now.(I could not have been able to get all 3 Remedies even if they were available to me)
I can buy the Bovista..Please let me know what you want me to do.
Thank YOU
I don't know what to do
I live in Florida in the USA and I am unable to buy the cocaine remedy here, and also I cannot buy the Stramonium L M 1 it is unavailable for me ...I can only find the
Bovista 30C..
How ever I have a friend from Peru that she may have coca leave tea at her house would that work??
would the Bovista also work on roundworms as well as tapeworms?
I know that you want my body to be strong so it expels the worms on its own, but it was just a question :)
Also my husband is the only one working since I have been so sick I am unable to work so the finances are a little challenging right now.(I could not have been able to get all 3 Remedies even if they were available to me)
I can buy the Bovista..Please let me know what you want me to do.
Thank YOU
I don't know what to do
idelma last decade
Don't use coca leaves, the raw substance isn't the same as the remedy Cocain at all. That is a shame.
But I actually feel better about the Bovista anyway. Get that one instead.
But I actually feel better about the Bovista anyway. Get that one instead.
♡ Evocationer last decade
very well I will order it tomorrow...
should I take it in the exact form as I have been doing the Stramonium?
The remedy will take 2 weeks to arrive what should I do in the mean time?
I agree with you it is a shame that we are so restricted here but vaccines, antibiotics, Mercury and GMO's are FREE. what an IRONY?!! !
Thank YOU
should I take it in the exact form as I have been doing the Stramonium?
The remedy will take 2 weeks to arrive what should I do in the mean time?
I agree with you it is a shame that we are so restricted here but vaccines, antibiotics, Mercury and GMO's are FREE. what an IRONY?!! !
Thank YOU
idelma last decade
Hello David!
I just ordered the Bovista 30 C in a liquid form, I will keep you posted as soon as it arrives. Thank YOU again for taking the time to help me, I am sooooo grateful, may everything that is divine guide you always.
I just ordered the Bovista 30 C in a liquid form, I will keep you posted as soon as it arrives. Thank YOU again for taking the time to help me, I am sooooo grateful, may everything that is divine guide you always.
idelma last decade
Hello David!
Wishing you well always.
I just got the Remedy Bovista 30C in a liquid form.
How do I take this new Remedy?
Thank YOU Idelma
Wishing you well always.
I just got the Remedy Bovista 30C in a liquid form.
How do I take this new Remedy?
Thank YOU Idelma
idelma last decade
HI David!!!
Please let me know how to take the Remedy Bovista 30C I got it in liquid form. Its the new moon again and the inflammation is out of control.... Thanks
Please let me know how to take the Remedy Bovista 30C I got it in liquid form. Its the new moon again and the inflammation is out of control.... Thanks
idelma last decade
Hi David, I hope you are well,
I have been asking since Nov 19th how to take the Bovista 30C in liquid form and I have not received and answer I hope that you are just very busy and doing well :) anyways I took it today in the same form of the other Remedy. I just need to know how often I should take it. Thank YOU,
blessings Idelma
I have been asking since Nov 19th how to take the Bovista 30C in liquid form and I have not received and answer I hope that you are just very busy and doing well :) anyways I took it today in the same form of the other Remedy. I just need to know how often I should take it. Thank YOU,
blessings Idelma
idelma last decade
Take it exactly as previous remedies, but take 3 doses - one each day.
That is 3 doses only. STOP if your symptoms worsen noticeably on any dose.
That is 3 doses only. STOP if your symptoms worsen noticeably on any dose.
♡ Evocationer last decade
So I took it today,(one X one dose)
I will take it tomorrow (one x one dose)
and I will take it again the day after tomorrow (one x one dose)
That's a total of 3 doses in 3 days.
and I will repot back to you on Monday.
Thank YOU sorry for all the questions I don't want to mess up :?
So I took it today,(one X one dose)
I will take it tomorrow (one x one dose)
and I will take it again the day after tomorrow (one x one dose)
That's a total of 3 doses in 3 days.
and I will repot back to you on Monday.
Thank YOU sorry for all the questions I don't want to mess up :?
idelma last decade
No no, ask questions. I think people mess up more when they misunderstand me and go off to do the wrong thing :)
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi David! I hope you are doing great.
I wanted to give you an update:
I took the New Remedy Bovista for 3 days on Nov 26,27,and 28th..
I did not really have a reaction maybe just a very light headache...(nothing major)
I don't feel the worms so much in my muscles they have calm down a bit, but all the other symptoms are the same, in my stomach and the
swelling of the mouth nothing has changed there and yes they are biting. I do have a lot of the heat flashes and the chills in the liver stomach area and in the Intestinal area approximate 20 minutes after I eat..also the chills in my gums.....
Please let me know what is the next step.
I await for further instructions for YOU.
Thank YOU David!
Be blessed.
I wanted to give you an update:
I took the New Remedy Bovista for 3 days on Nov 26,27,and 28th..
I did not really have a reaction maybe just a very light headache...(nothing major)
I don't feel the worms so much in my muscles they have calm down a bit, but all the other symptoms are the same, in my stomach and the
swelling of the mouth nothing has changed there and yes they are biting. I do have a lot of the heat flashes and the chills in the liver stomach area and in the Intestinal area approximate 20 minutes after I eat..also the chills in my gums.....
Please let me know what is the next step.
I await for further instructions for YOU.
Thank YOU David!
Be blessed.
idelma last decade
Hi David, wishing you well.
I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, if not a Happy and healthy Holiday.
Well it has now been 21 days since my last dosage of Bovista I took it on Nov 25,26,and 27th. I feel the same no change. With the full moon and the new moon.. ohhh my goodness they really hatched, and the older ones got bigger I feel that they move within a ball they make a cyst to protect themselves, and the ones in the muscles well they have free range of my body :(
my symptoms are as follows:
from the beginning.
sensation that I am being eaten up inside: the same they are active and biting a lot.
Fatigued and depletion feeling: 10% better
Nausea: the same
swollen tongue: the same
salivation: the same
film in the mouth: the same
Fear of being chocked at night: better 10%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: the same (it has)
Sadness and guilt: better 50%
Feeling that time is running short: the same ( I don't see and end to this)
Too anxious to read: the same
its hard for me to concentrate
Feeling that time is running out: the same
Feeling that I am being killed: the same ( I feel they are digesting my insides.
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: the same
General level of fear; the same
Disorganized: 10% better
impatient: 10% better
Judgmental: 50% better
question everything I do: 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: no dreams better
Anxiety at night: worse I am not sleeping very much
chills and night and during the day: worse usually 20 minutes after a meal 20% worse
Hot flashes anytime day or night worse after a meal 20% worse
itching in the ears: better 10%
heat in the abdomen and liver worse after a meal 20% worse
no menses: the same
dislike cold: the same ( I just don't like cold weather) :)
fear of giving husband worms: the same
aggravation from perfumes : the same
aggravation from gasoline: the same
I hope this helps you, David.
Blessings to you.
I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, if not a Happy and healthy Holiday.
Well it has now been 21 days since my last dosage of Bovista I took it on Nov 25,26,and 27th. I feel the same no change. With the full moon and the new moon.. ohhh my goodness they really hatched, and the older ones got bigger I feel that they move within a ball they make a cyst to protect themselves, and the ones in the muscles well they have free range of my body :(
my symptoms are as follows:
from the beginning.
sensation that I am being eaten up inside: the same they are active and biting a lot.
Fatigued and depletion feeling: 10% better
Nausea: the same
swollen tongue: the same
salivation: the same
film in the mouth: the same
Fear of being chocked at night: better 10%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: the same (it has)
Sadness and guilt: better 50%
Feeling that time is running short: the same ( I don't see and end to this)
Too anxious to read: the same
its hard for me to concentrate
Feeling that time is running out: the same
Feeling that I am being killed: the same ( I feel they are digesting my insides.
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: the same
General level of fear; the same
Disorganized: 10% better
impatient: 10% better
Judgmental: 50% better
question everything I do: 50%
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: no dreams better
Anxiety at night: worse I am not sleeping very much
chills and night and during the day: worse usually 20 minutes after a meal 20% worse
Hot flashes anytime day or night worse after a meal 20% worse
itching in the ears: better 10%
heat in the abdomen and liver worse after a meal 20% worse
no menses: the same
dislike cold: the same ( I just don't like cold weather) :)
fear of giving husband worms: the same
aggravation from perfumes : the same
aggravation from gasoline: the same
I hope this helps you, David.
Blessings to you.
idelma last decade
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